
wù zhì jiǎnɡ lì
  • Material rewards;material award/reward
  1. 门多萨还表示,NetApp不光以物质奖励的方式来使员工快乐并激励员工。

    Still , Mendoza says NetApp keeps workers happy and inspired in ways beyond just material niceties .

  2. 有趣的是,日前有三家日本公司认为,新开发的一款独具特色的App,可给予驾驶过程中不看手机的司机以物质奖励,从而有效减少交通事故的发生。

    Interestingly , a trio of Japanese company seem to think that an ingenious new app could incentivize drivers to restrain themselves from checking their phones at the wheel and reduce the number of traffic accidents .

  3. 实施精神支持、物质奖励办法,稳定护理队伍。

    Carrying out material awards and spiritual support plans to stabilize nursing staff .

  4. 科技奖励的精神奖励与物质奖励影响之比较

    Comparison on Effects of Spiritual Meed and Material Reward of Science and Technology

  5. 逻迪还常常暗示我们将得到某种形式的物质奖励。

    Roddy often hinted that we would get a substantial reward of some kind .

  6. 当然,物质奖励等优厚待遇,薪酬和福利起作用。

    Naturally , material rewards such as perks , salary and benefits come into play .

  7. 中国高校传媒联盟通过理论支撑、物质奖励和技术支持三个层卖弄对高校媒体进行扶持,促进了许多校园媒体的发展和转型。

    China University Media Union supports college media through theoretical , material and technical methods .

  8. 物质奖励是当今教师在教学中普遍采用的一种激励方法。

    Nowadays , material rewards is widely adopted as a motivational techniques in teaching practices .

  9. 对见义勇为人员实行精神鼓励与物质奖励相结合的原则。

    The principle of combining spiritual encouragement with material awards shall be carried out on VFF .

  10. 可以用金钱鼓励法、提供帮助法等物质奖励法。

    Can use the money to encourage law , to provide incentives to help law method .

  11. 完善多元经济保障体系。新时期的奖励机制要使物质奖励和精神奖励相结合。

    The new period messenger material reward rewarding mechanism essential points and moral reward combine each other .

  12. 物质奖励与精神鼓励相辅相成,缺一不可;

    The material reward and spirit encouragement complements each other , neither of them can be dispensed with .

  13. 其次,利用物质奖励、补偿法及其他方法推进调查访问的进行。

    Secondly , the use of material incentives , compensation method and other methods to promote the survey visit .

  14. 笔者认为,物质奖励在校园内的泛化是当今商品社会消费主义泛滥的一种折射。

    The writer believes that material rewards reflects back the flooding of the consumerism in commodity society at present .

  15. 物质奖励是精神鼓励的物化,精神鼓励是物质奖励的升华。

    The material reward is the materialization of spirit encouragement , spirit encouragement is the distillation of the material reward .

  16. 结果发现:(1)在物质奖励条件下,7岁组儿童更容易发生说谎行为。

    The results show that : ( 1 ) in the material award condition , 7-year-old subjects tend to tell lies .

  17. 在实践中要以物质奖励为基础,以精神鼓励为主导,因人、因时发挥最佳效应、最大作用。

    Should suit measures to local conditions , take spirit encouragement as the leading factor based on material reward in practice .

  18. 在中国的公司,奖励的方法一般有两种:物质奖励和精神奖励。

    There are usually two kinds of rewards for the staff members of a Chinese company : material rewards and spiritual rewards .

  19. 接收单位应当对上缴的单位或者个人,给予表扬或者物质奖励。

    The unit that receives the object shall commend or give a material reward to the unit or individual that turns in the object .

  20. 其中,对社会引资者加大物质奖励的力度,对符合条件的我区公务人员引资者给予行政奖励。

    Among whom , the non-governmental absorbers shall be given more awards , and the government functionaries who meet the relevant requirements shall be given administrative awards .

  21. 物质奖励的问题不仅仅是一个教育问题,而且是一个会对未来人类产生深刻影响的命题。

    That is to say , material rewards is not only an education problem , but a proposition which will have a profound impact on the whole society and mankind .

  22. 预测中国2008年会继续提高国家物质奖励,奥运会冠军奖励金额可能增加到30万元。

    Meanwhile , we forecast that China will continue increasing its national material awards in 2008 , and the amount of award for the Olympic champion may grow to 300,000 yuan .

  23. 明确达到目标之后,相应地能够获得哪些物质奖励,无论是成功销售的奖金也好,还是绩效达到某个水平就能加薪也好,都要明白无误地说清楚。

    Be explicit about the financial rewards associated with achieving those goals , whether it 's a bonus for successful sales or a salary increase for a certain level of performance .

  24. 我们提倡按劳分配,对有特别贡献的个人和单位给予精神奖励和物质奖励;

    We stand for the principle ," to each according to his work ", and we favour public citations and material rewards for those individuals and organizations that have made outstanding contributions .

  25. 中国古代皇帝常常会向贵族和臣属颁发一定的物质奖励,来激励他们为皇室效忠,提高整个统治集团的凝聚力,是为物质赏赐。

    In order to inspire the loyalty to the royal family and raise the entire reign group cohesion , the ancient Chinese emperor generally issued material grants to the noble and princes .

  26. 撇去这些事后给予的物质奖励,最受瞩目的比赛是严格的“桂冠竞赛”,即唯一的奖励就是一个用橄榄枝编织而成的桂冠;运动员仅为荣誉而战。

    Regardless of such material rewards granted afterwards , the most prestigious games were strictly stephan í tai , i.e.the only prize awarded was a wreath and the athletes competed for glory alone .

  27. 有关认知失调理论的实验研究表明,小的物质奖励和轻微的批评即南风教育,最有利于儿童内化教育树立的正确态度。

    Some experimental studys about cognitive dissonance theory show souther education which is charactered with little physical encouragement and tender criticism will make for children internalize correct attitude which is advocated by education .

  28. 在激励方面,可以对国企产权代理人提供适当的物质奖励,以增加他们谋取私利的机会成本,打击其败德及腐败行为的积极性。

    With respect to incentive , appropriate rewards should be provided to the SOE agent to increase the opportunity cost of pursuing his private benefits , which will dispel the enthusiasm for moral hazard and corruption .

  29. 法治原则、平等原则、公开原则、论功行赏原则、物质奖励与精神奖励相结合原则五大原则是公务员奖励的基本原则。

    The author maintains that the principles of rule by law , equality , publicity , recognition of the merit , combination of material reward and mental reward , are basic principles of civil servants ' reward .

  30. 我觉得这是一种深刻的情感体验,每年我都会把它当作一份物质奖励,奖励我又供3个孩子上了12个月的私立学校,而没有破产。

    I find it a deeply emotional experience , and one to which I treat myself every year . As an incentive payment for having managed a further 12 months with three children in private schools without going bankrupt .