
  • 网络Public Rental Housing
  1. 为破解融资困局,笔者提出运用PPP模式解决武汉市公共租赁房建设中的资金短缺问题。

    To break the financing dilemma , the author proposes the use of the PPP model to solve the shortage of funds in the public rental housing construction in Wuhan City .

  2. 然后,文章对武汉市公共租赁房建设中运用PPP模式的必要性及可行性进行了重点剖析,并以此为基础,提出了武汉市公共租赁房PPP模式的运行机制。

    Then , the article on the necessity and feasibility of using the PPP model in the public rental housing construction in Wuhan City , the focus of analysis of , and on this basis , the operating mechanism of Wuhan City public rental housing PPP mode .

  3. 公共租赁房是当前我国提出的一项针对中低收入者的住房保障计划。

    Public rental housing is a protection scheme putting forward for the low-income currently in China .

  4. 为有效解决这一困境,需要在公共租赁房融资模式上进行积极创新。

    In public rental housing financing model for an effective solution to this dilemma , a positive innovation .

  5. 我国保障性住房供应体系包括:限价商品房,经济适用房,公共租赁房,廉价房。

    My protective housing supply system includes : Limit of commercial housing and affordable housing , public rental housing , low-cost housing .

  6. 第三章分析了武汉市公共租赁房的发展现状,重点对融资困境加以介绍。

    Chapter III analyzes the current development of Wuhan City public rental housing to be introduced , focusing on the financing dilemma .

  7. 其中公共租赁房作为未来保障性住房的重点已逐渐成为共识。

    The fact that public rental housing will be the most important part of affordable housing system has gradually become the consensus .

  8. 本文就几种创新的融资模式来探讨它们在我国公共租赁房融资中的一些可行性。

    In this paper , we are using several innovative financing models to explore some of the feasibility of public rental housing financing .

  9. 这就要求武汉市政府在公共租赁房的资金筹措方面,积极创新,广开财源。

    This requires the Wuhan municipal government financing of public rental housing funds , a positive innovation , open up sources of income .

  10. 当然,重庆市还应该从法律、制度、组织等角度完善公共租赁房保障体系建设。

    Certainly , Chongqing should also improve the public rental housing security system from legal , institutional , and organizational point of view , etc.

  11. 最后,本文从保障方式、融资手段和管理体制三方面对完善我国公共租赁房制度提出了政策建议。

    Finally , from the protection mode , financing instruments and management systems improve three aspects of public rental housing system of policy recommendations .

  12. 然而,现有的公共租赁房资金来源单一,融资渠道匮乏,严重制约着公共租赁房的建设。

    However , the single existing public rental housing sources of funding , lack of financing channels , seriously restricting the construction of public rental housing .

  13. 结合实际状况,公共租赁房、限价商品房以及二手房市场将成为夹心层群体的住房供应体系的主要组成部分。

    Light of the actual situation , a supply system for " sandwich class " group is made up housing public rental housing , limit room and second-hand housing market .

  14. 在此基础上,对比分析了境外发达国家和地区的建设特点,为我国公共租赁房制度的建设提供经验借鉴。

    On this basis , comparative analysis of the developed countries and regions outside the building features for our construction of public rental housing system to provide experience for reference .

  15. 目前我国基本上形成了以经济适用房、限价房、廉租房和公共租赁房等为主的多层次保障住房供应体系。

    At current , china has formed many-levels supply system of affordable housing basically , including affordable housing , price-controlling housing , low-rent housing , public-renting housing and so on .

  16. 其次,通过对我国目前公共租赁房发展的现状分析,总结出国内在公共租赁房制度发展中存在的不足。

    Secondly , through the development of the current status of public rental housing analysis , summed up the domestic public rental housing system in the development of the shortcomings .

  17. 公共租赁房制度的建立主要是为了保障夹心层群体住有所居,解决这类人群住房困难的问题,以弥补原先住房保障制度的不足。

    The purpose of public rental housing is to guarantee the groups of " Sandwich layer " to have residence houses and make supplement to the shortages of former housing system .

  18. 本文研究的是我国公共租赁房的债券融资模式问题,因此,对本文研究所要涉及的基本概念和相关融资理论进行简单回顾探讨是非常有必要的。

    In our paper we study the public rental housing bond financing issue , so , it is necessary to make some related concept and theories clear at the beginning of the article .

  19. 并且着重研究了政府与企业的动机机制,初步探索了政府与企业的在建设公共租赁房上的合作模式。

    This paper also focuses on the motive of the government and business mechanism , and makes exploration of the government and enterprises in the construction of public rental housing on the model of cooperation .

  20. 公共租赁房在国内属于新兴的保障性住房模式,谁建、怎么建、谁住、谁监管、怎么退出,都需要探索和逐步实施。

    Public rental housing is a newly emerging mode of indemnificatory hosing in domestic China , who construct , how to construct , who live in , who regulate , how to quit , all need exploration and step-by-step implementation .

  21. 为解决不同层次居民的住房问题,国家建立了以廉租房、经济适用房、公共租赁房、棚户区改造安置房为主要内容的保障性住房供应体系。

    To solve the housing problem of the residents of different levels , China sets up the affordable housing supply system with low-rent housing , economically affordable housing , public rental housing and Shanty towns transform houses as the main content .

  22. 但对处在转型时期的武汉市,公租房政策受益公众广泛,有必要在武汉市推行公共租赁房政策,并为全国其他城市公共租赁住房实施提供可供借鉴的经验。

    But implementation of the policy of public rental housing is benefit from broad public . Thus carrying out public rental housing in Wuhan City is rather proper . And supply the experiences of implementation of public rental housing around the country .

  23. 公共租赁房政策的实施、具体操作在我国还处于探索、完善阶段。公共政策是现代国家不可或缺的治理手段,是调和各方利益的基本保障。

    The implementation and specific operation of public rental housing policy is still in the exploration and perfecting stage in China , Public policy is an indispensable means of governance in modern country , it is the basic security to reconcile the interests of all parties .

  24. 由于国内对于某一具体城市的实践情况的探析很少,因此本文的创新之处在于以郑州市公共租赁房政策的现状为研究对象,以此探讨国内具体城市公共租赁房发展路径。

    Analysis of domestic practice in a particular city is small , so the innovation of this paper is that as the research object , in order to explore specific urban public rental housing development path to the status of the Zhengzhou City Public rental housing policy .