
shì shí ɡòu chénɡ
  • constitution of facts
  1. 经济预测方法选择专家系统(简称EFM)的知识库由规则集和事实构成,共121条规则;

    The knowledge base of expert system for selecting economic forecasting method contains rule set and facts , comprising of 121 rules in the rule set .

  2. 最后,笔者通过对相关案例的分析,明确了我国高度危险责任一般条款所包含的事实构成要件。

    Finally , the author related cases in the analysis of the greatly dangerous , made the general clause should contains responsibility fact constituents .

  3. 同时,反向混淆在事实构成、认定标准以及侵权救济等方面与传统的正向混淆有显著的不同。

    Meanwhile , in fact constituted , recognized standards , tort remedies and so on , reverse confusion has significantly different form traditional forward confusion .

  4. 在诉讼中,免证事实构成法院判决的事实基础,而且法律也明文规定其无需以证据加以证明。

    The facts with need not to be proved in litigation , which are proclaimed in writing of law , lay the factual foundation for court judgment .

  5. 同时,在前件词项和法律事实构成要件之间,在后件词项和法律关系构成要素之间,都分别存在着对应关系;

    At the same time , between the former lexical item and the constitutive requirements of legal fact , and between the latter lexical item and the component elements of legal relation , a corresponding relation exists respectively .

  6. 直接刑是直接适用的刑罚,与犯罪事实构成直接对应的关系,替代刑则是对本应处以刑罚的替代,与犯罪事实之间的关系是间接的,二者是对立概念。

    Direct Penalty is penalty applied directly , which has a direct corresponding relationship with the crime . Alternative Penalty is the alternation of the supposed penalty , which has a indirect corresponding relationship with the crime . These two categories of penalties are opposite .

  7. 在国际民事诉讼中,法院为了确定国际民商事争议的管辖权和应适用的冲突规则,都要根据一定的法律观念对争议的有关事实构成的性质进行识别。

    In the international civil lawsuits , it is required for courts to characterize the nature of the constituents of disputed facts according to certain legal conceptions in order to determine jurisdiction of international civil and commercial disputes and thus determine which rule of conflicts should be applied .

  8. 论讯问笔录中案件事实的构成要素

    On Constituent Elements of the fact of a Case in an Interrogation Record

  9. 这种简单的划分事实上构成了本文研究的中心&农业基本建设投资结构。

    The above separation reveals this paper key concept , agriculture infrastructure investment structure .

  10. 不当得利为债产生的法律事实,构成民法上的基本制度。

    It is a legal matter engendered by debts and constitutes the basic system of civil law .

  11. 她们的叙述事实上构成了对翻译研究与认识型在学术有效性上的质疑。

    Their narrations have actually leaded to the oppugning of scientific validity of translation studies and episteme .

  12. 审判前,被告方可以所控事实不构成犯罪为自由权,要求撤销案件。

    Before trial the defendant may move to dismiss the case on the ground that the facts alleged do not constitute a crime .

  13. 多维数据集由其维度和事实表构成,这不仅涉及到几张大的申报表,还涉及到了众多的代码表。

    Cube of its dimension and fact tables , which not only involves a few big returns , but also to the code table .

  14. 因而,足以影响当时保险市场上一般同类保险人决定是否同意承保或提高保险费率的事实才构成重要事实。

    Thus , those facts enough to affect general insurers ' decision on whether to underwrite the contract or raise the insurance premium at the market may constitute important facts .

  15. 本文立足我国法律文本和司法审判实践,探讨了技术标准对司法的规范效应,指出技术标准构成了判断行政审判中事实认定构成要件的基准;

    Based on legal documents and jurisdictional experience , this article discusses the normative effect of technical standards , it points out that it is benchmark of factual finding in judicial review process ;

  16. 因此本文认为,机构投资者对权益类资产(包括股票和证券投资基金)波段操作,事实上构成了对证券投资基金的行为套利。

    Therefore , this thesis argues that institutional investors ' band operation of Equity Capital ( including stocks and securities investment funds ) has actually formed a certain behavioral arbitrage to securities investment funds .

  17. 中国互联网行业已经发展到了一定阶段,因此我们能找到足够多的人才和企业为用户提供差异化服务,这事实上将构成一个生态系统。

    The internet industry has grown to a certain stage in China that we can find enough talent and enough companies to provide differentiated services to users and that will actually constitute an ecosystem .

  18. 现代营业理论认为,商事营业资产是由一系列的单独财产和事实关系构成的有机统一体,这个统一体并不等于各个单独财产的简单相加,而是一个具有整体性营运价值的有机体系。

    According to modern theory of business , enterprise consists of a series of separate property and commercial facts , which is not equal to simple summation of these elements , but a system of going concern values .

  19. 在这一发展战略下,国家现代化领导集团主导的强政府事实上构成了启动和推进国家现代化的第一推动力,并且是持续发展的主要推动力。

    Under this developmental strategy , the " strong government " that led by the national modernization leading group constituted the first propelling force that started and advanced country modernization in fact , and was the main propelling force of the durative development .

  20. 单单是事实还不能构成一本好书。

    Mere facts do not compose a good book .

  21. 因此,罪量要素就应当首先是事实该当的构成要件符合性判断。

    Therefore , at first , criminal quantitative elements should be the factual coincidence judgment of criminal constitution .

  22. 罗马法上占有为一种事实,其构成要件有物质要件和精神要件;日耳曼法上的占有为权利;

    Possession was considered as a fact in Roman law with material and spiritual prerequisites , and as a right in Germanic law .

  23. 这个思想体系因其异于传统而向来被哲学史所忽视,然而它事实上却构成明末清初以来一个新的思想端绪,并且对传统也并非毫无影响。

    Long neglected in the circle of history of philosophy for its difference from tradition , it actually constituted a beginning of new thoughts and produced influence on tradition .

  24. 全球化已经成为我们无可否认和无法逃避的现实趋势,在此大背景下所引发的法律全球化,也已成为一个不可忽视的事实,并构成全球化的有机组成部分。

    Globalization has become an undeniable and inescapable reality trend Also the globalization of law has become an fact which can not be ignored and an integral part of globalization .

  25. 专家系统从本质上来说是一种独特的描述系统的方式,即基于规则化的描述方式,将整个系统看成是由各种各样的事实和规则构成。

    Expert system is a unique methodology to describe system at all , ie regarding the whole system as one composed of various facts and rules based on the rule-based describing methodology .

  26. “我知道我是否是亚基人,这个事实并不足以构成个人历史,”他回答说,“只有在别人知道时,它才会成为个人历史。

    ' The fact that I know whether I am a Yaqui or not does not make it personal history , 'he replied . 'Only when someone else knows that does it become personal history .

  27. 这些事实综合起来就构成了无可争辩的理论。

    The facts added together to build up an indisputable theory .

  28. 案件事实的概念及构成辨析

    On the Concept and Composition of Case Fact

  29. 事实错误是对构成要件的客观要素上的主观认识与现实的不一致;

    The fact mistake is caused by the misunderstanding of constitutive requirements and facts .

  30. 制度性事实包括三个构成要素:集体意向性、功能赋予和构成性规则。

    The institutional facts contain three constitutional elements : the collective intentionality , the assignment of function and the constitutional rule .