
  • 网络Shunchang County
  1. 顺昌县是重点林业县和竹林基地县。林业用地16.2万hm2,有林地面积15.2万hm2,其中竹林4万hm2。

    As a major county of forest and bamboo base in Fujian province , Shunchang county has forestry land of 162 thousand hm2 , and about 152 thousand hm2 are covered with forest . 40 thousand hm2 of them are with bamboo .

  2. 福建顺昌县药用两栖动物资源及其保护

    Medicinal Amphibians and Their Protection in Shunchang County , Fujian

  3. 竹业是顺昌县支柱产业。

    Bamboo industry is a prop one in the county .

  4. 2000~2005年顺昌县企业职业卫生状况分析

    Analysis on the Enterprise 's Occupational Sanitation Situation of Shunchang County from 2000 to 2005

  5. 顺昌县2005年中小学生视力状况调查

    Investigation on the Eyesight Status among Students from Elementary Schools and Middle Schools in Shunchang County in 2005

  6. 报道了顺昌县10种药用两栖动物种类及其药用价值,并就该县药用两栖动物资源保护进行了探讨。

    The paper reports 10 species of medicinal amphibians distributing in Shunchang County . The protection for the resources of medicinal amphibians in Shunchang is discussed .

  7. [方法]对顺昌县2000-2005年工业企业建设项目立项和历年职业卫生年报等进行分析。

    [ Methods ] To analyze the building establishment items of the enterprises and corporations of Shunchang county during 2000-2005 as well as the past years ' occupational sanitation annals .

  8. 第五章是顺昌县土地利用变化的趋势预测分析,运用线性回归预测模型对顺昌县耕地、建设用地2009-2020年进行预测。

    The fifth chapter analyses the forecast tendency of land use change by using the modes of linear regression to predict the cultivated land and construction land from 2009 to 2020 .

  9. 第二章分析了顺昌县土地利用现状,主要包括研究区自然、社会经济状况及土地利用现状分析。

    The second chapter is the analysis of the current situation of land use in Shunchang , which includes the natural and social economic situations of the region and its land use .

  10. 第三章对顺昌县土地利用动态变化进行分析,介绍了各类土地资源的数量、速度、利用程度的变化。

    The third chapter is the analysis of the dynamic change of land use in Shunchang , which introduces the vary of the quantity , rate and utilization degree of all kinds of land resources .

  11. [结论]顺昌县企业职业卫生工作存在较多问题,《职业病防治法》执行后有所好转。

    [ Conclusion ] There were many problems in the occupational sanitation work in the enterprises of Shunchang county , the situation was a little better after the execution of the stipulation for the prevention and cure of the occupational disease .