首页 / 词典 / good

  • commend;praise
  • fine;excellent
  • 善,美:~言。~宾。~言懿行。

  • 夸奖,赞许:~奖。~许。~勉。

  • 吉庆,幸福:~祥。~偶。

  • 欢乐:~会。

  • 姓。

  1. 中国在西周时期,已经有了“嘉种”(良种)的概念,并且提出了产量高,品质好和熟期适宜的选种目标。秦汉时期,已经开始采用田间穗选和干燥防虫的种子贮藏技术。

    The concept of fine species can be traced to the Xizhou Dynasty in China , and the selection objectives of high yield , high quality and suitable maturity period had been formed .

  2. 他已经明白了,并且非常难过,“思嘉凄凉地思忖着。

    He knows the truth and it 's killing him , 'she thought desolately .

  3. 投降以后,思嘉和苏伦之间一直存在的关于那骑马的急论眼看就要爆发了

    After the surrender , an ever-present feud over the horse smoldered between Scarlett and Suellen .

  4. 思嘉紧张的神经几乎一下绷裂了,因为她听见附近灌木丛中突然冒出的一个声音。

    Scarlett 's taut nerves almost cracked as a sudden noise sounded in the underbrush near them .

  5. 谁知道鸿渐只关切地问柔嘉:“酒渍洗得掉么

    To their surprise Hung-chien merely asked Jou-chia solicitously , " Can the wine stains be washed out ?

  6. 长春龙嘉国际机场关闭,截至11月19日下午3点,126个航班取消,17个航班延误。

    The Changchun Longjia International Airport has been closed , with a total of 126 flights canceled and 17 flights delayed as of 3 pm .

  7. ‘嘉平大枣’果实发育过程中糖、酸及维生素C含量的变化

    Variation Pattern of Sugar , Acid and Vitamin C Content during Fruit Development in Jujube

  8. 嘉能可是俄罗斯小麦的最大交易商,紧随其后的是美国竞争对手嘉吉(cargill)和邦吉(bunge)。

    Glencore is the largest trader in Russian wheat , followed by US-based rivals Cargill and Bunge .

  9. 19岁时,他成为哥伦比亚电视城的一名引座员,第一天上班,他就被派到《茱蒂•嘉兰秀》(TheJudyGarlandShow)。

    At 19 , he got a job as an usher at CBS Television City where , on his first day , he was assigned to The Judy Garland Show .

  10. 埃尔顿·约翰和丈夫大卫·弗内什(DavidFurnish)拥有两个通过试管婴儿方式生下的孩子,他呼吁抵制杜嘉班纳,这个品牌他已经穿了很久。

    Elton John , who has two children via in-vitro fertilization with his husband , David Furnish , called for a boycott of Dolce Gabbana , a brand he has long worn .

  11. 他们的时装品牌杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)最近的广告宣传似乎又在赞美群交。

    A recent ad campaign for their fashion line , Dolce & Gabbana , seemed to extol group sex .

  12. 地震方位各向异性技术在TNB地区嘉二段储层裂缝检测中的应用

    Application of seismic azimuth anisotropic technique in fractural detection of Lower Triassic Jia-2 reservoir in TNB area

  13. 上周五,嘉诚(cazenove)上调了整个欧洲采矿业的评级,并表示,大宗商品价格可能已度过最糟糕时期。

    On Friday Cazenove upgraded the entire European mining sector and said commodity prices had probably seen the worst .

  14. 在这种情况下,嘉手纳可能是唯一的选项。

    In which case , Kadena may prove the only option .

  15. 他停下来,咬一了口硬面包,这时思嘉在发抖。

    He paused and gnawed the tough pone and Scarlett shivered .

  16. 思嘉叫了一声,朝媚兰惊慌的眼睛看了看。

    Cried scarlett , her eyes meeting melanie 's frightened eyes .

  17. 国有中型企业产权交易&对嘉化改制案例的剖析

    Equity-Transfer for the Medium State-owned Enterprises & A case for Analysis

  18. 这时思嘉想起媚兰受了很久的折磨,觉得必须即刻行动了。

    Thoughts of melanie 's prolonged suffering spurred Scarlett to action .

  19. 思嘉迫不及待地用几个流血的手指摸索父亲的手。

    Scarlett 's bleeding fingers sought her father 's hand urgently .

  20. 次日清早,思嘉醒来,心情极佳。

    The next morning , Scarlett wakes up , quite delighted .

  21. 科码嘉培养基在病原微生物分离中的应用

    Application of Branch Code Fine Culture Medium in Pathogenic Microbe Separation

  22. 男2:思嘉小姐,今早上可真漂亮。

    MAN2 : Look mighty fine this morning , Miss Scarlett .

  23. “是染过,”思嘉不屑地回答了一声,加快了脚步。

    " It is ," said Scarlett shortly , walking faster .

  24. 思嘉一听家这个字眼便热泪盈眶了。

    Hot tears came to scarlett 's eyes at the word .

  25. 那个躺在思嘉脚边的人同情地仰望着她。

    The man at her feet looked up at Scarlett compassionately .

  26. 思嘉惊叫一声,不由得大感兴趣,十分激动。

    Cried scarlett , interested and excited in spite of herself .

  27. 休还是一八六二年思嘉最后一次见到时那个模样,没有什么改变。

    Hugh had not changed since Scarlett last saw him in1862 .

  28. 他在想苏伦呢,思嘉只觉得讨厌。

    He 's thinking of suellen , Scarlett thought in disgust .

  29. 嘉诚几乎把我当作家里的一员。

    K.S. almost took me in as part of the family .

  30. 应用嘉量原理优化梯级水电站开发次序的研究

    Study of applied JAR-METRIC principle to optimal sequence of cascade hydropower plants