
mín zú qì jié
  • national integrity
  1. 其中伦理道德的冲突又包括贞节观念及民族气节的冲突。

    Among them , the latter contains conflict between chastity and between national integrity .

  2. 抵制日货是一种民族气节,是一种民族意识的呼唤,是一种经济制衡的手段。

    To resist Japanese products is a display of our national integrity , an awakening for nation awareness and a way of economic balance .

  3. 浙东学派的代表人物,都是爱国爱乡、具有崇高的民族气节和高尚的品格的人物。

    The representatives were the figures who loved motherland and hometown and possessed high moral characters .

  4. 崇高的民族气节是民族之魂,是民族尊严的体现,是民族生存和发展的根基。

    The lofty moral courage is always considered as the soul of a people and the base on which a people exists and develops .

  5. 他们的诗歌充满爱国情怀和崇高的民族气节,有慷慨激昂的阳刚美。

    Their works are full of feeling of loving their country and lofty national integrity , and have a impassioned , vigorous and sublime beauty .

  6. 更要激励民族气节,反对动摇变节,提高对敌斗争的勇气,树立必胜信念。

    It is even more important to arouse people 's national integrity , oppose vacillation and treason , heighten their courage to fight the enemy and foster their confidence in victory .

  7. 谢翱在沦落为遗民之后的飘泊流浪生活,进一步助长了飘零孤独之情,但诗人始终矢志不渝,坚守民族气节。

    Xie Ao reduced to Dynasty in the street after the wandering life , further contributed to the wandering lonely feeling , but the poet still unshaken , adhere to national integrity .

  8. 朱熹作为南宋儒学的一代宗师,世人多被他理学家的光芒所吸引,而未能全面发现其崇高的民族气节和爱国精神。

    Zhu Xi as the great Confucianism master of the Southern Song Dynasty , who was attracted by people for the light of his Neo status , and has not been fully discovered his lofty national integrity and patriotism .

  9. 首先,沦陷区文学反映了作家们坚守民族气节的立场和对民族气节的理解,这表明大多数沦陷区作家在坚守民族气节这一道德底线的共同认识。

    First , the enemy-occupied area literature had reflected the writers ' standpoint and understanding to the perseverance of the national moral courage , which indicated the majority enemy-occupied area writers shared the same understanding of the bottom line of persevering in the national moral courage .

  10. 二是对齐鲁文化优秀美质的大力张扬,主要体现在自由张扬的反抗精神、厚德仁民的民本思想、尊贤尚功的人才理念以及同仇敌忾的民族气节等不同方面。

    The outstanding beauty of Qilu culture is strongly embodied in the following four areas : freedom of publicity of rebellious spirit , Tak Man of the people of this idea , the concept of respect for the elite talents and common national integrity and hatred for enemies .

  11. 七要发展有助于确立民族意识、民族自豪感,有助于明辨民族大义、民族气节的文学。

    Seventh on literature contributing to establish national consciousness and national pride , and to have cognizance of national righteousness and national integrity .