
hūn yīn zì zhǔ quán
  • marital autonomy;right of marriage by choice
  1. 婚姻自由体现的是自然人对自己自由意志的支配,是婚姻内在价值的体现,是对婚姻自主权的肯定和界定。

    Freedom of marriage indicates the natural person 's free intention and the internal value of marriage law . Meanwhile , it is also a definition and recognition of marital autonomy .

  2. 第一百零三条公民享有婚姻自主权,禁止买卖、包办婚姻和其他干涉婚姻自由的行为。

    Article 103 Citizens shall enjoy the right of marriage by choice . Mercenary marriages , marriages upon arbitrary decision by any third party and any other acts of interference in the freedom of marriage shall be prohibited .

  3. 婚姻自主权检讨影响再婚的个人和社会因素分析

    Analysis of Individual and Social Factors which Affect Re - marriage

  4. 论清代再婚妇女的婚姻自主权

    The Matrimonial Decision-making Right of Women in Remarriage in the Qing Dynasty

  5. 主要从她们的婚姻自主权、财产的占有及支配权以及家庭事务管理方面的权力与义务等方面进行探讨。

    Mainly from the autonomy of their marriage , property occupancy and control of the power , the power management of family affairs , as discussed .

  6. 本文的第一章着重研究哈格独立意识的成长过程,认为哈格的独立意识萌芽于童年父亲对她的教导,发展于哈格对受教育权利的追求,形成于她对婚姻自主权的掌握。

    This thesis argues that the independent consciousness of Hagar starts from the teaching of her father and develops from her pursuing of the rights of education and forms when she grasps the power of self-marriage .

  7. 国家特别重视保护妇女的婚姻自主权,禁止买卖、包办婚姻和其他干涉婚姻自方的行为。

    The state also pays special attention to protecting women 's right to freedom of choice in marriage and forbids mercenary and arranged marriages and other acts of interference in other people 's freedom of marriage .

  8. 它的实施有利于离婚纠纷的圆满解决,有利于对婚姻自主权的保护,有利于减少因离婚带来的负面影响,体现了法律对弱势一方的特别保护。

    It is beneficial to perfectly solve the divorce dispute , protect autonomy of the marriage and reduce the negative influence brought by divorce , which also reflect the laws ' special protection for the disadvantaged party .

  9. 婚姻家庭上,两者都没有婚姻自主权,结婚和离婚都掌握在男性手中,生儿育女、管理家务便是她们生活的全部。

    Second , the both had no right to choose their husbands and marriage , men mastered the right of marriage and divorce , and women only were the tool of procreation and housework .

  10. 国家特别重视保护妇女的婚姻、家庭权利,依法维护妇女的婚姻自主权,维护家庭中的夫妻平等和男女平等。

    The state pays special attention to protecting women 's rights in marriage and the family and guaranteeing according to law women 's independence in marriage and equal rights between husband and wife , men and women in the family .