
xìnɡ tiǎo dòu
  • foreplay
  1. 第一个问题是,它并没有涉及到底量度的基准,到底这些十几岁的女孩子们,在白天与人正常交往的时候,所受到的性挑逗的比例为多少。

    The first was it didn 't bother with the established baseline of what percentage of teenage girls had received an unwelcome sexual advance in the day to day actions with people .

  2. 其中,“令人不悦的公然的性挑逗”最高可遭到监禁五年的处罚,而“说带有性意味的言语”可被判入狱一年。

    For example , ' unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures ' are punishable with up to five years in prison , while ' making sexually coloured remarks ' can yield a one-year jail term .

  3. 一段美妙的性行为要有挑逗、抚、续兴奋、喜以及情感的交流,爱情也随着兴奋极点的爆发而来了。

    The better sex has foreplay , development , sustained excitement , surprise and affection , nay love followed by an explosion of ecstasy .