
shùn xù pái liè
  • Sequential arrangement;seriation
  1. 名单上的名字是按字母顺序排列的。

    The names on the list are in alphabetical order .

  2. 计算机按字母顺序排列这些单词。

    The computer sorts the words into alphabetical order .

  3. 旅游指南里的城镇是按字母顺序排列的。

    Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically .

  4. 这些书是按作者姓名字母顺序排列的。

    The books are arranged alphabetically by author .

  5. 列出关键标题并按逻辑顺序排列。

    List the key headings and sort them into a logical order

  6. 按字母顺序排列的职业大全提供了有助于课程选择的信息。

    An A to Z of careers gives helpful information about courses .

  7. 将事情按优先顺序排列能有效地避免把精力浪费在无意义的工作上。

    Getting your priorities in order is a good way to not waste energy on meaningless pursuits .

  8. 索引按字母顺序排列。

    The index is arranged in alphabetical order .

  9. 图书馆有一份所有藏书的目录,按字母顺序排列。

    The library has a catalogue of all its books , arranged in alphabetical order .

  10. 这份名单是按年龄顺序排列的。

    The list is arranged in years .

  11. 这本书的试题是按难易程度顺序排列的。

    The tests in this book are arranged in order of difficulty .

  12. 姓名按顺序排列。

    The names are arranged in order .

  13. 那个钉子穿过那些收据并使之按顺序排列。

    The spike pierced the receipts and held them in order .

  14. 在词典中,词是按照字母拼写顺序排列的。

    In dictionaries , words are listed according to their orthography .

  15. Index提供按字母顺序排列的DB2相关术语和主题链接的列表。

    Index Provides an alphabetized list of DB2-related terms and topics with links .

  16. 基因按照顺序排列在染色体上,包含构成生命的DNA。

    Genes are organized along chromosomes . These contain molecules of DNA , the building blocks of life .

  17. 降序按从z到a的顺序排列所选“排序方式”下的结果。

    Descending sorts the results from z-a for the sort by criteria selected .

  18. W:你要这些卡依照姓氏接字母的顺序排列?

    W : You want the cards in alphabetical order using the last names ? M : Right .

  19. 最后,在最近的GlobalCoolingUserCommunity会议上提出了一个按优先顺序排列的问题列表,这不仅是操作人员,而且系统管理员,经理,以及区域用户都可以看到。

    Finally , the recent Global Cooling User Community meeting raised a prioritized list of issues seen by not only operators , but also system administrators , managers , and field users .

  20. 本文首先针对MIMO-OFDM系统的自适应调制技术进行研究。利用奇异值分解把MIMO-OFDM信道转化成一系列并行的子信道,然后将这些子信道按照信道增益从大到小的顺序排列。

    In this paper , the adaptive modulation techniques for MIMO-OFDM systems are first studied .

  21. LASTNAME在每个DEPTNO内按随机顺序排列,但like值是连续的。

    LASTNAME is in random order within each DEPTNO , but like values are contiguous .

  22. 当所有的代码已经按这种方法过滤了一遍之后,uniquelines将会只会包含它们中唯一的子集,按照遇见的先后顺序排列。

    When all the lines have been filtered in this way , unique_lines will contain only the unique subset of them , in the order in which they were first encountered .

  23. 细胞内顺铂AUC顺序排列为:溶液脂质体纳米粒。

    The order of cellular AUC was CDDP solution liposomes GPs-Pt .

  24. 用按优先顺序排列的服务器端GSS-API插件名称列表更新数据库管理器配置参数srvcongsspluginlist。

    Update the database manager configuration parameter srvcon_gssplugin_list with the name of the server-side GSS-API plug-ins in the order of preference .

  25. 结果产生心理问题的危险因素按其影响力大小顺序排列为:EPQN,EPQE,谈恋爱,失恋过;

    Results The dangerous factors of mental health status were as fellows : EPQ N , EPQ E , being in love , losing love .

  26. TODO列表(按优先级顺序排列)

    TODO List ( roughly in order of priority )

  27. Hilbert空间中Bessel列的算子扰动包含按字母表顺序排列的电话用户及其电话号码的手册。

    Operator perturbations of Bessel sequences in a Hilbert space a directory containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers and their telephone numbers .

  28. 变数都是可选择的,而且应该以'前','分隔符','后'的顺序排列。你可以在每个区内使用HTML。

    The variables are all optional , and should be placed in the order'before ' , 'separator ' , 'after ' . You can use HTML inside each of the fields .

  29. 在DEPTNOA01中,索引行将不以LASTNAME顺序排列。

    The index rows will not be in LASTNAME order within DEPTNO A01 .

  30. 在默认情况下,“brandname”是按字母顺序排列的。

    By default , the " brandname " column will be in alphabetical order .