
mín zú xiānɡ
  • Ethnic township;autonomous township of ethnic minorities;local administrative unit (corresponding to a township) of an ethnic group
  1. 第五十九条经县级人民政府批准,乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府根据自愿、量力的原则,可以在本行政区域内集资办学,用于实施义务教育学校的危房改造和修缮、新建校舍,不得挪作他用。

    Article 59 With the approval of the people 's governments at the county level , people 's governments of townships , nationality townships or towns may , on the basis of voluntariness and according to their own capability education ; such funds shall not be diverted to any other purposes .

  2. 民族乡小城镇建设的几点思考

    Thoughts on the Construction of Small Cities and Towns of Ethnic Townships

  3. 关于我国民族乡经济社会发展的思考

    Thought on the Economic and Social Development of Minority Towns

  4. 哈萨克族民间传统技艺的传承与发展&以阿什里哈萨克民族乡胡阿根村为例

    On the Inheritance and Development of Kazak Traditional Folk Skills

  5. 民族乡是对民族区域自治制度的一种补充。

    Ethnic townships are a supplement to the system of regional autonomy .

  6. 民族乡建设与民族非物质文化遗产保护

    Ethnic Township and National Non-Material Cultural Heritage Protection

  7. 县、自治县分为乡、民族乡、镇。

    Counties and autonomous counties are divided into townships , nationality townships , and towns .

  8. 民族乡的体制特征、存在问题与对策建议

    The System of Ethnic Autonomous Villages : the Characteristics , Existing Problems and Corresponding Suggestions

  9. 因此,不能简单地把民族乡同贫穷落后联系在一起。

    Therefore , the ethnic townships can not be simply linked with poor and backward areas .

  10. 关于民族乡的几个问题

    On Some Questions about Ethnic Township

  11. 村民委员会协助乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府开展工作。

    The villagers committees , on their part , shall assist the said people 's government in its work .

  12. 但相对来讲,少数民族乡规民约的研究还未引起足够的重视。

    However , comparatively speaking , the study on the minority people village rules has not yet attracted sufficient attention .

  13. 民族乡的乡长由建立民族乡的少数民族公民担任。

    The head of a nationality township shall be a citizen of the minority nationality that establishes the nationality township .

  14. 西部民族乡农民收入状况考察&以四川省进安回族乡为例

    A Research on the Farmer 's Earning in the West Nationality Area & Take Jinan Hui Ethnic Township As an Example

  15. 全县辖3镇7乡,白银纳乡是7乡中唯一的一个民族乡。

    County The county-wide over 3 town on 7 township , silver village is the only one of the seven township townships .

  16. 一部分民族乡建成地面卫星差转台或有线电视,用上了自来水;

    Some autonomous xiangs build up the satellite bad revolving stage of ground or the cable TV , use the running water ;

  17. 各民族乡经济、文化等各方面发展水平低,人均收入低。

    Every ethnic township in economic , cultural and other areas is with low levels of development , low per capita income .

  18. (三)县、自治县分为乡、民族乡、镇。权力与制衡&1946年嘉兴县的乡镇自治

    Counties and autonomous counties are divided into townships , nationality townships and towns . Empowerment and Restriction : The village-town autonomy in Jiaxing in 1946

  19. 然而,由于在治理中的制度保障、法律依据等诸多问题的滞后,使得民族乡的治理依然问题重重。

    However , some problems originated from governance of township still exist because of the lag of the protection for governance system and the legal basis .

  20. 关于我国中部地区民族乡全面建设小康社会的思考

    Thinking on the Building a well - off Society in An - all - round Way for the Ethnic Townships in the Middle Region of China

  21. 这对完善我国的民族乡政策,促进民族乡社会经济繁荣稳定具有重要意义。

    This will have important significance to perfect the ethnic township policy of our country and promote social and economical prosperity and stability of ethnic township .

  22. 省、直辖市的人民政府决定乡、民族乡、镇的建置和区域划分。

    People 's governments of provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government decide on the establishment and geographic division of townships , nationality townships , and towns .

  23. 民族乡政府管理已经越来越难以适应群众对物质文明、精神文明和政治文明的需求,甚至有时还成为发展道路上的阻碍。

    The government has more and more difficulties to meet the people s demands for political , material and spiritual civilizations , sometimes it becomes the obstacle on the development road .

  24. 目前,民族乡义务教育面临着投入不足、资源利用效益低、基础设施建设滞后、师资紧缺等诸多难题。

    At present , the Ethnic Township obligation education faced with inadequate investment , low efficiency of resources , the infrastructure construction behindhand , teachers scarce , and many other problems .

  25. 民族乡是我国民族区域自治制度的有机组成部分,是社会主义国家实现民族团结与平等的制度保证,有其独特的特征与作用。

    The system of ethnic autonomous villages is an important component of China 's regional ethnic systems . It is the guarantee for the socialist country to realize ethnic unity and equality .

  26. 民族乡作为民族区域自治最基层的治理单元,具有和一般乡相同的性质和职能;但又应该区别于一般的乡。

    As primarily governing units of national regional autonomy , townships not only posses the general nature and functions as other common townships , but also are distinguished from the general township .

  27. 本文梳理了民族乡政策的发展历程,总结了民族乡政策的特点,归纳了民族乡政策的成就和历史经验。

    This paper has reviewed the development history of ethnic township policy and summarized the characteristics of it . then , generalized the achievements and historical experiences of the ethnic township policy .

  28. 铅山太源畲话是铅山县太源民族乡畲民使用的一种具有多来源、多层面语言成分特征的汉语型方言。

    Taiyuan SHE dialect of Yanshan county , used by the SHE inhabitants in Taiyuan nation town in Jiangxi province , is a kind of Modern Chinese dialect with multi-source and multi-level style .

  29. 村民委员会不依照法律、法规的规定履行法定义务的,由乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府责令改正。

    Where a villagers'committee fails to fulfill the statutory obligations pursuant to laws and regulations , the people 's government of the township , ethnic township or town shall order it to correct .

  30. 本文坚持以三个代表重要思想为指导,深入分析民族乡工作面临的形势和存在的问题,探索和研究加快民族乡经济和社会发展的思路和措施。

    This article probes into deeply the situation and economic problems that minority towns face under " three represents " thus brings forward the ideas and measures to expedite the social and economic development .