
  • 网络Shunde District
  1. 它座落在佛山市顺德区富安工业园。

    It is located in shunde district , foshan , rich Ann industrial park .

  2. 佛山市顺德区幼儿头发中六种元素含量水平的研究

    Study on 6 Elements in Hair of Children from Shunde District of Foshan City

  3. 佛山市顺德区新威达五金有限公司是一家专业生产大功率LED灯具生产厂家。

    The Foshan Shunde area new prestige reaches the hardware limited company is a specialized production high efficiency LED lamps and lanterns manufacturer .

  4. 目的调查顺德区聚氯乙烯(PVC)管材生产行业职业危害状况及变化,为该行业的职业病防治工作提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the status of occupational harm in Shunde PVC pipe industry from 1999 to 2003 , to provide evidence for the occupational hygiene work of this industry .

  5. 佛山顺德区居民出行特征分析及交通对策研究

    The characteristics of the trips of Shunde residents and transport measures

  6. 顺德区乡土地理研究性学习指导的实证研究

    The Demonstration Research of Inquiry-study Supervise about Local Geography Teaching in Shunde County

  7. 优化顺德区国税局纳税服务的策略研究

    Research on Strategy for Optimizing Taxation Service in Shunde

  8. 单位:佛山市顺德区伍仲纪念医院老年科。

    SETTING : Geriatric Department of Wuzhongpei Memorial Hospital at Shunde District of Foshan City .

  9. 并为即将进行的全顺德区医院试点工作提供了依据。

    As well as the upcoming all-in Shunde district hospitals to provide a basis for experimental work .

  10. 顺德区病毒性肝炎血清流行病学调查及疫苗免疫效果分析

    Epidemiological investigation of viral hepatitis and analysis of results of vaccination in Shunde District of Foshan City

  11. 十二五期间顺德区人口老龄化加剧,老龄事业发展压力增大。

    ' Twelfth Five-Year plan ' period in Shunde area population aging is accelerating , aging development is under pressure .

  12. 方法对2004年顺德区各医院普通就诊者,自愿检测者、无偿献血者共56021份血样标本进行艾滋病抗体检测。

    [ Methods ] 56 021 blood samples of patients , volunteers and blood donators were detected for HIV antibody .

  13. 目的了解顺德区2005年麻疹发病情况,以便指导今后的麻疹控制工作。

    Objective To study the epidemiology of measles in2005 in Shunde District , and to investigate the new ways of controlling measles .

  14. 倡导自主创新力求全面发展&记佛山市顺德区第一人民医院

    Spark plug self-determination innovation to strive for comprehensive development : introduce the first people 's Hospital of SUNDE district , Foshan Municipal

  15. 基于遥感影像分析经济发展方向&以佛山市顺德区为例

    An analysis of the orientation of economic development based on remote sensing image data : a case study of Shunde district , Foshan City

  16. 佛山市顺德区作为一个流动人口占全区人口近2/3的经济发展迅猛的富裕地区,其外来工子女教育的状况极具代表性,是广东省外来工子女教育的缩影之一。

    The Foshan Shunde area , in which the transient population occupies nearly 2 / 3 , develops very quickly and therefore is quite wealthy .

  17. 本文将以顺德区为例针对区域内公路运输如何实现可持续发展这一问题作分析。

    In this article , we use the example from the Shunde region to analyze the problem how to make the road transportation become sustainable development .

  18. 丹雪雅厂布艺家具厂是一家专业致力开发和生产古典、和现代家居沙发的厂家。座落于全国的商贸家具之都广东佛山顺德区乐从镇。

    Danxueya Furniture Factory specializes in researching and developing classical sofas , situated in national furniture trading capital-Lecong Town , Shunde District , Foshan City , Guangdong .

  19. 西及西南以陈村水道和洪奇沥为界,与佛山市南海区、顺德区及中山市相邻;

    West and Southwest to Chencun waterways and Hongqi Lek for the sector , with the Nanhai District of Foshan City , Shunde and Zhongshan City , adjacent ;

  20. 成威木工机械厂地处“华南木工机械之乡”、“中国木工机械重镇”的广东省佛山市顺德区伦教。

    Chengwei woodworking machinery factory is based in Lunjiao district , Shunde , Foshan city , which is known as the town of woodworking machinery of south China .

  21. 该文以广东省佛山市顺德区碧桂路污水管的安装为实例,介绍了其安装过程。

    Taking the installation of the sewage pipeline in Bigui Road of Shunde District in Foshan City Guangdong Province as an example , the article introduces its installing process .

  22. 佛山市顺德区乐从镇罗沙顺利家具厂热诚欢迎各界前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。

    The Foshan Shunde area Lecong Town Luo sand smooth furniture manufacturer cordially welcome from all walks of life comes to visit , the inspection , the discussion service .

  23. 佛山市顺德区鸟巢房屋科技有限公司建立起了集成房屋自展示、销售、设计、生产、装配到售后服务一条完整的产业链。

    Foshan Shunde Bird 's Nest Housing Technology Co. , Ltd established a complete industrial chain of integrated housing from display , sale , design , product , assemble and after-sale service .

  24. 目的调查顺德区农村集中式供水水厂的卫生现况、制水工艺流程和卫生管理情况,水源水和出厂水水质状况。

    Objective To investigate the current hygienic conditions of concentrated water supply , the system of watercraft process and the ability of water factories hygienic management , the quality of fresh water and drinking water .

  25. 同时,顺德区作为广东著名的工业重镇,对其老年人力资源开发进行研究,对广东省其他工业城镇的老年人力资源开发有着重要的借鉴意义。

    At the same time , Shunde district as Guangdong famous industrial city , carries on a research to the elderly human resource development , the elderly human resource development of Guangdong Province and other industrial towns have important reference significance .

  26. 双高效环保空调技术研究这一项目已得到有关部门的肯定,并已获得佛山市顺德区科学术二等奖。

    The research of " Double High Efficiency " environmental air-conditioners ' technology has been affirmed by certain governmental office . And it has got the reward of " Grade The Second " of Sciences technology in Shunde , Foshan city .

  27. 方法用自行设计的问卷,对顺德市新桂区内已确诊的619例糖尿病患者进行问卷调查。

    Methods Questionaire survey of diabetic patients in Shunde District was conducted .

  28. 顺德森林改造区不同林分土壤环境质量研究

    Study on the Soil Environmental Quality of Forest Rehabilitation in Shunde , Guangdong Province

  29. 松峰电器厂位于佛山市顺德富安工业区侧,是新兴的通风电器的专业厂家。

    Songfeng Electrical Appliances Factory is nearby Fuan Indutrial Zone of Foshan , specializes in ventilating products , our main series is industrial fans and home use exhuatsfans .

  30. 新产业区中企业技术创新的区域空间特性分析&以顺德家电产业区为例

    The Analysis of Characteristics of Area and Spatial in " New Industry District "′ s Corporation Technology Innovation & An example of Shunde ′ s electrical household appliances industry district