
xìng fàn zuì
  • Sexual offences;sexual crime;crime passioel
性犯罪[xìng fàn zuì]
  1. 论性犯罪对象

    Discussion on the Special Types of the Sexual Crime Object

  2. 性犯罪被害人沉默之研究

    Research on Victims ' Silence in a Sexual Crime

  3. 大多数性犯罪者都瞧不起自己。

    The majority of sex offenders have a low opinion of themselves

  4. 当时性犯罪和现在一样多。

    Sex crimes were just as numerous as they are today

  5. 我们知道有些性犯罪者会愚弄给他们做测评的心理学家。

    We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them .

  6. 当局一般都知道性犯罪者在获释后往往会再次犯案。

    The authorities often know that sex offenders will attack again when they are released .

  7. 钱被花费在驱逐性犯罪者而不是用做教育他们,这样做真的好么

    Money spent on evicting sex offenders cannot be spent on treating them . Does this matter ?

  8. 分析58例精神发育迟滞(MR)的性犯罪和79例性受害的特征:年龄多数处于青春期,农民占50%以上,单独犯罪、累犯率和以熟人为作案对象者较多。

    The authors analyzed the characteristics of 58 sexual offenders and 79 sexual victims who were suffering from mental retardation .

  9. 随着用户人数激增至3.5亿以上,Facebook吸引了越来越多已记录在案的性犯罪者。

    As it has ballooned to more than 350m users , Facebook has attracted a growing number of registered sex offenders .

  10. 去年5月,facebook与美国49个州的检察长签署了一项协议,其中包括同意寻找并注销所有已记录在案的性犯罪者的资料。

    Last May , Facebook struck a deal with the attorney generals of 49 states that included an agreement to find and delete the profiles of all registered sex offenders .

  11. 然而,参议院的报告并未局限于刑讯本身,还记录了CIA在随后时间里采取了系统性犯罪活动以掩盖刑讯行为。

    However , the Senate report is not limited to the torture itself . It also documents the CIA 's systematic and criminal campaign over subsequent years to cover up the program .

  12. 以实例为根据,深入剖析青少年性犯罪、性过失与STD存在的内涵关系,青少年患STD对个人及社会构成危害。

    Based on living examples , the author has analyzed the relationship between teenagers ' sexual misconduct , sex crime and STD. In the article , the author explains the harm of teenagers ' contracting STD to themselves and the society .

  13. Airbnb的信托及安全通讯处一位代表告诉我,公司通过比对性犯罪者及犯重罪者数据库,试图过滤掉或将监视客人的房主。

    A representative for Airbnb 's Trust & Safety communications department told me the company tries to filter out hosts who may attempt to surveil guests by matching them against sex-offender and felony databases .

  14. 论黄色文化与青少年性犯罪

    On the Relationship between the Pornographic Culture and Juvenile Sex Crimes

  15. 论数字化时代侵财性犯罪的对象&以网络虚拟财产为视角

    On the Object of the Crime Against Property in Digital Times

  16. 掀开法律的男权主义面纱&对中国当代性犯罪立法的文化解读与批判

    A Cultural Explanation and Critique of Chinese Contemporary Sexual Crimes Legislation

  17. 未成年人性犯罪具有区别于成年人犯罪的不同特征。

    Minors ' sex crime is different from minors ' other crimes .

  18. 诱导性犯罪的三维视角及刑罚理念

    Three Angle Views and the Inductivity Crime the Penalty Principles

  19. 在交代青少年犯罪嫌疑人或性犯罪受害者的身份时谨慎从事。

    Be cautious about identifying juvenile suspects or victims of sex crimes .

  20. 盗窃罪是一种典型的财产性犯罪。

    The larceny is one kind of typical property crime .

  21. longearistata聚在一起;论信息域的聚众性犯罪形态

    On the shape of gathering crime in information field

  22. 有鉴于此,对性犯罪被害人应给予更多的关注与保护。

    So the sexual crime victims should be given more attention and protection .

  23. 对我国性犯罪立法若干问题的法律思考

    A Legislative Thinking about Several Problems of Chinese Criminal Legislation for Sexual Offence

  24. 黑人对某些攻击性犯罪保持沉默的代价

    The Price of Black Silence on Certain Hate Crimes

  25. 而且不像其他白领犯罪那样集中指向持续性犯罪。

    Also , unlike other white collar crime violations which concern ongoing violations .

  26. 我对性犯罪案子最有经验。

    I have the most experience with sex offenders .

  27. 这项提议涉及登记性犯罪者的信息,并向公众开放以供监督。

    The proposal involved a register of sex offenders open to public scrutiny .

  28. 国际刑事法律冲突是因各主权国家对国际性犯罪适用刑法而产生的冲突,其种类和表现形式纷繁多样,但解决办法概而言之可归纳为三个方面。

    The tyre and expression of conflicts among international criminal lows are various .

  29. 青少年犯罪类型比较集中的以盗窃为主(44%),其次是打架行凶(36%),第三位是性犯罪(19%)。

    The third place is taken by sex crimes ( 19 % ) .

  30. 洗钱是一种国际性犯罪。

    Laundering is a kind of international crime .