
zhǒnɡ qún shēnɡ wù xué
  • population biology
  1. 微卫星DNA作为一种优良的遗传标记在分子生态学领域得到了广泛应用,本文综述了其在分子种群生物学、分子环境遗传学、分子适应等研究领域中的应用情况。

    Microsatellite DNA has been widely used as a good genetic marker in molecular ecology . This paper reviewed its application in molecular population biology , molecular environmental genetics , and molecular adaptation .

  2. 云南埃及伊蚊实验种群生物学特性初步观察

    Preliminary Population Biology Characteristics Observation of Aegypti in Yunnan

  3. 连翘种群生物学特征与种质资源研究

    Study on the Biology Characteristics and Resource Effect of Forsythia Suspense

  4. 四川花生蛴螬种类调查及优势种群生物学特性研究

    Studies on peanut tumblebug larva species and biology characteristics in Sichuan

  5. 云南红豆杉种群生物学研究

    Study on the Population Biology of Taxus Yunnanensis

  6. 微卫星标记在种群生物学研究中的应用

    Applications of microsatellites in population biology

  7. 台湾棘带吸虫的种群生物学&第一中间宿主中华长尾螺的种群结构与感染

    The Population Biology of Centrocestus formosanus ─ The Infection and Population Structure of the First Intermediate Host of Melanoides tuberculate chinensis

  8. 种子扩散限制等种群生物学特性以及生境异质性影响可能是物种空间格局形成的主要机制。

    Biological characteristics ( e.g. seed dispersal limitation ), and environmental heterogeneity may be the important mechanism to shape species spatial pattern in this area .

  9. 栓皮栎种群生物学和生态学特性与环境因素共同作用是种群分布格局形成的主要因素,人为干扰对分布格局具有重要影响。

    The spatial distribution pattern of Q. variabilis populations was decided mainly by the interaction among the biological , ecological property and environmental factors , and influenced by the human disturbance .

  10. 该类害虫在入侵时以及入侵后在种群生物学和行为遗传学上发生了一系列的变异,使其成为一种入侵成功的外来生物。

    The genetic changes during or subsequent to introduction have led to alterations in its population biology and behavioral genetics ; these , in turn , have promoted the invasive success of RIFA .

  11. 需要开展对当地渔民的宣传教育和加强台湾海峡瓶鼻海豚等小型鲸类的种群生物学和保护生物学的研究。

    It is necessary to educate the local fishermen to realize the importance of marine mammal conservation , and enhance the studies on the population biology of bottlenose dolphins in the Taiwan Strait .

  12. 松毛虫赤眼蜂种群间生物学特性的比较研究Ⅳ.寄主选择和寄主的适合性

    Comparative studies on biological characteristics of geographic / host

  13. 苹果全爪螨实验种群的生物学特性及其田间消长规律的研究

    Study on Biology Character of Panonychus Ulmi Experiment Population and Its Field Pendulum

  14. 实验室条件下长角血蜱甘肃株孤雌生殖种群的生物学特性

    Biological characteristics of parthenogenesis population of Haemaphysalis longicornis Gansu strain under laboratory conditions

  15. 对三个种群的生物学、形态学等结果进行比较分析。

    The biology , morphology of three population legume pod borers had been comparative analysis .

  16. 以5种不同蔬菜对黄曲条跳甲进行长达6个月的越冬世代饲养,观察比较了不同寄主饲养的黄曲条跳甲实验种群的生物学特性。

    Based on6-month rearing of overwinter-generation of P.striolata , the author observed and contrasted the biological characteristics of populations reared on5 different host plants .

  17. 上述结果的产生是两个不同种群的生物学特性的反映,并提示了不同群落微环境对种群分化的影响,以及与森林演替群落的相关性。

    The above results reflected the biological characteristics of the two different species suggesting the significant effect of microenvironment of different community on population differentiation and its relationship of which to forest succession resulted in genetic divergence .

  18. 家蝇不同地理种群形态学、生物学比较及遗传分化研究

    Morphology , Biology and Genetic Differentiation of Different Geographical Populations in Musca Domestica

  19. 柑桔潜叶蛾成虫对寄主和产卵部位的选择是其生存和种群发展的生物学基础。

    Citrus leafminer lives only on the tender part of citrus trees so that the detection of edible host plant is crucial to its survival and population development .

  20. 并对其分布、运动模式、生理特性、年龄和生长、繁殖、食性以及种群结构等生物学作了具体的阐述。

    In addition , some aspects of bigeye tuna biology including their distribution , migration model , physiology feature , age and growth , spawning , diet and population structure were discussed .

  21. 综述了中国香蕉根结线虫的种类、种群分布、生物学特性和防治等方面的研究进展,并就其进一步的研究作一展望。

    Advances in banana root-knot nematodes , including species identification , population distribution , bionomics and their control in China were reviewed , and their future researches were also prospected in this paper .

  22. 种群的基本特征和种群生物学的进展

    The fundamental characteristics of population and the advance of population biology

  23. 病原菌与自然植物种群Ⅱ病原菌与植物种群生物学

    PATHOGENIC FUNGI AND NATURAL PLANT POPULATION S ⅱ . Pathogenic fungi and plant population biology

  24. 3个猕猴种群的聚类分析结果显示,湘鄂、闽粤猕猴种群间的生物学距离相对较近,而太行山猕猴与前二种种群间的距离均较远。

    The biological distance in Taihang Mountains rhesus macaque is further than that of the rhesus macaque population between Hunan and Hubei to Fujian and Guangdong .