
  • 网络Philosophy and Social Sciences;Philosophy of the Social Sciences
  1. 2002年lO月26日-27日,《中国社会科学》杂志和华中科技大学在武汉联合举办了创新时代的哲学社会科学高层论坛。

    Editor 's note : On October 27,2002 , a high grade forum of " Philosophy and Social Sciences in the Era of Innovation " was convened by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan .

  2. 加强高等教育改革发展繁荣哲学社会科学

    Strengening Higher Education Reform Developing and Prospering Philosophical and Sociological Science

  3. 高校哲学社会科学研究的问题意识与理论创新

    On the Problem Consciousness and Theory Innovations of Social Science Study

  4. 哲学社会科学研究中的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in the Study of Philosophical and Social Sciences

  5. 促进哲学社会科学与自然科学共同繁荣

    Promoting Common Prosperity of Philosophy , Social Science and Natural Science

  6. 论哲学社会科学工作者的学风建设

    The School Tradition Construction of the Philosophy and Social Science Workers

  7. 繁荣哲学社会科学服务经济社会发展

    The Prosperity of Philosophy and Social Sciences for Socio-economic Development

  8. 哲学社会科学在理论创新中的作用

    The function of Philosophy and social sciences in Theoretical Innovation

  9. 21世纪:哲学社会科学面临的机遇与挑战

    Opportunity and challonge : social science in the 21st century

  10. 理论创新与哲学社会科学的繁荣

    The Theoretical Innovation and Prosperity of Philosophy and Social Science

  11. 坚持哲学社会科学与自然科学并重

    On Emphasizing on both Philosophic Social Science and Natural Science

  12. 对建设哲学社会科学理论创新体系的几点思考

    Reflections on Building Theory - Innovating System of Philosophy and Social Science

  13. 北京市哲学社会科学北京体育赛事管理与营销研究基地

    Research Institute of Sport Events Management and Marketing in Beijing

  14. 准确定位推进哲学社会科学发展

    Pinpointing and Promoting the Development of Philosophy and Social Sciences

  15. 对发展繁荣云南哲学社会科学若干问题的研究与思考

    How to Development and Flourish Philosophical Social Sciences in Yunnan

  16. 加强高校哲学社会科学研究促进先进生产力和先进文化的发展

    On Strengthening Philosophical and Social Science Studies in Higher Education

  17. 高职高专哲学社会科学科研工作现状及其对策

    Current Research in Philosophy and Social Science and Countermeasures in Vocational Colleges

  18. 关于在哲学社会科学领域引入专利制度的思考

    Consideration on Introducing Patent System into Philosophy and Social Science

  19. 繁荣发展哲学社会科学。

    We will promote the flourishing of philosophy and the social sciences .

  20. 突出重点抓好落实全面推进云南哲学社会科学的繁荣和发展

    Carrying Forward Flourish and Development of Social Sciences in Yunnan

  21. 试析高校哲学社会科学工作者的历史重任

    Heavy responsibility of the philosophical social science worker in college and universities

  22. 哲学社会科学研究成果转化现状、问题及对策研究

    The commercialization of research of Philosophy & Social Scientific findings

  23. 哲学社会科学是整个人类文明的核心;

    Philosophy social science is the core of the whole human civilization ;

  24. 54321哲学社会科学项目研究模式探究

    Research Model of " 54321 " Philosophical Social Science Item

  25. 人类学视角下的哲学社会科学体系的中国风格

    Sinicism of Philosophy & Social Science System from the Perspective of Anthropology

  26. 论哲学社会科学在医学院校建设的重要作用

    Role of Philosophy and Social Science in Constructing Medical Colleges

  27. 创新时代的哲学社会科学笔谈

    Philosophy and the Social Sciences in an Innovatory Epoch

  28. 繁荣哲学社会科学与文化建设

    Flourishing Philosophy and Social Science and Socialist Cultural Construction

  29. 论多元主义对哲学社会科学研究方法的拓展

    What Development Pluralism Made on the Research Methods of Philosophy and Social Science

  30. 加强理论创新,推动高校哲学社会科学的发展

    Encourage theoretic innovation and promote humanities and social sciences researches in tertiary institutions