
  • 网络karyotype;karyotyping;chromosome karyotype;chromosomal karyotypes
  1. 草原红牛染色体核型与C带分析

    Study on the Karyotype and C-b and of Red Steppe

  2. 有3例患者SRY基因检测与性腺病理吻合,而与外周血白细胞染色体核型不符。

    In3 cases , SRY detection in gonadal tissue correlated with pathological findings but not with blood karyotype .

  3. 红色(英文)草原红牛染色体核型与C带分析

    Study on the Karyotype and C-band of Red Steppe

  4. 小鼠骨髓细胞染色体核型G带的分析

    Analysis of G-banding patterns of bone marrow cells in chromosomes of mice

  5. 方法对我院优生遗传咨询门诊有产前诊断指征的孕妇采用羊水细胞培养G显带技术进行羊水细胞培养染色体核型分析。

    Methods : G banding technique was used on cultured amniotic cells .

  6. 外源DNA导入烤烟后变异株D1代茎尖染色体核型分析

    Chromosome Karyotype Analysis Of Stem Apex from Transformed with Foreign DNA mutant D_1 Generation Tobacco

  7. 改良R显带技术在恶性血液病染色体核型鉴定中的应用

    Identifying caryotype of malignant hemopathy using modified reverse-banding technique

  8. R显带分析染色体核型。

    Karyotype was analyzed by R band staining .

  9. 应用一组CD系列单克隆抗体随机检测了ALL患儿的表型,G显带进行染色体核型分析,治疗采用上海儿童医学中心常规化疗方案。

    The routine chemotherapeutic protocals in Shanghai Children Medical Center were used for treatment .

  10. 染色体核型中第1,2,3号染色体可能易受HBV的侵袭。

    The human chromosomes of 1,2,3 may be liable to invaded by HBV .

  11. 方法509例男性不育患者行外周血淋巴细胞G显带染色体核型分析。

    Methods : Chromosomal karyotypes were examined in509 male infertile patients by periphery blood lymphocyte culture and G banding .

  12. 同时行患儿骨龄、垂体增强MRI扫描、染色体核型分析、性激素测定。

    Bone ages , hypothalamic-pituitary MRI scan , karyotypic analysis and the level of gonadotropin hormone were evaluated .

  13. 方法采集患者外周血进行培养,常规制片后G显带染色体核型分析。

    Methods : Gathers the patient peripheral blood to carry on cultivating , to make chromosome G-banding and karyotype analysis .

  14. Turner综合征患者染色体核型、DNA复制与表型效应的关系

    A Study of the Relationship between Cytogenetics and Phenotypic Effect in Turner ′ s Syndrome

  15. FISH技术只是常规核型分析技术的必要补充,不可能完全代替常规染色体核型分析。

    FISH technology is a necessary complement to the conventional karyotype analysis , which can not completely replace the conventional karyotype analysis .

  16. 方法:对深圳地区1657例因不良生育史就诊者取外周血,常规培养,制片后G显带行染色体核型分析。

    Method : Chromosome G-banding was performed to determine the karyotype of 1657 patients with an abnormal reproductive history from ShenZhen area .

  17. 如何对NT增厚但染色体核型正常的产前病例进行产科处理?

    How to provide obstetric process for patients of NT thickening with normal karyotype ?

  18. FISH技术和染色体核型分析联合检测体外受精-移植后胎儿与葡萄胎共同妊娠1例国际纺织化学家及染色家协会联合会

    The combination of FISH technology and chromosome karyotype analysis to detect a case of pregnancy with hydatidiform mole and co-existent live fetus after IVF-ET

  19. 33例Turner综合征染色体核型与表型的分析

    Phenotypes of Turner Syndrome Relating to Their Karyotypes in 33 Cases

  20. 应用STRPCR及染色体核型分析检测供者嵌合体;

    The donor chimera was detected by short tandem repeat-PCR ( STR-PCR ) and chromosome karyotype analysis .

  21. 方法:对96对反复自然流产夫妇取外周血,常规培养、制片、G显带,行染色体核型分析。

    Methods Blood samples from 96 couples with early repeated spontaneous abortion in our hospital were regularly cultivated and given processing , G-staining and analysed .

  22. 河南斗鸡、固始鸡、大骨鸡染色体核型、G带及AgNORs的研究

    Studies on Karyotype G-banded Patterns AgNORs of Henan Game Chickens 、 Gushi Chickes and Dagu Chickens

  23. 方法:采用G、C显带染色体核型分析等方法,比较染色体异态核型人群和正常核型人群的早期生殖障碍的发生率。

    Methods : The incidence rates of early reproduction inability of chromosome heteromorphism group and normal karyotype group were compared by using G , C-banded chromosome karyotype analysis .

  24. HA为基础的三药方案治疗急性髓系白血病疗效分析及与染色体核型的关系

    Effectiveness analysis of HA based triple-drug regimen as induction chemotherapy in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia and its relationship with karyotype

  25. 原发性闭经患者染色体核型分析及SRY基因检测

    Karyotype analysis and detection of SRY gene of primary menopause patients

  26. 染色体核型高度复杂混合异常的侵袭性NK细胞白血病1例及文献复习

    Aggressive Natural Killer-cell Leukemia Associated With Complicated and Compounded Chromosomal Aberrations : A Case Report and Review of Literatures

  27. 结果4例患者的染色体核型分析结果均有t(3;3)的异常,临床和血液学改变符合AML诊断。

    Results Four AML patients with t ( 3 ; 3 ) translocation were identified .

  28. 通过细胞遗传学染色体核型追踪分析有助于对CML临床疗效观察以及预后判断。

    Cytogenetic chromosomal analysis of CML is helpful for it 's curative effect and prognosis .

  29. 苎麻染色体核型和GiemsaC-带型及PMC减数分裂行为的研究

    Studies on the karyotype , Giemsa C-bands and PMC meiosis of Ramie

  30. 对61例AL进行了染色体核型动态监测,结果表明初发AL染色体核型正常者亦有DNA严重损伤。

    The chromosome karyotype was dynamically analyzed in 61 cases with AL and the result showed that DNA in the initial AL cases with normal chromosome karyotype was also severely damaged .