
hūn yīn dēnɡ jì jī ɡuān
  • marriage registration organization
  1. 第三十一条男女双方自愿离婚的,准予离婚。双方必须到婚姻登记机关申请离婚。

    Article 31 Divorce shall be granted if husband and wife both desire it .

  2. 双方必须到婚姻登记机关申请离婚。

    Both parties shall apply to the marriage registration office for divorce .

  3. 规定向婚姻登记机关申请结婚登记的未婚夫妻,必须先参加婚前教育课程。

    The marriage registration office for marriage registration enforces the unmarried couples to participate in premarital education courses before registration .

  4. 第八条要求结婚的男女双方必须亲自到婚姻登记机关进行结婚登记。

    Article 8 Both the man and the woman desiring to contract a marriage shall register in person with the marriage registration office .

  5. 婚姻登记机关应当对当事人结婚或离婚的申请进行审查,以决定是否予以登记。

    Before reaching the decision as to whether to have a specific application for marriage or divorce registered , the registration authority should review it first .

  6. 第三十五条离婚后,男女双方自愿恢复夫妻关系的,必须到婚姻登记机关进行复婚登记。

    Article 35 If , after divorce , both parties desire to resume their husband-and-wife relationship , they shall register for the remarrying of each other with the marriage registration office .

  7. 登记离婚是指夫妻双方自愿离异,并就离婚的法律后果达成协议,经过婚姻登记机关认可即可以解除婚姻关系的一种离婚方式。

    Registration of divorce is a voluntary couple divorced , and the legal consequences of the divorce agreement , after the marriage registration authority for dissolution of marriage is a way to divorce .

  8. 能否以意思瑕疵为由主张撤销协议离婚登记,关系到国家婚姻登记机关登记的公信力及善意第三人的保护。

    Whether agreement divorce registration could be withdrawed or not for the sake of meaning flaw concerns the protection of the public trust of registering organ of the marriage and the third party acting in good faith .

  9. 此外,该法规还规定:申请结婚的男女双方。还须提交婚姻登记机关指定医院出具的婚前健康检查证明。

    In addition , the regulation stipulates that both the man the woman applying for marriage registration shall also present the pre-marital health check-up report signed and issued by a hospital designated by the marriage registration department .

  10. 第十一条因胁迫结婚的,受胁迫的一方可以向婚姻登记机关或人民法院请求撤销该婚姻。

    Article 11 In the case of a marriage made under coercion , the coerced party may make a request to the marriage registration office or the people 's court for the dissolution of the marriage contract .

  11. 婚姻登记机关查明双方确实是自愿并对子女和财产问题已有适当处理时,发给离婚证。

    The marriage registration office , after clearly establishing that divorce is desired by both parties and that appropriate arrangements have been made for the care of any children and the disposition of property , shall issue the divorce certificates .

  12. 协议离婚制度是指夫妻双方一致同意离婚,并就与离婚有关的问题全部达成了协议,双方当事人亲自到婚姻登记机关办理解除婚姻关系的法律制度。

    Divorce by agreement system mean couple is it divorce to agree to unanimously , all reach an agreement on the questions related to divorcing , both parties go to the registering organ of the marriage to handle the legal system which removes the marriage relation in person .

  13. 登记离婚是我国法律规定的一种当事人双方通过订立离婚协议,对子女抚养和财产分割及债务分担以后经过到婚姻登记机关办理而解除婚姻关系的一种离婚方式。

    It is that a kind of both parties of the legal provisions of our country pass and conclude the divorce agreement to register and divorce , raise to children and partition and debt get into marriage registering organ handle and to relieve marriage relation a divorced way share .

  14. 婚姻登记管理机关应当设专职的婚姻登记管理员。

    Marriage registration administrative organs shall have full-time marriage registration clerks .

  15. 婚姻登记是婚姻登记机关依法确立或者终止当事人之间婚姻关系的具体行政行为。

    Marriage registration means the specific administrative action that the marriage registration office establishes or terminates the marriage relationship between the parties according to the law .

  16. 婚姻登记行为是婚姻登记机关行使行政职权的活动。

    Marriage registration is an administrative act conducted by the registration authority .

  17. 婚姻登记信息化是指婚姻登记机关和民政部门利用计算机进行婚姻登记和管理。

    The informatization of marriage registration is the computerized register and management by marriage registration department as well as civil administration department .