
ɡōnɡ fǎ xínɡ wéi
  • law behavior;public behavior
  1. 诉讼行为的性质因行为主体的不同而不同:法院的诉讼行为是一种公法行为,表现为针对纠纷的居中裁判行为,裁判性是其区别于行政行为的关键点;

    The characters of acts are different according to the people who conduct the acts .

  2. 从本质上说,公司登记是一种公法行为,具有行政确认的性质。

    Corporate registration is a behavior of public law , has the nature of administrative license .

  3. 本论文在反思从私法路径界定行政契约无效之缺陷的基础上,提出界定行政契约无效应主要遵从公法行为无效之路径。

    This thesis advocates that defining invalidation of administrative contract should mainly obey the path of invalidation of public action .

  4. 行政契约是一种新型的行政管理方式,是游离于公法行为与民事契约之间的一种特殊形态。

    Administrative contract is a new type of administrative pattern , and it is a special pattern between public law and civil contract .

  5. 指出从程序法的角度而言登记行为的性质应是公法行为性质。

    Point out from the angle of procedure law , the nature of the registration act is the law of nature should be .

  6. 折衷说认为拍卖一方面是公法行为,另一方面又同时具有私法买卖之性质与效果。

    Compromise theory , on one hand , treat auction as a public law action , on the other hand , it also possesses the character and effect of buying and selling in private law .

  7. 著作权转让登记兼具有公法行为和司法行为的性质,其不仅可以产生善意保护、警示等方面的法律效果,而且具有降低交易成本、保障交易安全的价值取向。

    The copyright transfer registration are both public acts and judicial acts , which not only can provide the legal effects of goodwill protection or notification , but also have the values in lowering costs and securing transactions .

  8. 其次,就不动产登记的性质而言,民法理论界存在三种不同观点,通过对我国相关法律法规的研读,论述了我国将不动产物权登记行为的性质确定为公法行为。

    Secondly , with regards to the character of realty registration , there has been three opinions . Based on referring to our relative rules and regulations , this part demonstrates that realty registration is subject to the pubic act .

  9. 作为公法行为,宏观调控行为的效力内容与行政行为类似,但不包括执行力。且二者在公定力、确定力和拘束力方面的具体表观也不一致。

    As a public law action , the validity of macro-control action is similar to administrative action , but not including the execution . They are not consistent in de facto force , deterministic force and binding force on specific performance .

  10. 由于社会权力对行政过程的参与,使得社会权力所具有的社会性、私法性、协商性等特质也融入行政法的公法行为过程之中,行政主体开始有意识地使用私法方式完成公共事务。

    With the social power participating in the administrative process , the social nature , private law nature , consultative of social power mixed into the process of administrative acts of public law , administrative body began to use the private manner in public affairs consciously .

  11. 就法律性质而言,执行和解具有公法执行行为和私法契约行为的双重法律性质;

    As to its legal nature , it has dual legal natures of executive behavior of public law and contractual behavior of civil law ;

  12. 商事登记在本质上是一种带有公法性质的行为。

    Commercial registration is a kind of behavior with public law nature in essence .

  13. 英国法院对有关外国土地所有权、外国知识产权、外国刑法和税法及类似公法、国家行为的案件无管辖权。

    The English courts have no jurisdictions over the follow matters : title to foreign land , foreign intelligent property rights , foreign penal and revenue law as well as the similar public laws , the act of state .

  14. 然而,法院强制拍卖的性质究竟系私法上的法律行为还是公法上的处分行为,直接影响到拍卖的法律效果。

    However , the court forced sale of the private nature of the legal system or whether the law on the punishment , directly affect the legal effect of the auction .

  15. 行政合同作为公法与私法融合的产物,是游离于公法上行为与私法契约之间的一种特殊形态。

    Administrative contract , as a product of integration between the behavior of public law and the contract of private law , is a special form divorced from the private law and public law .