
zhé rén
  • philosopher;sage;Maharishi
哲人 [zhé rén]
  • [sage] 才智卓越的人

哲人[zhé rén]
  1. 这位哲人是百代之师。

    The sage is the instructor of a hundred ages .

  2. 他自命为政治哲人,为后代指点迷津。

    He appointed himself a political sage , signposting the path for future generations .

  3. 在赞美方面最具智慧的哲人是驯狗师芭芭拉伍德豪斯(BarbaraWoodhouse),她的方法很容易适用于人类。

    The wisest oracle on praise was dog trainer Barbara Woodhouse , whose approach can be easily adapted for use with humans .

  4. 被命运重创的创业家们和被颠覆性变化猛击的企业领袖,现在抓住了斯多葛学派哲人塞内加(Seneca)和克律西波斯(Chrysippus)的冥思。

    The musings of Seneca and Chrysippus are being seized upon by entrepreneurs whipsawed by fate , and corporate leaders battered by disruption .

  5. 就像古代哲人塞克斯图斯(Sextus)所说:“智者始终像他自己。”

    Or , as Sextus , the ancient Pythagorian philospher , said , " The wise man is always similar to himself . "

  6. 赫哲人语言观念的改变。

    And the language ideas of people of Hezhe are changing .

  7. 本文认为,闻一多先生所提出的宇宙意识,近似于中国古代哲人所说的道。

    The author holds that the universe consciousness put forward by Mr.

  8. 很不幸的是,苏格兰哲人和牛津一点缘份都没有。

    Scottish philosopher unfortunately had nothing whatever to do with Oxford .

  9. 著名哲人伊本·西那及其道德观

    Ibn . Sina , a Famous Philosopher and His Moral Outlook

  10. 哲人的自我教育:柏拉图自传诠解

    The Self-education of Philosopher : A Commentary on Plato 's Autobiography

  11. 他从伟大哲人的著作中寻求启迪。

    He seeks illumination from the work of the great philosopher .

  12. 一位哲人曾说过:这就叫做苍老。

    A philosopher once said : It is called oldness .

  13. 那位哲人的思想曾是许多青年的指路明灯。

    The philosopher 's thought is the beacon to many young people .

  14. 真人大小的棋子,哲人石的护卫。

    Those life-size chess pieces , guardians of the Philosopher 's Stone .

  15. 如是我闻自所受教之哲人。

    Thus we have heard from the wise who taught us this .

  16. 她喜欢引用哲人的话。

    She was fond of quoting the sayings of philosophers .

  17. 是啊现在他的第二份工是哲人呦

    Yeah , now his second job is a philosopher .

  18. 最后,在性别理论看来,哲人男性气质中的怒气。

    Finally , for gender theory the masculine anger of the philosopher , Mr.

  19. 有哲人说过读书使人明智。

    A certain philosopher has said , " Reading makes people wise " .

  20. 或者与哲人和天文学家谈话

    or deep in discussion with philosophers and astronomers .

  21. 哲人的阶段以《荒原》为标志。

    Philosophic is the second period with The Waste Land as its hallmark .

  22. 联想回指分析回忆的超验意义&现代西方浪漫哲人论回忆

    Analysis of Associative Anaphora The Transcendental Meaning of Recall

  23. 我们必须抵御哲人王野心的诱惑。

    We should resist being seduced by philosopher-king ambitions .

  24. 你显然具有几分哲人的气质。

    You 're obviously a bit of a philosopher .

  25. 哲人哲语,犹如和风细雨,滋润心田!

    Sage-chul language , like a gentle and mild way , moisture Xintian !

  26. 藐视邻居的,毫无智慧,明哲人却静默不言。

    Whoever belittles another lacks sense , but an intelligent person remains silent .

  27. 论中国古代哲人的生存论智慧

    On The Existential Wisdom of Ancient Chinese Philosophers

  28. 其他还有很多哲人。

    But there were a lot of others .

  29. 赫哲人的宗教信仰与生活习俗

    He Zhe Minority 's Religious Belief And Customs

  30. 伊:就如同哲人所说,表面隐藏着深度。

    CE : Hoffmansthal said that it is the surface that hides the depth .