
xìnɡ bié fēn huà
  • sex differentiation;sexual differentiation
  1. DNA的凝胶原位杂交法在性别分化异常中的应用

    DNA Hybridization in Situ on the Gel and Its Application to the Abnormal Sex Differentiation

  2. GA3和CEPA喷布对板栗花性别分化和生理特性的影响

    Effect of Spraying GA_3 , CEPA on Chestnut Flowers ' Sex Differentiation and Physiological Characters

  3. Put可能与番木瓜性别分化有关系,在雄株现蕾的时候,雌株中的含量高于雄株的。

    It seemed that the Put was related to the sexual differentiation of the papaya , and the high Put level might be beneficial to the female differentiation .

  4. 锯缘青蟹性腺发育与性别分化相关组织混合线性化cDNA文库构建及EST初步分析

    The construction of normalized cDNA library and preliminary EST analysis from the gonad development and sexual differentiation related organs of Scylla serrata

  5. NAA对板栗花枝类型和花性别分化的调控作用均不明显。

    The effect of NAA on type of flower shoot and sex differentiation of flower in chestnut is not outstanding .

  6. H-Y抗原与性别分化研究现状

    Advance in studies on H-Y antigen and sex differentiation in domestic animals

  7. 本研究拟对奥利亚罗非鱼的DMO基因与其它鱼类的DMRT基因进行比较,分析。为以后进一步研究罗非鱼性别分化相差基因打下基础。

    In this study , we analyse DMO gene and DMRT gene for further studying sex correlative determination gene in tilapia .

  8. 环境内分泌干扰物(EDCs)能够干扰生物体内性激素的正常表达,从而影响生物的性别分化和生殖功能。

    Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals ( EDCs ) may disturb the sex hormone level of organisms , thereby affected the sex determination and reproduction process of many teleost fish .

  9. 通过对银杏植株不同生长发育阶段同工酶检测,确定银杏植株在90d苗龄期已经开始性别分化。

    Ginkgo plants at different developing stages were detected by isozyme , and sexual differentiation of the plant was found started at 90 day old .

  10. Sox基因家族是一类高度保守的基因家族,具有一个保守基序HMG-box,可以与DNA序列特异性结合,促进基因的特异转录,从而在胚胎发育及性别分化中起着重要作用。

    The Sox genes form a large family which is characterized by a highly conserved DNA - binding and bending domain known as an HMG box . They play an important roles in embryonic development and sex differentiation .

  11. ER的重要功能之一是调控雌激素的表达,在家禽中雌激素对性别分化起着调控作用,因此推断雌激素对引起鸡与鹌鹑属间杂交种胚胎早期死亡有着重要的作用。

    The key functions of the ER can control the expression of estrogen , estrogen in poultry to play a permanent role in sex differentiation , which can infer the effects of estrogen on the chicken and quail hybrids between the death of early embryonic plays an important role .

  12. 与黄瓜性别分化有关的RAPD分子标记研究包括DNA提取方法的筛选、优化RAPD反应体系、黄瓜亲本RAPD分子标记多态性随机引物的筛选和黄瓜性别相关的RAPD分子标记筛选四个方面。

    Studies on the RAPD molecular markers related to sex differentiation of cucumber included the DNA extraction methods screening , the optimization of RAPD reaction system , the random primers screening of polymorphism for the RAPD molecular markers of parents of cucumber and sex-related RAPD molecular markers screening of cucumber .

  13. 内分泌干扰物(EDCs)是由于人类活动而释放到自然环境当中,会扰乱激素平衡且对人或动物本身甚至后代产生有害影响,同样也能够干扰鱼类正常的性别分化。

    Endocrine disrupting chemicals ( EDCs ) is due to human activities and released into the natural environment , which can disrupt hormone balance and have harmful effects on human or animal or even future generations , also can affect affect normal sexual differentiation in fish .

  14. 甜瓜性别分化的生理生化特性研究

    Study of Physiological and Biochemical Properties on Sexual Differentiation of Melon

  15. 植物性别分化的遗传基础与标记物研究

    Studies on Genetic Bases and Markers of Sex Differentiation in Plants

  16. 植物生长调节剂对板栗花芽性别分化及结果枝生长的影响

    Effects of Growth Regulators on Flower Sex Differentiation of Chinese Chestnut

  17. 苦瓜性别分化的形态与组织化学研究

    Morphological and histochemical study on sex differentiation of Momordica charantia

  18. 苦瓜性别分化的特异蛋白质研究

    Study of specific protein on sex differentiation of Momordica charantia

  19. 银杏性别分化阶段的早期鉴定及其激素调控

    Early identification of sexual differentiation of Ginkgo biloba and its hormonal regulation

  20. 牦牛的雄性性别分化始于妊娠的第36-40天。

    The sex differentiation in male embryo occurrs on36th-40th day of gestation .

  21. 激素对高等植物性别分化的调控研究进展

    Progress in Hormonal Regulation to Sex Differentiation in Higher Plants

  22. 科学界性别分化研究介绍

    An Introduction to Gender Differentiation Studies in Scientific Circles

  23. 荔枝花芽和花性别分化研究进展

    Advances in floral bud and sex differentiation in litchi

  24. 二,高龄老人对生活的满意度存在性别分化。

    Second , the gender differentiation on the old life satisfaction is significant .

  25. 多胺与板栗花性别分化的关系

    Relationship between Floral Sex Differentiation and Polyamines in Chestnut

  26. 黄瓜花性别分化的生理学研究

    Physiological study on sex differentiation of flower in Cucumber

  27. 文冠果花性别分化及花药内淀粉动态

    The Floral Sex-Differentiation of Xanthoceras sorbifolia and the Dynamics of Starch in Anthers

  28. 普通丝瓜性别分化的化学调控

    Chemical Regulation of Sex Differentiation of Towel Gourd

  29. 中国林蛙性腺的发育及温度对其性别分化的影响

    Development of Sexual Gland and Influence of Temperature on Sexual Differentiation in Rana chensinensis

  30. 中国对虾早期性别分化研究

    Study on early sex differentiation of Penaeus chinensis