
shì shí wèn tí
  • question of fact;matter of fact;point of fact;fact questions
  1. 这是一个事实问题,而不是一个看法不同的问题。

    It is a matter of fact , not a matter of opinion .

  2. 作为一个事实问题的,飞机制造业使用的总比例很小云杉是精。

    As a matter of fact , the aircraft industry uses a very small percentage of the total spruce that is milled .

  3. •在TrueKnowledge、BingAnswers和WolframAlpha网站上搜索事实问题的答案。

    • true knowledge , Bing answers , and Wolfram Alpha for factual question answering ;

  4. 对于WTO争端解决机制来说,专家组对事实问题作出客观评估必须建立在充分证据的基础上。

    In the WTO dispute settlement mechanism , to make an objective assessment of the factual issues , Panels ' analysis must be built on the basis of sufficient evidence .

  5. (三)所涉及的法律和事实问题。

    And ( 3 ) the matters of fact and law asserted .

  6. 论法律中的事实问题

    Problems and Legal Solution to Chinese University 's Self - running On Legal Facts

  7. 而问题是,正是总统本人在事实问题上反复无常。

    The problem is , the president himself plays fast and loose with the facts .

  8. 一般而论,被允许上诉的案件都牵涉到法律问题,而非事实问题。

    Generally , appeals are permitted only on questions of law , not of fact .

  9. 对于事实问题裁量的干预,本文采取了合理性基准,即未有基于专断、任性、滥用裁量等情况,与事实认定相关的论据在一个正常理性人那里看来是可以接受的。

    For the intervention on the discretion of facts issues , this paper adopted rationality benchmarks .

  10. 传统问答系统的研究主要是针对事实问题,目前国内外对于情感问题的研究还很少见。

    And now the study for opinion question is still very rare at home and abroad .

  11. 但是,大家争论的不是事实问题,而是一个价值问题。

    But , everybody argument is not the fact question , but is a value question .

  12. 税务法院对因税法而产生的法律和事实问题具有管辖权。

    The tax court has jurisdiction over questions of law and fact arising under the tax laws .

  13. 有必要从理论与实践相结合的角度对类推解释、犯罪构成类型化特征、事实问题与法律问题的区分、法律论证的必要性等问题进行具体分析。

    It is necessary to integrate theory with practice and analyze concretely such issues as the analogical interpretation , etc.

  14. 适航是一个事实问题,船舶只有在各个方面真正满足适航规定才会被判定为是适航的,任何关于船舶适航的人证、物证都不是船舶适航的最终证明。

    Any testimony of witness or material evidence should not be the final testify of the ship 's seaworthiness .

  15. 在最初管辖的法院,法官通常拥有陪审团来决定所有事实问题。

    In courts of original jurisdiction , judges are usually provided with juries to decide all questions of fact .

  16. 反倾销司法审查的标准包括事实问题和法律问题两个方面,体现了国内法院对行政权限一定程度的尊重。

    The standard of judicial review com-prises both fact and law issues , which embodies respecting administrative power by domestic courts .

  17. 作者认为,美德是否可教,不是一个纯粹的事实问题,而是一个信念问题。

    To the author , whether morality could be taught is not a problem of pure facts , but of belief .

  18. 最后一个部分是结束语,它表明了笔者在案件事实问题上的基本立场。

    The last part is the conclusion , which shows my essential standpoint on the problem of the fact . 2 .

  19. 归因与归责的区别在于:归因是一个事实问题,通过因果关系理论解决;

    Attribution and Zurech-nung present the following difference : attribution is an issue of facts , solved by the causation theory ;

  20. 法律行为的解释在性质上属于法律问题,而不是事实问题。

    The interpretation of legal acts belongs to the legal matter , but not the fact matter , in its nature .

  21. 注意义务是否已被违反的问题是一个事实问题,而非法律问题。

    The question as to whether a duty of care has been breached is a question of fact , not one of law .

  22. 第一,审查标准的内涵解决审查标准是什么的问题,并对事实问题和法律问题进行了区分。

    The first sub-part is to define the meaning of standard of review , and make distinction between factual problem and legal problem .

  23. 首先,从学理上对事实问题的审查进行分析以及界定事实问题的概念。

    First , the paper analyzes the review of problem of fact on academic and defining the concept of the problem of face .

  24. 主管机关应公布一份报告,列出其对所有有关事实问题和法律问题的调查结果和理由充分的结论。

    The competent authorities shall publish a report setting forth their findings and reasoned conclusions reached on all pertinent issues of fact and law .

  25. 经验法则具有主客观性、抽象性、规则性、盖然性的特征,兼有事实问题与法律问题的双重属性。

    Thumb with subjective and objective and abstract nature , rules , probability characteristics of , the dual attributes of both factual and legal issues .

  26. 不过又由于法律问题和事实问题之间存有理论差异,故有必要分别界定对二者的干预深度。

    But because of the theory differences between the legal issues and the facts issues . It is necessary to both limit the respectively intervention depth .

  27. 研究预决事实问题对于提高诉讼效率、节约诉讼资源,实现诉讼案件的公平公正解决具有至关重要的作用。

    The study of pro-decided issues has a crucial role on enhancing litigation efficiency , saving judicial resources and realizing justified and fast solving of cases .

  28. 然而在中小企业中,它们常常单独设计,从而与环境成本会计的事实问题的一体化达不到一个标准。

    In SMEs however , they are often individually designed and thus not standardized making the integration of for instance software that supports ECA implementation problematic .

  29. “此处所指之合理期间乃事实问题,但假如此类票据于完成后流通至适时执票人,”

    " Reasonable time for this purpose is a question of fact : Provided that if any such instrument after completion is negotiated to a holder in due course ,"

  30. 当事人是否签订合同是一个事实问题,但合同是否合法是一个法律问题。

    It is a matter of fact whether the parties enter into the contract , but it is a matter of law whether of not the contract is legal .