
rǎn sè tǐ jī shù
  • basic number of chromosome
  1. 同时,结合细胞学、形态学和生态学特点探讨了秋枫属的染色体基数,多倍化的起源及其演化意义。

    Combined with the cytological , morphological and ecological data , the basic number and the origin and evolution of polyploidy of the genus were discussed .

  2. 结合以前该属染色体数目的报道,作者认为肋柱花属的染色体基数可能是8,而不是5。

    Combined with the former chromosome numbers reports in Lomatogonium , the authors gress the b8Sic chrth mosome number for LOmatogonium probably is8 , not5 .

  3. 川麦冬的染色体核型分析结果表明,其染色体条数为68条,染色体基数为17。

    The results of Karyotype analysis on chromosome in different populations of O. japonicas indicate that the number of chromosome is 68 and the basic chromosome number is 17 .