
yī dào
  • medical knowledge;art of healing;physician's skill;skill of a doctor
医道 [yī dào]
  • [art of healing;medical knowledge;physician's skill] 治病的本领(多指中医)

  • 医道高明

医道[yī dào]
  1. 中华医道的认识领域及其理论纲纪

    Cognition Field of Chinese Medical Knowledge and Some Special Topics

  2. 科学概念的西化与神化,不仅是中华医道的灾难,而且是人类文明的灾难。

    Westernization and apotheosizing of scientific concepts is not only the disaster of Chinese medical knowledge but also the disaster of human civilization .

  3. 这位红军医生曾留学欧洲,精通医道

    The Red Surgeon had studied in Europe and knew his business

  4. 从医道相通透视道教文化对中医养生思想的影响

    Discuss Taoist Culture Influencing TCM Health-keeping from Medicine and Taoism in Harmony

  5. 我稍稍懂一点医道。

    I am something of a doctor ;

  6. 医道相通启示我们道教文化对中医养生思想有一定影响。

    Medicine and Taoism in Harmony indicates us that Taoism culture has some effects on TCM health-keeping .

  7. 我若再说自己精通医道,手到病除,必将遭来祸害。

    If I say hell , instant solutions to be proficient in his will encounter to evil .

  8. 无私奉献,医道精湛,在老年教育事业上辛勤耕耘18年的张效禹教授。

    Professor Zhang Xiao yu , with his advanced medical skills and selfless devotion , has been working hard for the elderly education for18 years .

  9. 中晚年兵荒频仍,且遭家不造,诸孙嗷嗷,无以糊口,不得不以医道为生活。

    Old age shortage of soldiers frequently , and was home-made . Zhu Sun ow , no to make ends meet , have medical knowledge for a living .

  10. 懂医道的绅士外出吃晚饭去了,护士本人就着那只绿色玻璃瓶又受用了一番,在炉前一个矮椅子上坐下来,着手替婴儿穿衣服。

    The medical gentleman walked away to dinner ; and the nurse , having once more applied herself to the green bottle , sat down on a low chair before the fire , and proceeded to dress the infant .