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jǔ bīng
  • dispatch troops;raise an army to fight
举兵 [jǔ bīng]
  • [dispatch troops] 出兵;起兵

  • 举兵出征

  • 举兵北上

举兵[jǔ bīng]
  1. 他要立即举兵向伦敦挺进。

    He would raise his standard at once , and March to london .

  2. 中国历史上,匈奴曾多次举兵南下,进犯中原。

    In Chinese history , the Hun went south and attacked the central plains of China .

  3. 明末吴日生在长白荡举兵抗清,用踏白船训练义军。

    Ming Ng was born in Changbai swing Ju-Bing Joined Ming forces , riding a white boat with trained volunteer army .

  4. 很明显应当这样做向蓝礼国王效忠举兵南下与他的大军会师

    The proper course is clear : Pledge fealty to King Renly and move south to join our forces with his .

  5. 申后的父亲申侯于是联合西方部族犬戎以及其它国家,举兵攻打周幽王。

    Marquise Shen , ' father of Queen Shen , attacked the king in collaboration with the Quanrong tribe and other states .

  6. 各地官吏纷纷举兵讨伐董卓,逐步形成了诸强割据的局面,统一的王朝已名存实亡,魏蜀吴三国鼎立局面很快形成。

    Bureaucratic official throughout the country launched punitive expeditions against Dong one after another , and the situation of separatist warlord regime came into being eventually . The Eastern Han Dynasty endured only nominally and soon gave way to the Three Kingdoms .

  7. 清代以前,辽,金,元时期,少数民族多次举兵犯并州,境内之石岭,天门,赤塘三关,皆驻雄兵以据敌;

    Before the Qing Dynasty , Liao , Jin , Yuan period , the number of minorities who Jubing and state , territory of Dan Ling , the day the door , Tong Chi three are in the enemy , according to Xiong ;