
jǔ lì
  • give an example;sample;cite an instance
举例 [jǔ lì]
  • [sample] 举出例子

  • 从中举例

举例[jǔ lì]
  1. 在CAD技术方面,首先分析了Pro/E建模的特点,然后举例说明如何进行Pro/E建模。

    On the CAD technology , First , discuss the character of the modeling of the Pro / E , then give an example to explain how to set up the entity modeling .

  2. 在优势集性质基础上我们进一步定义了C2RM模型下DEA有效决策单元的实际有效率,并给出了所有决策单元的一种排序,最后举例予以说明。

    We also define the actual efficiency ratio of DEA efficient decision unit within the C ~ 2RM model , and eventually get a kind of taxis for all decision unit s. In the end we give an example to illustrate it .

  3. 你能否给我举例说明一下发生这事的情况?

    Can you quote me an instance of when this happened ?

  4. 你能否给我举例说明一下这事发生的时间?

    Can you quote me an instance of when this happened ?

  5. 人们经常举例把日本作为现代工业国家的典范。

    Japan is often quoted as the prime example of a modern industrial nation .

  6. 约翰逊先生举例说明了他想要表达的主要观点。

    Mr Johnson particularizes the general points he wants to make

  7. 以理说服强于举例诱导。

    It is better to convince by argument than seduce by example .

  8. 他举例说明了这种现象。

    He illustrated the phenomenon with examples .

  9. 我这样说只是举例而已。

    I say so by way of example .

  10. 举例可以清楚地说明这个问题。

    The examples will make this clear .

  11. 给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难得多。

    To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use .

  12. 你能举例说明那个男孩的才能吗?

    Can you give an instance of the boy 's ability ?

  13. 请阐述什么是隐喻,然后举例。

    Please define what is metaphor , and give me an example .

  14. 我们老师充分举例说明了这些词的用法。

    Our teacher richly exemplified the use of these words .

  15. 他举例说明那个词的用法。

    He exemplified the use of the word .

  16. 这本词典提供词义解释,并举例说明遣词造句的方法。

    This dictionary gives the meanings of words and also illustrates the constructions they can be used in .

  17. 然而,人们也失去了许多,即使是在那些仍然为吃饭而活的文化中也是一样,拿意大利举例来说。

    Yet plenty has been lost too , even in cultures that still live to eat , take Italy .

  18. 下面举例说明泰乐定理的应用。

    Here are some applications of Taylor 's formula .

  19. 举例来说,伦敦罗纹丝带托儿所咖啡馆在2011年获得一星,

    For example , Petersham Nurseries Cafe in London got a star in 2011 ,

  20. 举例来说,英国的大学是最早提供法学课程的大学。

    For example , UK universities are among the oldest universities that offer law courses .

  21. 举例来说,荷兰皇家航空公司的乘客享用完飞机餐之后,都能得到吉列公司免费发放的新擦牙布。

    For example , Gillette distributed their new Brush-Ups teeth wipes for several months to KLM Airlines passengers after their in-flight meals .

  22. 举例说,假定你需要检查超过25000美元的全部到期应付款发货票的顾客文件,并需要准备出一份报告。

    For example , suppose you need to review the customer files for all invoices for payments due in excess of $ 2500 and prepare a simple report .

  23. 举例来说,在本例中,我使用了两个类别:科学(science)和历史(history)。

    For instance , in this example , I 've included two categories : Science and History .

  24. 举例来说,模型验证会捕获例如对C委托的不正确的建模的错误。

    For example , model validation will catch errors such as incorrect modeling of C # delegates .

  25. 举例来说,假设一个文本文件“sample”有三列,其内容如下所示

    For example , imagine a text file named " sample " with three columns that look like this

  26. 举例来说,能够通过Web执行命令使许多公司的工人觉得非常方便。

    Being able to perform order entry via the Web , for example , is a convenience enjoyed by many companies'workers .

  27. 举例而言,数据库中的Person有家庭地址是很正常的。

    For example , it probably isn 't uncommon for the Persons in your database to have a home address .

  28. 文中举例说明了该方法在NC验证系统中的应用。

    An example is presented that illustrates the application of our method in NC verification .

  29. 举例来说,不严密的代码通常会将int和long对象当成可互换的类型。

    For instance , carelessly written code often treats int and long objects as interchangeable .

  30. 举例来说,查看资源的操作可以使用HTTP接口的GET方法实现。

    For example , an operation to view a resource is implemented using the GET method of the HTTP interface .