
mín sú
  • folk custom;folklore;folkways;folkway
民俗 [mín sú]
  • [folkway;folk custom] 民众的习惯;民间风俗

民俗[mín sú]
  1. 经济民俗特性与广州经济民俗

    On the Charateristics of Economic Folk Custom and That of Guangzhou

  2. 太平天国时期的民俗变革

    The Reform of Folk Custom During the Period of Taiping Regime

  3. 民俗中的婚娶、丧葬习俗更是民族文化精神蕴含深刻的载体之一。

    Wedding and burial customs have become one of the significant national cultural spirits expressions .

  4. 摘要色彩是产品包装设计的重要元素,论述了色彩的心理象征性和民俗象征性的重要作用和意义

    The important function and meaning of colors-psychological and folk-custom symbolization were discussed .

  5. 在民俗化的热潮中,要提防不同文化的冲突。

    In the rush to go folkloric watch out for collision of cultures .

  6. 比作某种生物(如斯芬克司谜)来自英汉非文学-民俗

    I. Comparisons to a Living Creature ( i. e. , the Sphinx riddle ) 1 .

  7. 因此民俗语汇的品类中有俗语成分,民俗语汇与俗语有交叉,二者不是截然分开的

    The vocabulary of folklore and the folk adages have intersections . We can 't disjoin them completely .

  8. 开创民俗文化立体研究的新纪元

    Ushering in a New Epoch of Multidimensional Research in Folk Literature

  9. 内蒙古民俗文化资源的产业化开发

    The Industrialized Development of the Folk Culture Resource of Inner Mongolia

  10. 民俗旅游资源深度开发刍议

    Some Humble Opinions on Deep Structure Development of Custom Tourism Resources

  11. 民俗风俗与现代建筑艺术设计的结合

    The combine of the folk customs and the building arts design

  12. 与水稻种植密切相关的民风民俗;

    The people 's customs closely related to the paddy planting ;

  13. 早期民俗学者的田野考察及其方法探索

    The Field Work and the Exploring Methodology of the Early Folklorists

  14. 它起源于民俗,植根于民间,具浓郁的乡土气息。

    It rooted in folk customs and civilians with local color .

  15. 梓潼县民俗旅游开发研究

    A Study on the Tourism Exploitation of the Folklore in Zitong

  16. 论乡村民俗与都市民俗

    On Rural Folk - Custom and Urban Folk - Custom

  17. 因此,民俗文化变迁研究是一个永不过时的研究课题。

    Therefore , the folk culture change is a timeless research topic .

  18. 丹尼尔:我喜欢美丽的民俗文化村。

    Daniel : I like this beautiful Folk Culture Village .

  19. 原生态民俗文化主题公园的开发与经营研究

    Study on the Original Minority Culture Theme Park 's Exploitation and Operation

  20. 略论中国传统服饰纹样与民俗信仰

    The relationship between Chinese traditional dress patterns and folk custom and belief

  21. 雁荡山畲族民俗风情园

    Folk - custom Garden of She Nationality , Yandang Mountain

  22. 南楚民族服饰的民俗特点

    Folr Customs Characteristic of Ethnic Dress and Personal Adornments in South Chu

  23. 第二、民俗民情与乡村建筑旅游;

    2 , folk custom and popular custom and rural architecture tourism ;

  24. 民风民俗导致消费偏好和消费禁忌。

    Last , folk customs lead to consumption preference and consumption taboo .

  25. 立春传统民俗工艺

    Traditional Folk Arts and Crafts for Celebrating Beginning of Spring

  26. 彝族民居民俗文化研究

    Studies on Dwelling Houses and Folk-Custom Culture of Yi Nationality

  27. 中国民俗文化词语汉英翻译初探

    A Study on the C-E Translation of the Lexis on Chinese Folklore

  28. 论民俗风情在文艺作品中的多重价值显现

    On the Representation of Multi-values in the Folkways in Literature and Art

  29. 中国企业民俗管理与建设研究

    A Study of Corporate Folklore Management and Construction in China

  30. 论浙西南香菇山歌的经济民俗特质

    On Particularity of Economical Folk-customs of Mushroom Folk-songs in Southwest Zhejiang Province