
  • 网络philosophical;philosophy;philosophic theory
  1. Elsie说那句话并不是为了让人感到她很有哲理性,只是想活到老玩到老。

    Elsie doesn 't want to get feel philosophical . She just wants to keep playing .

  2. 对爱因斯坦的弯曲时空理论与生物体DNA双螺旋结构的相关性进行了哲理性思考:控制生命时间程序的生物钟基因编码在DNA双螺旋结构上可能具有时空弯曲的运动原理。

    To philosophical think for between relationship of The theory of warpage of space time of Einstein and biological DNA double helix structure . It is possible a principle of movement of warpage of space time for the order of control the life time of coding biology clock gene .

  3. 西部基层政府领导者哲理性决策研究

    Research on Philosophic Policy Decision of the Western Grass-roots Leaders

  4. 《孙子兵法》的哲理性及其应用价值

    Philosophy in Military Science of Sun Tzu and Its Value in Practice

  5. 世局嬗变中的文化哲理性

    Culture Culture Cultural Philosophy during the Evolution of the World

  6. 论西方十九世纪现实主义小说的诗意性与哲理性

    On the Poetry and Philosophy of Western Realist Novel of 19th Century

  7. 其哲理性具有直觉性、抽象性、启示性等特点。

    Intuitive , abstract , and revelatory are the characteristics of the philosophy .

  8. 我得作些哲理性的思考了。

    I must vindicate a claim to philosophical reflectiveness .

  9. 在这种空间转化的倾向中体现出摩尔对于雕塑艺术空间的哲理性思考。

    It can embody Henry Moore 's philosophic consideration in his sculpture productions .

  10. 手机文学具有语言精炼含蓄、内蕴深厚、哲理性强的特点。

    Its language is refined , profound and philosophic .

  11. 学校体育指导思想的哲理性诠释

    Annotate to the Philosophy of School P.E. Guiding Ideology

  12. 我非常满足于哲理性的冥想。

    I am quite content with philosophic contemplation .

  13. 他的影片反映了当代波兰和欧洲的现实生活,富有哲理性。

    His movies with philosophy thought have reflected contemporary Polish and European actual life .

  14. 哲理性强的他们还能担任律师、教授和部长等职务。

    Sagittarius are also philosophical and are well-suited as lawyers , professors and ministers .

  15. 现代陶艺的哲理性阅读

    Appreciating the philosophy of modern ceramic art

  16. 强烈的艺术激情、生动的形象性和深刻的哲理性构成夏衍戏剧语言的特色。

    His drama language can be characterised by strong artistic passionateness , vividness and philosophicalness .

  17. 德育的前提性承诺即德育的基本理念,只有明了德育的前提性承诺这一德育价值的哲理性依据,才能获得德育行为实践的理性自觉。

    This article states that the prerequisite promise is the basic concept of moral education .

  18. 真实性、哲理性、情感性&陈村散文的美学指向

    Truthful , Philosophical , and Emotional & the Aesthetic Direction of Chen Cun 's Prose

  19. 生态人类学是一门以人类的生态安全为研究对象与归宿的高度综合、高度理论化的哲理性学科。

    Ecologic anthropology is a highly integrated and theoretical philosophic object and target focusing on ecologic safety .

  20. 但又充满了家园之恋、故土情结和对生命的哲理性思考。

    His novels are full of philosophic thought on the love for family , hometown and life .

  21. 这一美学观含有丰富的哲理性,今天我们仍要很好地学习、继承。

    This aesthetic outlook contains rich philosophic insight from which we should still learn and inherit today .

  22. 短文阅读包括人生哲理性比较强名人名言,幽默笑话故事。

    Which include the reading life relatively strong philosophical celebrity famous , humorous story of a joke , etc.

  23. 音乐到底能不能表现情感体验、视觉景象及哲理性、戏剧性等非听觉性的对象?

    Can music express non-audio objects such as emotional experience , visual image , philosophic bent and dramatic events ?

  24. 概率论的实用性贡献无可非议,很少理论会产生如此哲理性的辩论。

    While the practical contributions of probability theory are undisputed , few theories have created such a philosophical controversy .

  25. 中国古典文学中常常将月意象与水意象相结合,这是因为月与水两个意象都具有相似的象征性和哲理性。

    There were a lot of Chinese classical literature which express feelings by combining water imagery with moon imagery .

  26. 现代写作学学科话语的最高理想是哲理性与操作性的统一,即理论的深刻性与实践有效性的统一。

    The top ideal of modern creative writing would be the unification of the insight philosophical theory and operated practice .

  27. 有些科学家的观点更开阔,更富有普遍性和哲理性。

    But a broader and more generous , certainly more philosophical , view is held by those scientists who claim .

  28. 民族风格的追求和表现更加内在而深刻;戏剧性、悲剧性、哲理性因素大为增强。

    A more marked national style of expression and more pronounced dramatic , tragic and philosophical elements were other feature .

  29. 在这32首奏鸣曲中,晚期作品富含深刻性与哲理性为各方面研究学者、演奏家所公认。

    In the 32 sonatas , the late works which is full of profoundity and philosophical was recognized by research scholars , performers .

  30. 这一至理名言具有强烈的震撼力和深刻的哲理性。

    " Masses interest does not have bagatelle " the philosophic theory sex that this one axiom has strong shock force and profundity .