
  • 网络Airliner;passenger aircraft
  1. 结合典型飞行事故案例,讨论分析了在实际飞行中导致民航客机着陆性能恶化的主要因素,即高高度大速度进场、不正确的接地技术以及刹车使用不当等。

    Combining with the typical flying accident , the primary factors causing airliner landing performance penalty in actual flight are discussed in this paper , which are excess approach airspeed and altitude at runway threshold , faulty touch down technique and braking system operation .

  2. 民航客机油箱建模与油量传感器姿态误差修正

    Modeling of airliner gasoline tank and modification of attitude error of sensor

  3. 民航客机垃圾卫生学特点及其处理方法的研究

    Study on sanitary characteristics of airline aircraft garbage and its treatment

  4. 影响民航客机着陆性能的因素分析

    The Affection to Civil Aviation Landing Performance Analysing

  5. 他们正在寻找一架星期一在这里坠毁的俄制民航客机。

    They are trying to find the Russian-made plane that went down there Monday .

  6. 现代民航客机设计中的整机寿命指标

    Design Life of Modern Commercial Aircraft

  7. 这项改变是从上周伊拉克片面恢复国内民航客机运输后,开始实施。

    The changes were made after Iraq began domestic commercial passenger flights last weekend , spokesman Kenneth Bacon said .

  8. 卡里莱斯因涉嫌策划1976年炸毁一架古巴民航客机、导致73人丧生的事件在古巴受到通缉。

    Posada Carriles is wanted in Cuba on suspicion of plotting the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people .

  9. 为了解民航客机垃圾的卫生学特点,探讨其无害化处理方法,就首都机场的有关问题进行了调查与研究。

    To study the sanitary characteristics of airline aircraft garbage and the way of its treat-ment , an investigation was made in the Capital National Airport .

  10. 在未来的三年时间里,该系统预期会在2400架中国民航客机上投入使用,每年会为约4亿乘客提供在线卫星电视的播放服务

    Within the next three years , the system is expected to be used in the 2400 civil aircraft that China owns and provide 400 million passengers every year with live satellite TV .

  11. 这项工作可用于客机上加装移动通信和无线宽带接入设备时的安全性评估,对于民航客机相关系统的适航取证有着重要的应用价值。

    This work can be applied to the safety assessment of mounting mobile communication and wireless wideband access point equipments on airplanes . It is very important to the airworthiness certificate of related systems on civil aircraft .

  12. 通过处理这些节点采集的阵列数据,我们得到了民航客机和遥控直升机的航迹曲线,并通过最小二乘方法对航迹曲线进行了平滑处理,同时估计出了目标的运动速度。

    The track curves of airliners and remote-controlled helicopter are obtained by processing array sampling data of these nodes . Based on Least Square criterion , the track curves are smoothed and the velocity of moving targets is estimated simultaneously .

  13. 后来由于喷气式民航客机的出现,远洋邮轮作为长距离运输的载客、载货的功能渐渐削弱,远洋邮轮的角色,也从运输演变为供游乐的邮轮。

    With the emergence of the jet airliner , the role of Ocean liner to be a long-distance transport of passenger and cargo functions gradually is weaken , and the role of the ocean liner evolves from the transport to pleasure .

  14. 过去10年,中国航空客运市场和机队规模都增长了两倍以上。中国目前有1600架民航客机,每年搭载乘客逾2.55亿人次。波音预测,未来10年,中国的机队规模将翻一番。

    The air passenger market and total jet fleet in China have both tripled in the last 10 years with 1,600 planes now carrying more than 255m passengers a year and Boeing predicts the total fleet will double over the next decade .

  15. 根据民航总局预测,2010年,我国将拥有民航客机1250架,比现有数量增长80%,共需新增飞行员6500名。

    According to prediction of Civil Aviation Administration in 2010 , China will have 1250 civilian airliner , increasing 80 % than now , which need total 6500 new pilots .