
xiāo miè shí xiào
  • extinctive prescription;negative prescription
  1. 论消灭时效制度与民法请求权

    Research on Extinctive Prescription System and Right of Claim in Civil Law

  2. 消灭时效制度源自古罗马裁判官法。

    The extinctive prescription system stems from praetor - law of ancient Rome .

  3. 时刑罚消灭时效的内容进行设定。

    The contents of prescription of penal elimination should be established , too .

  4. 论消灭时效与抵押权期限

    A Study of the Negative Prescription and Mortgage Right

  5. 物权请求权与消灭时效

    Right of The Real Claim and Extinctive Prescription

  6. 第二部分主要考察了研究消灭时效客体的切入点。

    Part ⅱ mainly concerns about the researching point of the extinctive prescription object .

  7. 浅析消灭时效之客体制度

    Brief Discussion on Object System of Time-effect Forfeiture

  8. 消灭时效制度研究

    Study on the System of Extinguishing Limitation

  9. 物上请求权的性质与消灭时效

    Nature of right of the real claim and effects which it has on extinctive prescription

  10. 其中消灭时效制度就是对权利行使时间的限制。哪些权利的行使应受到限制呢?

    Prescription extinctive is one of the rules which restrict the time of performance of right .

  11. 试论利益偿还请求权消灭时效制度

    On the System of Negative Prescription of the Right of Claim for Repayment of the Interests

  12. 论消灭时效之客体

    On the Object of Extinctive Prescreption

  13. 消灭时效制度本身的内容决定了消灭时效客体必须具备的要件;消灭时效的起算时间和法律效果则是考察消灭时效客体必须考虑的角度。

    The content of extinctive prescription system itself determines the object must have the element of limitation .

  14. 消灭时效的适用范围是诉讼时效领域内一个重要的问题。

    The limitation of actions applicable scope is an important question in the limitation of action domain .

  15. 诉讼时效滥觞于罗马法,又称消灭时效,绵亘两千多年的历史,是一项沿革久远的民事法律制度。

    Limitation of prosecutions , with an alias of negative prescription , was firstly from Roman law .

  16. 笔者发现,研究消灭时效客体必须着眼于消灭时效制度本身。

    The author found that the object must focus on the study of prescription extinctive system itself .

  17. 在传统的民法理论中,民事时效制度包括取得时效和消灭时效。

    In the traditional principles of the civil law , the civil prescription system just includes obtaining prescription and cancelling prescription .

  18. 从而,根据我国社会发展实际现状,对完善我国的消灭时效制度提出了立法建议。

    Therefore , the author has offered the suggestion of legislation on how to perfect the extinctive prescription system of our country .

  19. 取得时效起源于罗马法,与消灭时效共同构成了传统大陆法上的时效制度。

    Acquisition prescription originated from The Roman Law , constructs the traditional prescription system together with negative prescription in civil law system .

  20. 为维护登记的绝对效力,登记的不动产和动产不予适用消灭时效。

    But the extinctive prescription will not apply in registered immovable and movable property in order to vindicate the absolute validity of registration .

  21. 责任人承担此种责任,采取的是无过错责任原则,不需要考虑责任人的过错。预防型民事责任不是不适用消灭时效,而是消灭时效在预防型民事责任中无法成就而无从适用。

    The preventive type of liability is not immune from negative prescription , but cannot meet the requirements that the negative prescription need .

  22. 更正登记请求权作为物权请求权,不适用消灭时效。

    As a type of property claims , the right to request the correction of registration does not apply to the extinctive prescription .

  23. 消灭时效期间是体现权利让位于事实、应然状态让步并妥协于实然状态之合理限度的重要范畴。

    The term of extinctive prescription embodies the rational concessive limitation of rights to facts , and compromise limitation of state-should-be to practical state .

  24. 它既不同于消灭时效又不同于除斥期间,而是一种独特的时效制度。

    It is different from the prescription of eliminating as well as the period of immunity , but a kind of unique prescription system .

  25. 另外,在分析构成要件过程中,还探讨了取得时效与消灭时效期间的起算、中断、中止等问题。并认为,两者的中断、中止事由不应完全套用。

    After considerable analysis , the author considers that the interruptions suspension of prescription can 't completely apply to the interruptions suspension of acquisitive prescription .

  26. 对物上请求权性质的不同认识,导致对其是否罹于消灭时效的不同观点。

    The different views on the nature of right of the real claim should lead different views on whether extinctive prescription apply to right of the real claim .

  27. 目前,正值我国物权法制定之际,本文旨在通过对物权请求权消灭时效制度的研究,希冀对我国的物权法理论和《物权法》立法及司法实践有所裨益。

    The study on extinctive prescription of right of the real claim may contribute to the academic ideas as well as constituting a new Real Law in China .

  28. 通说将消灭时效的效力分为实体权利消灭、诉权消灭和抗辩权发生三主义。

    According to General Surveys , the effect of negative prescription is composed of three doctrines : extinction of subjective right , extinction of claims and occurrence of right to counterargument .

  29. 民法中的取得时效制度与善意取得、消灭时效制度、不动产登记制度及占有制度等一起,共同构成了一国财产权保护体系。

    The usucaption , together with the bona fide acquiring , extinctive prescription , registration of real property and possession , forms the system of the protection of right on property .

  30. 准确界定时效完成后产生的法律后果,应协调取得时效与财产登记制度、取得时效与物上请求权消灭时效的关系。

    To regulate the force adeffect of expiration exactly , we must harmonize the relations between the acquisition prescription and the system of registration , negative prescription of right of real claim .