
  1. 一路上,扎克都在上网课。

    Along the way , Zach attended school online .

  2. 或者是你需要使用同播共享,在MasterClass上和朋友一起上网课。

    Or if you 're using SharePlay to take a MasterClass with your friends .

  3. 美国两所精英大学就禁止只上网课的留学生留在美国的新规向特朗普政府提起诉讼。哈佛大学和麻省理工学院起诉美国移民和海关执法局,此前该机构宣布,将不允许持F-1签证的国际学生在秋季参加全部网络课程。

    Two elite U.S. universities have filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration over new rules barring international students from taking online courses in the U.S. Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology sued Immigration and Customs Enforcement after announcing it will not permit international students on F-1 visas to take a full online course load in the fall .

  4. 当然有了,你也应该跟上潮流上上网课。

    Yeah , you should jump on theband wagon and study online too .

  5. 我帮你修好之后你能帮我找找能上网课的网站吗?

    And after we get it up and running , can you help me find some good online learning web sites ?

  6. 有一个小女孩正在家里上网课,这时她家天花板上开始传出很多噪音。

    So , this little girl was at home , taking a class online , when a lot of noise started to come through her ceiling .

  7. 是呀,不止如此,你可以通过上网课学习任何学科,现在我就在学经济学。

    That 's right . And not only that , you can go online and learn just about anything . Right now , I 'm studying economics .

  8. 一些教育专家表示,儿童感染病毒的风险仍然较低,并强调儿童重返学校的必要性,尤其是贫困学生,他们上网课面临更多挑战。

    Some education experts say the virus risk to children remain low and stress the need for children to return to school particularly poorer students who face more challenges due to classes online .

  9. 对呀,这个叫网上课堂,老土了吧,很多人现在都在上网课呢,对于像我这样的工作狂来说简直太适合了。

    That 's right . It 's called online learning . Come on ! Get with the times ! A lot of people are taking classes online now . It 's perfect for workaholics like me .

  10. 她在一个网球俱乐部上网球课。

    She takes her lessons at a tennis club .

  11. 江苏省普通高校大学生非常喜欢上网球课。绝大多数的学生是按自己的兴趣选择网球项目的,学习目的比较明确。

    The students of Jiangsu regular HEI like tennis courses very much and most of them choose tennis courses according to their interest with clear learning purposes .