- chromosomal rearrangement;chromosome rearrangement

We reported in the paper one case of a de novo complex chromosomal rearrangement ( CCR ) involving three different chromosomes , 1,5 and 12.Two pregnancies of the female carrier over three years resulted in two spontaneous abortions .
Conclusion The expansion of intron 7 over the last 120 million years was mainly the result of L1 insertion into intron 7 , and not all of repetitive sequences are associated with chromosomal rearrangement .
Therefore , the authors predicted that Ph chromasomal rearrangement in this kind of chronic myeloid leukemia could involve the inside of c-abl oncogene and might be a multiple rearrangement as well .
The studies on SC may not only contribute to the knowledge of submicroscopic structure in meiosis but also has been widely used in the studies on eukaryotic chromosome rearrangement , medical cytogenetics and genetic toxicology .
A phenomenon similar to polyploidization involving the rearrangement of chromosomes has been proposed to explain the evolutionary origin of giant pandas .
Rapid detectin of chromosome rearrangement in medical diagnostic X-ray workers by using fluorescence in situ gybridization and Study on dose estimation .
Our study showed that many structure rearrangements of chromosome in ML involved in the 14q11 、 14q32 or near it . So we suggests that the structure rearrangement in 14q11 、 14q32 were associated with ML.
Molecular cytogenetic analysis for a familial complex chromosomal rearrangement
The other structural abnormalities are comprised of inversion , duplication , isochromosome and marker chromosome .
The complex chromosomal rearrangement could be transmitted stably in the family , but still the carriers could give birth to a healthy baby by chance .
The difference of karyotype may be caused by different sample treatments or allogenic polymorphism of chromosome karyotype due to chromosomal configuration rearrangement and regional diversities .
Conclusion The phenotypic abnormality might result from the disruption of disease-associated gene ( s ) or microrearrangement ( s ) on the site of breakpoint ( s ) .
However , it is difficult to use the simple pair-wise alignment of two relative genomes to distinguish the loss and the gain due to the rearrangement or loss of chromosome .
Especially SKY skill can disclose the origin of the chromosomal translocations and marker chromosomes which are not detected by CC .
Minute Chromosome Rearrangement Detected by Human Telomeric Band Painting Probes
Study on the chromosome-related obstetrical and gynecological diseases in 142 cases , and the balanced chromosomal structural aberrations of the rearranged breakpoint distributions .
Results Homologous recombination between Alu repeats may result in various genetic exchanges , including duplications , deletions and translocations , cause a series of malignancy alteration by activating some oncogenes .
Otherwise , the chromosome break and rearrangement induced by radiation maybe play important pole in leading to the translocation and misalignment of cancer genes and other correlated genes .
To examine the breakpoint distribution of balanced chromosomal structural aberrations in their related obstetrical and gynecological diseases of 142 cases .
Finally , it could be suggested that chromosomal inversion is one of the commonest constructive rearrangements in chromosome abnormalities . Inv ( Y ) is related to the abnormal sex difference and development . Study on the relationship between chromosomal inversion and better birth