
  • 网络Gram staining microscopic examination
  1. 结果HE染色镜检发现脊髓组织病理学改变A组明显轻于B组。

    Results The histopathologic changes in spinal cord tissues in group B was worse than that in group A.

  2. 对84例阴道炎患者和153例非阴道炎妇女的阴道分泌物,进行了pH测定,涂片革兰染色镜检;

    After pH inspection and microscope examination of Gram-stained smear to the vaginal secretions taken from 84 patients with vaginitis and 153 women without vaginitis .

  3. 抗酸染色镜检在肠结核的阳性率仅为20%,而在CD中无一例检出。

    The positive rate of Acid-fast bacillus test is only 20 % in TB patients , but in CD patients , none was tested .

  4. 经染色镜检、生化试验、PCR检测、血清型检测和药敏试验,鉴定该菌为猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌1型。

    The bacteria were confirmed be 1 serotype of APP by microscopic examination , biochemical assay , drug sensitivity test , PCR and serological identification .

  5. 方法对38例肠结核和30例CD活检组织进行病理分析、抗酸染色镜检和PCR技术检测结核杆菌DNA。

    Methods 38 specimens of intestinal TB and 30 specimens of CD from endoscopic biopsies were subjected to pathological analysis , Ziehl Neelsen staining and PCR assay , retrospectively .

  6. 阳性者萋&尼抗酸染色镜检后,接种PNB和TCH培养基进行菌种鉴定。

    Positive luxuriant-Nepal , after acid-fast staining , PNB and TCH medium inoculated with strain identification .

  7. 从112头病、死猪中分离出71株猪链球菌疑似菌株,经革兰染色镜检、生化反应和特异性诊断血清的玻片凝集,均鉴定为II型猪链球菌。

    From 112 ill or dead pigs , 71 suspicious strains of Streptococcus suis were isolated . These strains were identified as Streptococcus suis type II based on the results of Gram staining and microscopy , and slide agglutination test with specific diagnostic antiserum .

  8. 针对目前Chediak-Higashi综合征(CHS)细胞形态学描述的现状及造成CHS漏检或误诊的原因,强调应重视外周血涂片染色镜检。

    Based on the current situation of cell morphology of Chediak-Higashi syndrome ( CHS ) and the reasons for missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis of CHS , the microscopic examination on peripheral blood smear should be emphasized .

  9. DAPI荧光染色镜检结果表明,这种已表现出丛枝的试管苗的根、茎、叶柄的韧皮部筛管,以及已具维管束分化的愈伤组织的筛管部位发出很强的MLO特异荧光。

    After the tissues from the root , shoot , petiole and callus of witches ' broom plants in vitro were dyed with DAPI , fluorescence microscopy showed that strong MLO specific fluorescence emitted from the sieve tubes of these tissues .

  10. 苏木精-伊红染色镜检观察肝组织病改变。

    After hematoxylin ? eosin staining , the pathological changes in liver tissue were observed by microscope .

  11. 方法:对中段尿作细菌定量培养,同时行尿常规亚硝酸盐测定和尿染色镜检细菌。

    Methods Mid-stream urine underwent bacterial quantitative culture and urine routine tests by nitrite determination and staining microscopy .

  12. 提取不同代次的质粒,扫描电镜观察,检测融合蛋白表达水平,并进行工程菌的染色镜检及生化鉴定。

    Determine the expression level of fusion protein and test for the biochemical property of the recombinant strain .

  13. 治疗结束后,取肿瘤组织及裸鼠心、肝、肾组织,制作石蜡切片,HE染色镜检。

    After the treatment was finished , make paraffin sections for tissues of tumor , heart , liver and kidney . 4 .

  14. 传统的诊断方法主要有血液涂片染色镜检和直接血液压滴镜检;

    Traditional methods of final diagnosis principal have : blood smear , staining by microscopic examination and microscopic examination directly in morphology diagnosis .

  15. 囊尾蚴活体观察可见头节上4个吸盘和活动的顶突。压片染色镜检,头节有4个吸盘和顶突,顶突周围发现不完整的两圈点状结构。

    There were 4 suckers and a moveable rostellum on the scolex , moreover , two cycles of granular structure were found in seven scolex .

  16. 方法对住院的神经系统疾病患者用玻片离心沉淀法收集脑脊液细胞,染色镜检,依据临床表现结合相关文献分析。

    Methods Cells in cerebrospinal fluid were obtained by slide centrifuge and the clinical significance of BG was analysed with clinical data and related references .

  17. 方法从病、死猪中分离猪链球菌疑似菌株,采用革兰染色镜检、生化反应和特异性诊断血清玻片凝集等方法,鉴定菌株并进行药物敏感试验。

    These strains were identified as Streptococcus suis type ⅱ bated on the results of Gram staining and microscopy , and slide agglutination test with specific diagnostic antiserum .

  18. 采用选择性哥伦比亚血琼脂为分离培养基,通过革兰染色镜检、尿素酶试验和氧化酶试验对分离的幽门螺杆菌进行鉴定。

    Columbia blood agar was used as selective medium to isolate H. pylori . Gram-staining microscopy , urease test and Oxidase test were applied to identify the isolated bacteria .

  19. 方法:选取30例肠结核和25例克罗恩病,分别比较二者的临床表现及并发症、内镜下表现、病理表现,同时进行抗酸染色镜检。

    Methods : 30 TB patients and 25 CD patients were taken into study . The clinical presentation , endoscopy feature , histologic features and Acid-fast bacillus appearance were compared .

  20. 方法将160例仪器提示异常参数的标本和112例无异常提示的标本作血涂片,经瑞特-姬姆萨染色镜检后比较结果。

    Methods 160 samples with abnormal parameter hinted by the analyzer and 112 samples without hinted abnormal parameter were tested comparative with microscopic examination of blood smears after Wright 's staining .

  21. 菌落形态观察具有典型的乳酸菌特征,革兰氏染色镜检显示阳性,生理生化特性研究初步确定菌株属于乳酸杆菌。

    Colony morphology observation showed typical characteristics of lactic acid bacteria ; result of Gram staining experiment was positive ; physical and chemical properties research proved this strain was initially identified belonging to Lactobacillus .

  22. 同时,还根据临床症状、剖检病变,并结合病料涂片染色镜检、家兔接种、弓浆虫分离等实验室方法进行弓浆虫病的综合诊断。

    At the same time , according to the clinical symptom and the pathological changes of dissect , combined with the laboratory methods of the stained smears and microscopic examination , the inoculation of rabbit and isolation of Toxoplasma gondii , the integrative diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis was also carried out .

  23. 肿瘤组织行常规病理H-E染色并镜检。

    H-E staining was used to examine pathology of the tumor tissues .

  24. 结论当血液分析仪检测白细胞分类MO为10%以上时,均应作瑞特染色人工镜检复查,以防止异型淋巴细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、幼稚细胞等病理性细胞漏检。

    Conclusions It should make the microscopic examination when the level of MO cell is over 10 % by hematology analyzer , in order to detect the abnormal cell such as atypical lymphocyte , eosinophil cell , immature cell etc.

  25. 方法:应用抗血小板膜糖蛋白ⅡbⅢa(CD41a)单克隆抗体对238例血液病的骨髓片进行APAAP染色并镜检。

    Methods : The bone marrow smear of 238 patients were stained by APAAP technique and using anti-platelet membrane glycoprotein ⅱ b - ⅲ a ( CD41a ) monoclonal antibody .

  26. 经需、厌氧菌及霉菌培养37℃5d,28℃7d,经涂片、染色、镜检。

    The samples were cultured with aerobic , anaerobic and fungus under 37 ℃ for 5 days and 28 ℃ for 7 days , and went through smear , gram stain and microscope detection .

  27. 分离豚鼠外周血中淋巴细胞,与一定浓度免疫药物在28℃共温30分钟,涂片,ANAE染色,镜检。

    Lymphocytes from peripheral blood were first incubated with different drugs of certain concentrations at 28 ℃ for 30 min and differential count of the mononuclear cells on smears was then made for ANAE stained T cells .

  28. 方法15个品种148份一次性使用医疗用品为1999~2000年2a间的正常监测样品,经需厌氧及霉菌检测,对检出阳性样品再进行涂片、染色、镜检及细菌鉴定。

    [ Methods ] 148 samples from 15 types of disposable medical instruments were collected 1999 - 2000 , and were detected by anaerobe and fungus . Smear , stain , microscope and bacteria were applied to detect positive samples among them again .

  29. 方法在体外培养的精子悬液中加入不同浓度的己酮可可碱和孕酮处理,通过CTC染色,镜检计数各型精子的百分率。

    METHODS Different concentration and progesterone ( PF ) were added to the liquid containing sperm which were cultured in vitro . Through chlortetracycline ( CTC ) fluoresence assay , we had counted the percent of different type sperm of each groups under microscope .

  30. 3革兰氏染色法镜检宫颈分泌物中淋球菌;

    Gram staining method was used to detect gonorrhoeae diplococcus in the secretion ofcervix of the pregnancy women .