
  1. N次举牌最后举以实例。

    Lift The Plate for N times Specific examples are offered in the end .

  2. N次举牌限价委托交易系统中行情公告牌的信息含量与交易者行为分析

    Lift The Plate for N times An Empirical Investigation on the Order Book Information and Trader Activities in a Pure Limit Order Market

  3. 同时还分析了不能举贤的社会原因。N次举牌

    He also analyzed the social reasons why talents were not selected and placed on the right posts . Lift The Plate for N times

  4. 希望结束辩论的代表请举牌。

    All those delegates wishing to close the debate please raise your placards .

  5. 反对此动议的代表请举牌。

    All those oppose please raise your placards .

  6. 他说,当公司填写数字并举牌M他们就是在回答问题。

    When the companies fill in their numbers and raise their paddle , they are answering a question .

  7. 希望发言的代表请举牌。谢谢。

    All those delegates wishing to speak please raise your placard . ( Calling the names of the countries ) Thank you .

  8. 在开发商因信贷环境紧缩、政府抑制投机而受到打击之际,大理或许不是最后一个农民工子女替父母举牌抗议的地方。

    With developers feeling the squeeze from a tightening credit environment and curbs on speculation , Dali may not be the last place we see migrant children carrying protest signs on their parents ' behalf .