
yī liáo shì ɡù
  • malpractice;medical accident;medical malpractice;medical negligence;mala praxis
  1. 基于MVC模式的医疗事故争议处理系统

    The Medical Accident Dispute System Based on MVC Pattern

  2. 论医疗事故赔偿纠纷的法律适用

    Discuss the Appropriate Legal of the Dispute of Medical Accident Compensation

  3. 这名医生因为引致医疗事故而被起诉。

    The doctor was sued for medical negligence .

  4. 担心因医疗事故而被起诉的恐惧加剧了医生们的防卫心理。

    The fear of being sued for malpractice has magnified physicians ' defensiveness .

  5. 结果:不同学历、工龄、职称的护士对《医疗事故处理条例》掌握情况具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Results : in terms of the grasp of the regulation , there was statistical difference among nurse of different formal schooling records , different length of service , and with different professional job titles ( P 0.05 ) .

  6. 医疗事故技术鉴定相关问题研究

    Study on the Problems Correlative to Technical Expertise of Medical Malpractice

  7. 一场医疗事故使白涛只有14个月大的儿子周成汉双耳失聪。

    A medical malpractice made Bai Tao 's 14-month-old son deaf .

  8. 第四部分为医疗事故侵权责任的免责。

    The excuse of obligation in the medical treatment accident torts .

  9. 医疗事故罪客观方面要件研究

    Research on the Objective Constitutive Elements of Crime of Medical Incident

  10. 第二章是对医疗事故罪客观方面的研究。

    The first part of this chapter studies on medical treatment .

  11. 我们回去研究医疗事故,好吗?

    Let 's get back to the malpractice stuff , okay ?

  12. 医疗事故所致人身损害的赔偿范围和标准

    Compensation Spectrum and Criteria of Personal injure Resulting From Medical Incident

  13. 论现行医疗事故争议的处理方式及其立法完善

    On Dealing with Current medical Accidents and Its legislation Improvement

  14. 防范医疗事故及纠纷的护理管理对策

    Nursing management and strategies to prevent medical disputes and mistakes

  15. 我国医疗事故鉴定制度改革的再探索

    Re-investigation of reform in identification system of medical accidents in our country

  16. 对医疗事故技术鉴定中几点问题的看法

    Opinion about several problems in technical appraisal of medical tangle

  17. 医疗事故争议尸检先天性畸形3例

    Autopsies for 3 cases of congenital abnormality in disputed malpractice

  18. 我国医疗事故罪的医疗过失问题探讨

    On the medical negligence problems in the medical negligence crime

  19. 上海5所医院医疗事故鉴定情况分析

    Analysis of medical accident arbitration in 5 hospitals of Shanghai

  20. 影响医疗事故技术鉴定质量的因素探讨

    Probe of the factors that influence the technical appraisement quality of malpractice

  21. 论医疗事故技术鉴定的制度缺陷及其完善措施

    Researching on the Institutional Defects of Medical Technical Appraisement and Perfecting Measure

  22. 胎儿人身利益损害医疗事故处理初探

    The Discussion of the Medical Malpractice Treatment of Fetal Personal Interest Damage

  23. 根据报告显示,这是医生为了避免医疗事故诉讼。

    To avoid malpractice suits , according to the report .

  24. 建立医疗事故技术鉴定的监督机制;

    Build supervision mechanisms on technical testimony of the UFMST ;

  25. 医疗事故鉴定的证据作用

    The Evidence Function of the Expert Testimony in Medical Accident

  26. 医疗事故技术鉴定暂行办法

    The provisional measure of the technical appraisal for medical accidents

  27. 论医疗事故的处理依据及程序

    A Study on the Legal Basis of Medical Malpractice and Handling Procedure

  28. 受核工厂须有一套关于紧急医疗事故的程序文件。

    Facility should have written procedure for handling medical emergencies .

  29. 护理领域常见的医疗事故及防范对策

    Common medical negligence in nursing field and preventive countermeasures

  30. 南通市100例医疗事故争议原因分析及防范对策

    Causes of 100 cases of dispute over malpractice in Nantong and preventive measures