
  • 网络principle of public trust
  1. 善意取得制度是公信原则的必然逻辑结果,善意取得制度构成要件、存在依据值得深入探讨。

    That is the principle of public trust whose logical result is innocent acquisition .

  2. 公信原则的基本功能则在于保护动态交易安全,使连续发生的交易活动不致因原权利人主张权利而毁于一旦;

    The fundamental function of the principle of public trust lies in protecting the dynamic safety of transaction .

  3. 公示公信原则的博弈分析

    Game Theoretical Analysis to the Public Display and Public Trust Principle

  4. 论物权法的公示公信原则

    On the Public Show and Public Faith Principle of Law of Properties

  5. 该部分主要介绍公示原则与公信原则。

    This section introduces the principle of publicity and public trust principles .

  6. 理论依据是公示、公信原则;

    Its theory basis is opening to the public ;

  7. 善意取得与公信原则

    Acquisition in Good Faith and Credit Principle

  8. 第二部分:对各国物权变动立法模式进行比较。首先阐述了物权变动立法模式的两个基础理论:公示公信原则和物权行为理论。

    The second part compares the main legislative modes of the shift of jus in rem .

  9. 物权的公示、公信原则是物权法的基本原则之一。

    Public revelation and public acceptance principles of the alteration of real rights are two basic principles of real rights law .

  10. 第一部分主要以公示公信原则的理论基础为主,阐述了公示公信原则的概念、性质和作用。

    The first part discusses the concept , character , function of the principle of publicity and public trust through related basic theory .

  11. 而于物权法中,公示公信原则应是协调二者的角量器。

    The principle of public confidence shall play a major role in the domain of real right law to coordinate the both sides .

  12. 确立公示公信原则,以适应市场经济对财产归属与流转安全的要求;

    The principle of public summons and public trust is established to fulfill the demand of property attribution and circulation security under market economy ;

  13. 确立物权行为独立性与无因基础上的实质审议主义,公开登记薄以确立公示与公信原则;

    It makes the independent of property act and substantial review , opens the registration book to show its principle of public note and trust .

  14. 善意取得制度正是建立于公示公信原则之上,进一步维护善意第三人的利益。

    Bona fide acquisition is established on the basis of the principle of publicity and confidence to further protect the good-intentioned third party 's interests .

  15. 不动产善意取得的理论依据是不动产登记公信力,它是根据物权公信原则得出的结论。赋予登记以公信力的主要作用,一是明确权利归属,二是保障交易安全。

    The public credibility of estate register is the theory basis of estate bona-fide possession system , and it is the conclusion of public credibility principle .

  16. 其次,秉承物权公示、公信原则,赋予应收账款质押登记公示公信力,明确登记对抗效力和公信力。

    Secondly , adhering to the principle of public trust and real right , it should give the registration of pledge receivables combat effectiveness and credibility .

  17. 论物权法草案贯彻公示公信原则的缺陷

    The Shortcoming of Draft of the People 's Republic of China Property Law in Carrying through Principle of Public Summons and Public Trust of Property Law

  18. 只有继承人享有、行使既得继承权,并依据物权的公示公信原则实现了所有权主体的更替,继承权才能转化为所有权。

    Heirship cannot convert into ownership unless the heirs enjoy and exercise obtained heirship , and realize the transition of ownership subjects in terms of the principle of publicity and credit .

  19. 第二部分,从内因与外因两个方面讨论了不动产物权登记制度的存在原因:着重论述了物权公示原则与物权公信原则以及物权行为理论。

    The second part discusses the inner and external reason of the cause of registration of estate . It mainly discusses the demonstrative principle and the theory of act of property right .

  20. 公示公信原则在物权法中具有基石的不可动摇的地位,物权立法应当贯彻物权公示原则并在各具体制度中体现。

    The Principle of public summons and public trust plays basic role in property law , it should be carried through in every rule in property law while property law is being established .

  21. 公信原则的目的在于使人信赖,以保护物权交易的安全为使命,可满足市场交易迅捷和安全的诉求。

    The aim of the principle of public trust is to make people trust , it treats the protection of property transactions as its mission , and it can meet the requirements of market transactions .

  22. 不动产信托登记制度的理论基础在于物权公示公信原则,信托财产独立性特征,以及不动产信托登记二重性。

    The theoretical basis of trust registration system of real estate depends on the principle of public trust , the characteristics of trust property independence , and the duality of trust registration of real estate .

  23. 不动产登记制度系物权法之公示公信原则具体体现,亦为现代繁荣商品经济社会交易安全之使然。

    Real estate registration system is the specific embodiment of the principle of making public and honesty of real right law , and it 's also the need of prospering exchange security in commodity economy society .

  24. 物权变动与公示制度部分介绍了公示制度与交易安全、登记制度的演变过程以及物权变动的公示与公信原则。

    In the second part , the author explains the principles in Announcement and Confidence of APR , including the relation between system of Announcement and safety of transaction , the course of development in registering system .

  25. 我国物权立法应当坚持物权法定原则、一物一权原则、公示公信原则以及效率原则。

    The legislation concerning real right in China should stick to the doctrine of legally prescribed real right , doctrine of one thing , one right , principle of public summons and public reliability , and criterion of efficiency .

  26. 善意取得制度是对公信原则的贯彻,其本质并不要求其只适用于动产交易,在不动产交易中也可适用善意取得制度以实现不动产交易的动的安全。

    The goodwill obtaining system obeys the public show and the public faith principle , and the estate bargaining , such as the chattel bargaining , may be applicable to the goodwill obtaining system to protect its moveable safe .

  27. 我国的法律,尤其是新近颁布的物权法,第一次对物权的公示原则作了明确规定,但未规定公信原则,这是我国物权立法上的一大缺陷。

    The Chinese laws , especially the recently promulgated Real Right Law , which made explicit provision of the publication principle for the first time , had no provision of the credit principle , this is a big blemish of the lawmaking .

  28. 现代民法在经过长期探索后,发现公示公信原则符合现代市场经济对效率与安全的需求;于是该原则逐渐被大多数国家普遍接受,成为物权法的基本原则之一。

    After a long-term exploring , the demonstrative principle has become one of the basic principles of the real right law and has been accepted by most of countries , owing to meet the need of safety and efficiency in the market economy .

  29. 在此基础上,以物权的公示公信原则为主体,以善意取得制度为补充,对这种物权变动模式进行构建。

    On this basis , we should treat the principle of publicity and public trust as the main body and treat the system of acquisition in good faith as a supplement , by doing this we can construct the pattern of formalism of claims .

  30. 本文认为:善意取得制度的理论基础在于市场经济的交易秩序和效率以及物权法的公示公信原则,是民法公平原则的体现;

    This thesis gets conclusions : The bargain order and efficiency of the market economy , the principle of public nature and public trust of real right law , and equity principle of the civil law are the theory foundations about good faith obtain .