
  • 网络Inverted evidence;quote convert
  1. 举证倒置对医疗服务的影响以及应采取的对策

    Quoting Inversion to Influence of Medical Treatment Service and Must Adopt Countermeasure

  2. 举证倒置下完善护理文书书写的探讨

    Approach on Consummating the Nursing Records Writing to Suit to Inverted Evidence-providing

  3. 举证倒置下精神科护理行为存在的法律问题及对策

    Existing law problems of nursing in psychiatry department under inverted evidence-providing and countermeasures

  4. 从护理记录的缺陷看举证倒置存在的隐患

    Some Hidden Dangers Existed in Inverted Evidence-providing due to the Flaws of Nursing Records

  5. 举证倒置后化验费、检查费在总医疗费用中构成比例由原来的10.5%和8.0%上升到13.8%和9.4%。

    After the new policy has been implemented , the percentage of clinical test expenditure and diagnostic examination expenditure has increased from 10.5 % , 8 % to 13 . 8 % and 9.4 % respectively .

  6. 为探讨举证倒置实行后对医疗服务的影响,本文阐述了影响举证倒置的因素;并阐述了贯彻举证倒置应采取的对策;

    For the inquiring the quoting inversion to the influence of the medical treatment service , it is expounded in this article that the factor of influencing quoting conversion ; and the countermeasure of carrying out quoting inversion should adopt .

  7. 面向对象设计中的DIP原则及其应用对医疗纠纷中的举证责任倒置原则的分析

    Dependency inversion principle in the OOD An Inversion Principle Application of Quoting Responsibility in Medical Issue

  8. 举证责任倒置后医疗行为的难点与对策

    Difficulties and Countermeasure of Medical Treatment Action after Onus Probandi Inversion

  9. 要完善举证责任倒置制度。

    To perfect the systemof the burden of proof upside down .

  10. 其次是对刑讯逼供行为实行举证责任倒置原则。

    The next is to implement the extorting confessions onus probandi .

  11. 我国民事举证责任倒置范围之探讨

    A survey of the scope of inverted evidential burden in China

  12. 论医疗侵权诉讼举证责任倒置后医方的抗辩事由

    Hospital Defend after Implementing Upside-down Onus Probandi in Medical Tort Lawsuit

  13. 举证责任倒置,法官阁下。

    The burden of proof is reversed here , Your Honor .

  14. 对医事诉讼举证责任倒置的认识和对策

    The understanding and countermeasure on the onus probandi in medical lawsuit

  15. 论民事诉讼中的举证责任倒置

    On the Inversion of Burden of Persuasion in Civil Proceeding

  16. 第四章着重阐述举证责任倒置理论;

    Chapter Four mainly deals with the theory of burden of proof ;

  17. 举证责任倒置给医院带来新的挑战

    Inversion of responsibility for proof citation - a new challenge to hospital

  18. 医院档案管理在举证责任倒置中的作用

    The function of hospital records management in inverse responsibility for offering evident

  19. 护理书写适应举证责任倒置的现状及对策

    The present situation and countermeasures of proper nursing writing in ascertaining responsibilities

  20. 面对举证责任倒置规范执行签名制度

    To Face to the Inverted Evidence-providing , to Standardize the Autograph System

  21. 护理病历与举证责任倒置相关问题探讨

    Probe into the relevant problems about nursing patient record and onus probandi inversion

  22. 举证责任倒置与手术室护理工作的证据意识

    Shifting of burden of evidence and the evidence awareness in operation room nursing

  23. 举证责任倒置对临床实习教学的影响及对策

    Impact and Countermeasure of Inverted Burden of Proof in Clinical Practice and Teaching

  24. 从举证责任倒置强化神经外科护理记录内容管理

    Inversion of Onus Probandi Intensifying Management of Nursing Care Records in Neurosurgical Department

  25. 民事诉讼举证责任倒置刍议

    My Meager Opinion about the Inversion of Burden of Proof in Civil Proceedings

  26. 举证责任倒置下的护理行为

    Nursing Behavior Under the Inverted Responsibility of Evidence Providing

  27. 对医疗侵权诉讼举证责任倒置的思考

    Thoughts on the Responsibility Inversion to Present Evidence of Medical Right Infringement Lawsuit

  28. 在举证责任倒置的新形势下如何减少医疗纠纷

    How to reduce medical dispute under the new situation of inversion of onus probandi

  29. 在执业过失证明上,采取举证责任倒置推定被告过错的证明方法。

    The prove method of the fault adopts the burden of proof to invert .

  30. 论转化构词法从医疗举证责任倒置看防御性医疗

    Discussion on Defensive Medicine from Onus Proof Conversion