
gōng kāi
  • open;disclosure;out;release;make public;overt;above board;transpire
公开 [gōng kāi]
  • (1) [make public]

  • (2) 将事情的内容暴露于大众

  • 公开内幕

  • 公开地下党员的身分

  • (3) 把秘密公布出来

  • 公开他的住址

  • 公开审判

  • (1) [overt;open]

  • (2) 不限定参加者、特属某集团或某范畴

  • 公开性

  • (3) 业余的和专业的竞争者都可以加入

  • 网球公开赛

  • (4) 不同级别的竞争者都可以参加

  • 公开拍卖

  • (5) 完全不隐蔽

  • 公开的全面战争

公开[gōng kāi]
  1. 政府官员不想公开这些评论。

    Government officials do not want these comments in the open .

  2. 他们想把心中的种种不满公开讲出来。

    They intend to bring their complaints out into the open .

  3. 她公开谴责政府处理这场危机的方式。

    She publicly denounced the government 's handling of the crisis .

  4. 这幅画将于下周公开展出。

    The painting will be put on public display next week .

  5. 公司因忽略了安全规程而受到公开批评。

    The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures .

  6. 杰克逊公开道歉之后,这两个人又言归于好了。

    The pair were reconciled after Jackson made a public apology .

  7. 她接受了一次电视采访,就此结束了她不在公开场合说话的状态。

    She broke her public silence in a TV interview .

  8. 我们需要促进思想和信息的公开交流。

    We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information .

  9. 他的公开言论与他本人的生活方式恰恰相反。

    His public speeches are in direct contradiction to his personal lifestyle .

  10. 他公开讲述他和那位女演员的私情。

    He spoke openly about his involvement with the actress .

  11. 她敢于公开地谈论自己的想法。

    She had no inhibitions about making her opinions known .

  12. 目前我们公开征聘一位新的销售经理。

    We are currently advertising for a new sales manager .

  13. 他克制住了自己,没有在公开场合批评政府。

    He has refrained from criticizing the government in public .

  14. 这两所学校公开相互敌对。

    There was open hostility between the two schools .

  15. 她公开夸耀与参议员的恋情。

    She openly flaunted her affair with the senator .

  16. 在美国公开赛上获胜的是谁?

    Who was it that won the US Open ?

  17. 我从17岁起就公开我是同性恋。

    I had been out since I was 17 .

  18. 公开这些真相是为了公众的利益。

    It is in the public interest that these facts are made known .

  19. 如果我因公开自己的车,就有一笔里程补贴。

    I get a mileage allowance if I use my car for work .

  20. 我有必要跟她公开彻底地把话说清楚。

    I need to have it out with her once and for all .

  21. 人质公开陈述了他们所遭受的非人的折磨。

    The hostages spoke openly about the terrible ordeal they had been through .

  22. 对这个项目公开表示支持的很少。

    There was little overt support for the project .

  23. 英国没有公开反对这些残暴行为,使其名誉扫地。

    Britain , to its discredit , did not speak out against these atrocities .

  24. 后来他对自己的言论作了公开道歉。

    He later publicly apologized for his comments .

  25. 如今她很少公开露面。

    She is rarely seen in public nowadays .

  26. 该计划遭到公开直接反对。

    There was outright opposition to the plan .

  27. 争论很快恶化,演变成了公开的论战。

    The debate soon degenerated into open warfare .

  28. 部长公开表示他特别满意。

    The minister declared that he was wrapped .

  29. 这家公司公开买卖军火。

    The firm openly traded in arms .

  30. 妓女公开在街上拉客。

    Prostitutes solicited openly in the streets .