
  • 网络medical fault
  1. 论述了在近年的司法审判实践活动中,法医类医疗过错司法鉴定数量越来越多的原因。

    The reasons of forensic medical fault identification were increasing soon in current years were analyzed .

  2. 医疗过错主要是过失,意指医师违反其注意义务的行为。

    Medical fault mainly results from medical negligence , which is the action that doctors violate the duty of care .

  3. 论医疗过错的推定原则和认定标准

    Inference Principle and Certification Standard of Medical Fault

  4. 因果关系、医疗过错是医疗损害赔偿案件事实认定的关键。

    Causation and fault are the key factors to be determined in cases concerning compensation of medical damage .

  5. 实践中,由于医疗过错主要表现为医疗过失,本文对医疗过错的分析主要集中于医疗过失。

    In practice , as medical mistakes mainly for medical negligence , analysis of medical mistakes will focuses on medical negligence .

  6. 第一部分是医疗过错概述,分析了医疗过错的内涵及其对医疗侵权责任构成的意义。

    The first part is an overview of medical mistakes , analyzing the content of medical mistakes and its meaning of medical tort liability constitution .

  7. 医疗过错是确定责任归宿的重要依据、客观基础,是决定着医方是否承担医疗损害赔偿以及多大范围的责任关键因素。

    Medical treatment fault is sure responsibility end-result important basis and objective basis , which is required to bear determines whether medical damages and much range of responsibility key factors .

  8. 医疗过错应当包括医疗故意和医疗过失。资讯,其含义应当包括资料和信息两个方面。

    The medical mistake must include intention and the medical error . The meaning of information is actually two-fold : On the one hand , it connotes documents or files ;

  9. 通过这些措施以期为医疗过错的范围及判定确立统一标准,为医方积极地为医疗行为、实现医患双方利益平衡提供制度保障。

    Through these measures to establish a uniform standard for medical fault scope and identification , to achieve a balance of interests between doctors and patients and to provide an institutional guarantee .

  10. 本文通过对医疗过错的分析,结合医疗行为的特点,得出医疗过错的概念以及其在医疗侵权诉讼中的核心地位,并对医疗过错证明责任进行了阐述和分析,阐明了本文的写作角度。

    Through analyzing medical treatment fault analysis and combining the characteristics of medical behaviors , it is concluded what is the concept of medical treatment fault which plays a key role in medical tort litigation .

  11. 认定医疗过错应注意坚持客观标准、考量合理风险的存在、医患双方过错相抵以及医疗活动时空性差异问题。

    Certification of medical fault should pay attention to objective standards , judging the existence of possible risk , the offset of doctor 's and patient 's faults , and the space-time difference of medical treatment .

  12. 同时对法定依据中的注意义务进行类型化的分类,有助于在医疗过错认定的直接采用,提高过错认定的正确率。

    At the same time on the legal basis of attention in the duty to make typed in medical treatment fault classification , conduce to the determination of directly used to improve the accuracy of determination , fault .

  13. 最后总结了注意义务和注意能力与医疗过错的关系,注意义务是客观的医疗过错的基准,注意能力是主观的医疗过错的基准。

    Finally summarized the duty of care and attention ability and medical treatment fault relationship , a duty of care is objective medical treatment fault , pay attention to the benchmark ability is subjective medical treatment fault benchmarks .

  14. 认定医疗过错时应该采用医学标准、医疗技术标准和医疗行为标准等客观标准才能确定医方是否有过错及其过错程度。

    The certification of medical fault should be carried out according to objective standards of medical science , of medical technology and of medical conduct , so as to determine whether it 's the doctor 's fault and the degree of his fault .

  15. 长期以来,医疗过错的判断标准一直是各国民法学界讨论的焦点,由此产生了各种不同的理论,其中医疗水准说倍受学者青睐。

    Over years , the criteria of judging the medical malpractice has been debated among lots of scholars of civil law in different countries , resulting in a variety of theories , where the theory of " medical standard " was favored by most of the scholars .

  16. 关于医疗过错的判断标准,笔者认为应主要从具体标准与抽象标准两方面结合起来予以综合考虑,同时还应兼顾医疗条件、地区差异、医疗的专门性、紧急性等因素的影响。

    As for the standard to judge medical fault , the author deems that both concrete and abstract standard should be considered , and also we should give attention to other factors such as medical condition , difference between areas , technicality and emergency of medical treatment , etc.

  17. 笔者从中发现,医方和患方之间的矛盾,大多是因为医方没有尽到应尽的注意义务,使医疗行为发生过错,给患者带来一定程度上的伤害所造成的。

    I notice that the contradiction between the medical side and the contracting parties , mostly caused by the doctors to do not have the duty of care , the medical behavior occurs fault , to patients with a certain degree of harm .

  18. 在鉴定中,认定医疗单位是否存在过错,应从以下四个方面判断:医疗行为的复杂性、风险性、紧急性、规范性。

    Whether medical unit has a mistake should be judged from the four aspects : complexity , risk , urgency and standardization of medical action .

  19. 对于医疗违约诉求适用过错责任原则,对于医疗侵权诉求适用过错推定原则。

    Liability for wrongs principle can be applied to medical default action , the presumption principle of wrongs can be applied to medical infringement litigation .

  20. 医疗违约责任实行无过错责任原则,医疗侵权责任实行过错责任原则,无过错责任原则和公平责任原则不能作为医疗侵权责任的归责原则。

    The principle of liability without fault is implemented in the liability for breach of medical contract . It is the principle of liability for fault but not liability without fault or liability for fairness is implemented in tort responsibility .

  21. 通过对北大法宝案例库中选取一个医疗纠纷案件,对医疗过错的认定进行实证分析。

    Through the magic of pku putted forward choose a medical disputes , to medical treatment fault the cognizance of the empirical analysis .

  22. 目前医疗纠纷案件存在医疗事故鉴定和医疗过错司法鉴定,这种鉴定的双轨制在审判实践中存在很大弊端,缺乏操作性、规范性。对医疗事故技术鉴定中自由心证的探讨

    Currently the identification of the medical malpractice cases can be divided to the identification of medical incidents and justice identification of medical mistakes . Discussion about judicial discretion in medical malpractice arbitration

  23. 试论建立医疗意外保险制度&由一起医疗纠纷无过错赔偿案件引发的思考

    Discussion on Establishing a System of Medical Accident Insurance ── Thinking of a Liability-without-fault Case Caused by Medical Dissension

  24. 2010年实施的《侵权责任法》以专章规范医疗损害责任,确定了医疗损害责任的过错归责原则。

    By 2010 the tort liability law implementation of chapters regulating medical liability , confirms the medical liability fault imputation principle .

  25. 医疗损害侵权诉讼是当前社会的热点问题,医疗过错以及医疗过错的证明是其核心。

    Medical injury tort litigation is the current social hot issue , while its core is the medical treatment fault and the proof of medical treatment fault of proof .

  26. 医疗损害侵权责任的积极构成要件包括损害事实、医疗过错、医疗过错和损害结果之间的因果关系。

    Positive elements include the damage , medical mistake , and causation between medical mistakes and damage results .

  27. 综观我国对医疗过失的研究现状,可以说有关医疗过失、医疗过错的概念众说纷纭,彼此交叉。

    Looking at our status quo about medical negligence , the concepts of medical mistake , medical negligence and others are crossing each other , so it is very difficult to distinguish between them .

  28. 本文以张某诉医院违规放置节育环案为线索,沿着医疗损害责任几种常见类型的脉络,逐渐展开对医疗过错问题的探讨和研究。

    According to Zhang v. hospital contrary placed IUD case as a clue , choroid common types of several liability along the medical damage , gradually spread to the medical fault issues and research .

  29. 2009年出台的《侵权责任法》单列了医疗损害责任一章,其规定了医疗损害责任实行过错责任,特殊情形下实行过错推定责任。

    The tort liability law issued in 2009 lists the chapter of " medical liability ," in which permits the medical liability implementing fault imputation principle , under special circumstances implementing fault-presuming liability principle , medical tort litigation new distribution burden of proof .

  30. 医疗侵权是民事侵权责任中的一个特殊部分,医疗过错和医疗事故均是基于医疗活动中的诊疗行为过错所产生,医疗事故是医疗行为存在过错、应当承担赔偿责任的代名词。

    Medical invading right including medical fault and medical accident is a special part of civil invading right responsibility .