
  1. 宋代物权关系研究

    The Study on the Relationship of Real Right in Sung Dynasty

  2. 宋代民间物权关系的家族主义特征

    The Characters on Folk Economic Relationship of Song Dynasty

  3. 民法主要对土地利用而产生的物权关系进行规制。

    Civil Law mainly regulate the relationship of real right resulted from the use to land .

  4. 其次,阐述了物权关系适用物之所在地法原则的理论依据。

    Second , the elaborated theoretical basis for the application of the lex rei sitae principle of right relations .

  5. 对于电子提单的法律适用问题,本文将其区分为债权关系的法律适用和物权关系的法律适用分别加以分析。

    About application of law of electronic bill of lading , this paper analyzes the application of law from creditor relations and property relations .

  6. 在这一时期,涉外物权关系适用物之所在地法原则逐渐被各国立法和司法实践所接受。

    During this period , the principle of foreign economic relationship applicable to the Lex situs has been gradually accepted by national legislation and judicial practice .

  7. 理论上,它明确区分债权关系与物权关系,使得我国民法体系更加和谐完善。

    Theoretically , it claims a clear distinction between the relationship of obligation and the relationship of real right , and makes the system of civil law more harmonious .

  8. 例如,在物权关系中,占有权凭证说和证券凭证说的地位逐渐提高,而且有取代所有权凭证说的趋势,现在也成为两种主流学说。

    For example , in property relations , the possession of the certificate and the status of securities certificates that gradually improved , and replace the said documents of title , and now two prevailing doctrine .

  9. 物权关系的相对消灭,是指物权相对于特定的主体消灭,如物权在主体间的转移等,也就是上述广义物权变更中的主体变更。

    Elimination of the economic relationship , the property rights with respect to the elimination of a particular subject , such as property rights transfer between the main , is the generalized real right to change the main change .

  10. 在现代市场经济条件下,交易活动的财产流转过程中,物权关系亦随之变动,物权变动常常会涉及第三人的利益。

    Under the modern market economy condition , the transaction activity property pasts in the process , the real right relations also along with it change , the real right change frequently can involve the third human of benefit .

  11. 完善建造中船舶登记制度将有利于调整、稳定建造中船舶物权关系,保护交易安全,鼓励融资造船,为我国造船业和航运业的蓬勃发展提供良好的法律环境。

    A perfect registry system , which is helpful to adjust and stabilize the relations pertaining to real rights in vessels under construction , to protect the trade safety , to promote financing shipbuilding , can provide a good legal situation for development of marine transport industry and shipbuilding industry .

  12. 物权是关系普通民众最基本的权利。

    Property is a relationship between the most basic rights of ordinary people .

  13. 第四部分对财产保全和担保物权的关系进行分析。

    The fourth part analyzes the relationship between property preservation and the real rights for security .

  14. 国家作为特殊类型的民事主体主要存在于物权法律关系中。

    As a special civil subject , the state mainly exists in the jural relation of right in rem.

  15. 认定财产无主程序作为我国非讼程序的组成部分,对于恢复或者重构物权法律关系具有重要的法律意义。

    The procedure of the identify the property without owner is a component of the procedure of non-defendant , it has important significance for recovery and reconstruct legal relationship of the property right .

  16. ITQ渔业管理制度与物权理论的关系

    The relationship between individual transferable quota system and property rights

  17. 文章对市场经济与物权法的关系作了较好的分析,特别对日本担保物权法的创立和发展作了详细介绍。

    This article makes quite good analysis on the relations between the market oriented economy and the real law , especially makes detailed introduction on the foundation and development of guarantees'real law .

  18. 所有权与定限物权之间为相容关系;

    Between ownership and fixed limit real right is inclusive relations ;

  19. 通过对交付基本概念、性质及交付与物权变动之间的关系的探讨,结合我国现行立法从而提出本文要讨论的问题:交付在不动产物权变动中的法律效力。

    By approaching the basic concept and nature of delivery and the relation between delivery and alteration of real right , combining our present legislation , I raise the problem to discuss : legal effect of delivery in the alteration of real right .

  20. 物权变动一方面涉及到物权变动关系中的当事人利益(包括出让人与受让人),另一方面基于物权的对世性与排他性特征,物权变动还可能涉及到当事人之外的第三人的利益。

    Real property changes both in relation to changes in relations in the interests of the parties ( including the transferor and the transferee ), the other based on the world of property rights and exclusive features , property changes may also be related to outside parties third party interests .

  21. 另一种观点认为存单为物权凭证,存款人与银行之间的关系为物权法律关系。

    Others think that deposit receipt is the document of title and is real right legal relation .

  22. 这种对权利范围的划定,是物权排他效力的存在价值,是内含在物权法权关系之中的本质特征。

    This kind of delimitation to the right range , is the existence value that the real right arranges his effect , it is a implicit essential characteristic in the real right .