
  • 网络biology
  1. 生物学科的特点决定了生物STS教学的优越性。

    The characteristics of biology determine the advantages of biological STS education .

  2. 生物学科研究性学习对学生学习兴趣的影响

    Effects of Biology Research Learning on the Students ' Learning Interest

  3. 分类学可以说是最古老,最基础而又最包罗万象的一门生物学科。

    Taxonomy can lay claim to being the oldest , the most basic and the most all-embracing of the biological sciences .

  4. 异种器官移植(Xenotransplantation,XT)是未来生物学科中的重要研究领域之一。

    Xenotransplantation is one of the important biological research fields .

  5. 基于生物学科系统回顾法的智能信息处理研究

    Intelligent Information Process of Biological Science Based on System Backcasting

  6. 评教活动对学生学习生物学科的学习能力有好的影响。

    Assessment of the activities has a good effect on students'learning ability .

  7. 两种农业、生物学科全文期刊数据库评价分析

    An Assessment of 2 Agricultural and Biological Full-text E-Journals Databases

  8. 中学生物学科的德育功能及其实施

    The Moral Educational Function and Its Implementation of Biology in Middle School

  9. 中学生物学科德育若干问题探讨

    Probe of Some Moral Education Problems in Middle-school Biology Teaching

  10. 生物学科科学方法教育初探

    An Approach to the Education of Scientific Method in Biology

  11. 提高生物学科实验教学质量的探索

    Study of improving the teaching quality of biological experiment

  12. 高中生物学科研究性学习探析

    On Exploring Study of Biology in Senior Middle School

  13. 生物学科研究性学习的实践与探索

    The practice and exploration of investigating learning with in the subject of biology

  14. 虚拟植物的构建及在生物学科教学中的应用

    Virtual plant 's simulation and application in biological teaching

  15. 云南大学生物学科55周年

    Fifty Five Years of Biology of Yunnan University

  16. 离开了实验,也就没有了生物学科。

    No biological science will exist without experiment .

  17. 高中生物学科中探究性学习的探索

    The Exploration of Inquiry Learning in Senior Biology

  18. 初中生物学科的探究性学习

    Research-Based Learning in the Junior Course of Biology

  19. 师范类大学生心理压力的调查研究中师生物学科素质教育摭谈

    Research on the Mental Pressure in Normal Schools On Quality Education for Students in Normal Schools

  20. 运用了文献研究法、教育实验法对高中生物学科探究性学习策略的理论和实践进行了研究。

    This paper develops theoretical and practical research according to the teaching strategy of inquiry learning .

  21. 生物学实验能力是生物学科教育培养的重要能力,是高考生物学科能力考查的突出主题。

    It is important to foster the students ' ability of Biological experiment in Biology teaching .

  22. 与之相适应的教学策略是一种富有创造性的,具有生物学科自身教学特色的操作对策系统。

    The teaching strategies thus designed combined to develop an innovative and creative operational countermeasure system .

  23. 随着生命科学的迅猛发展,高校生物学科教育也不断革新。

    With the rapid development of life science , biological courses in universities have been reformed continuously .

  24. 批判性思维与生物学科成绩有显著的相关关系。

    There is an apparent correlation between the students ' critical thinking and academic performance in biology .

  25. 不了解生物学科发展脉络,对生物史上的重大事件知之甚少。

    Know little about academic development of biological context , and the development of major events . 4 .

  26. 学生在学校的主要时间都是用于学科学习,因此,笔者同时做了如何在生物学科中培养高中生自主学习能力的实验研究。

    Therefore , the author has done experimental research in cultivating students ' autonomous learning ability in biology .

  27. 师范院校文科化学课程改革探讨中师生物学科素质教育摭谈

    Exploration of Reforming Chemical Courses for Arts Students in Normal Schools On Quality Education for Students in Normal Schools

  28. 教师适时指导,结合生物学科特点教授学生阅读技能。

    The teachers should instruct properly and provide the students reading skills binding with the characteristics of biology . 4 .

  29. 本论文反映了笔者在高中生物学科教学中对中学生进行关爱生命教育的研究过程。

    The papers discussed the research proceed that care of life education is carried on in the senior middle school teaching .

  30. 随着社会的发展,人类越来越重视健康问题,与此同时,生物学科地位也逐渐升高。

    With the development of society , people paid attention to the health ; the status of biology was also increased .