
tínɡ zhǐ qīn hài
  • cease the infringing act;stop an injurious act
  1. 第一百二十条公民的姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、荣誉权受到侵害的,有权要求停止侵害,恢复名誉,消除影响,赔礼道歉,并可以要求赔偿损失。

    Article 120 If a citizen 's right of personal name , portrait , reputation or honour is infringed upon , he shall have the right to demand that the infringement be stopped , his reputation be rehabilitated , the ill effects be eliminated and an apology be made ; he may also demand compensation for losses .

  2. 侵权责任主要集中在停止侵害与损害赔偿两方面。

    Tort liability focused on cessation of the infringement and damages both .

  3. 论著作权侵权纠纷中停止侵害的适用

    On Fitting Terms of Stopping Tort in Copyright Tort Dispute

  4. 停止侵害、赔礼道歉、赔偿损失为主要责任形式。

    The main pattens of responsibility are stopping violation , apology and paying for the loss .

  5. 董事侵权责任的承担方式有停止侵害、返还财产和赔偿损失等。

    The methods to bear include stopping tort , the return of property and damages compensation .

  6. 性骚扰侵权责任的承担方式有:停止侵害;

    The methods of bearing civil liability for torts of sexual harassment shall be : cessation of infringements ;

  7. 二是为停止侵害以避免无法弥补的损失的保全制度。

    Two , is the loss which the stop violation avoids being unable to make up preserves the system .

  8. 垄断违法行为的民事责任形式主要有两种:停止侵害和损害赔偿。

    It mainly include two forms , that is , ceasing the infringing act and paying compensation or damages .

  9. 同时,停止侵害是否作出对当事人的利益有着很大的影响。

    Meanwhile , the judgment of cessation of infringement will be a great influence on the rights of the client .

  10. 责任人承担侵权责任的方式有:停止侵害;赔礼道歉;赔偿损失。

    The mode of assuming tort liabilities includes cessation of the infringing act , formal apology and compensation for loss .

  11. 百度被要求公开道歉,赔偿作家损失,并停止侵害。

    Baidu was asked to make a public apology , compensate for the writers'losses and halt any cases of copyright infringement .

  12. 我国民法典编纂中应当采用将停止侵害等作为侵权行为的效果的侵权概念,而不应像大陆法系那样仅将侵权的责任形式限于损害赔偿。

    We should refer Torts to a series of outcomes including stopping damages , rather than refine the liability forms within indemnity .

  13. 它的救济方式主要体现为经济赔偿,辅之以停止侵害、赔礼道歉等其他方式。

    Its relief way mainly manifests for the economic compensation , auxiliary stops the violation , apologizing and so on other ways .

  14. 应当停止侵害、恢复名誉、消除影响、赔礼道歉,并赔偿损失。

    Shall stop such infringements , restore the latter 's reputation , eliminate influences against the latter , offer apologies and pay damages .

  15. 给相邻方造成妨碍或者损失的,应当停止侵害,排除妨碍,赔偿损失。

    Anyone who causes obstruction or damage to his neighbour , shall stop the infringement , eliminate the obstruction and compensate for the damage .

  16. 禁止人侵犯他人的权利停止侵害是传统民事侵权的救济方式。

    Enjoin a person from infringing ( on ) the rights of another person Stopping encroaching is the traditional resuce method in civil tort .

  17. 所谓代位诉讼之构造,指原告股东是代替公司之位,行使了原本属于公司的,要求他人赔偿或停止侵害的权利;

    The subrogation refers to the stockholders take the place of the company as the plaintiff to claim the compensation or standstill of infringements .

  18. 如果按照耐克商标案的判决逻辑,我国大量国际定牌加工业务都构成商标侵权,都应当停止侵害。

    If According to the Nike brand of logic , Our extensive international OEM business belong to trademark infringement . All business Should stop violating .

  19. 非财产性承担方式主要有停止侵害、恢复名誉、消除影响、赔礼道歉等。

    The main methods of non-property nature of commitment has to stop abuse , rehabilitation , eliminating the effects of an apology and so on .

  20. 其次分别阐述了民事责任的几种承担形式,包括停止侵害、实际履行、损害赔偿、介入权的行使。

    Following are several forms of commitments on civil liabilities , including the cessation of violations , the actual performance , damages , exertion of self-entering right .

  21. 经营者侵犯消费者人身自由的,应当停止侵害、恢复名誉、消除影响、赔礼道歉,并赔偿损失。

    Operator violates consumer person freedom , ought to stop enroach on , restore reputation , remove an effect , make an apology , recoup a loss .

  22. 包括停止侵害、返还财产、赔偿损失、所得收入归公司所有等。

    Including the cessation of the infringement , the return of property , compensation for the losses , the proceeds belong to the company and so on .

  23. 在责任形式上,主要有公开更正、停止侵害、消除影响与恢复名誉、赔礼道歉与赔偿损失。

    As for forms of liabilities , there are publicly correction , infringing act cessation , side effects removing and the reputation restoration , apologizing and loss compensation .

  24. 只要被告及时停止侵害环境公益的行为并且采取积极的措施保护环境,可以由法官主持调解。

    As long as the defendant stops the behavior of destroying the environment and takes positive measures to protect it in time , the judge can preside over the mediation .

  25. 间接占有制度的确立,最大的好处是可以让间接占有人不必基于物所有权人的身份,而是以占有人的身份直接要求不法侵害占有物的第三人停止侵害并赔偿损失。

    The main advantage of establishment of indirect possession is that indirect occupant can ask the the third person to stop destroy and compensate for the losses on the basis of occupant .

  26. 随着社会的不断发展,停止侵害作为一种在侵权案件中原告诉求的救济措施,在民事司法实践中被越来越多地适用。

    With the enduring development of society , cessation of infringement has been adopted more and more in the practice of civil justice as a kind of relief by prosecutor in infringement cases .

  27. 第四章,完善我国专利诉讼中停止侵害民事责任的适用。永久禁令实质上与我国法上的停止侵害民事责任相类似。

    The fourth chapter is " Improve the Application of the Civil Liability of Ceasing Infringements in Chinese Patent Cases " . Permanent injunction is virtually similar to the Civil Liability of Ceasing Infringements in the patent law of China .

  28. 文章第四部分对知识产权侵权的4种民事责任形式即停止侵害、消除影响、赔礼道歉、赔偿损失进行了分析。

    The article four-part to divided to stop violate , dissolves the influence , compensate the gift apology and made up for loss the proceeding the analysis namely to 4 kinds of civil cases duty form of the intelligent property right infringement .

  29. 这种情况,承担停止侵害、消除影响、公开赔礼道歉、赔偿损失等民事责任。

    In such cases , the infringe shall bear civil responsibility for the cessation of the infringement , for the elimination of any negative effects caused by his actions , for offering a public apology , and for compensation for any losses .

  30. 停止侵害这种侵权责任形式虽然不能转化为精神损害赔偿方式,但对受害人精神利益的保护和救济仍具有特殊作用。

    In addition , the cessation of violations of such infringement liability although it is not translated into forms of reparation for moral damages , but the spirit of protecting the interests of the victims and relief still has a special role .