
  • 网络life philosophy;a philosophy of life
  1. 道教生命哲学与刘勰的养气说

    Life Philosophy of Taoism and Liu Xie 's Theory of Yangqi

  2. 以独尊的主观战斗精神为核心的生命哲学;

    Life philosophy taken mono-honored subjective struggle spirit as core ;

  3. 论柏格森生命哲学及其伦理意义

    On the Philosophy of Life From Henri Bergson and Ethic Means

  4. 儒家是一种鸢飞鱼跃、活泼有致的生命哲学,重日用伦常,提倡和谐中庸之美。

    It is a kind of philosophy attitude to the life .

  5. 道教生命哲学的内在构造及现代意义

    The Inner Structure of Taoist Philosophy of Life and Its Modern Significance

  6. 生命哲学视域中的体育课程观内蕴

    Philosophy Implication of Physical Education Course Viewpoint in the Vision of Life

  7. 生命哲学被认为是一种具有生命力的哲学。

    Life philosophy has been regarded as a philosophy with enduring vitality .

  8. 《淮南子》生命哲学研究

    A Research into the Life Philosophy of Huai Nan Zi

  9. 顿悟,是一种清清明明的生命哲学。

    They are condiments for enlightenment , a true philosophy of life .

  10. 生命哲学与中国哲学的历史和未来

    Lebens philosophy in the history and future of Chinese philosophy

  11. 生存意识的觉醒与生命哲学的现代转型&兼及郑晓江教授的死亡哲学观

    Wakening of Survival Awareness and Modern Transition of Living Philosophy

  12. 通过对中国艺境的文化哲学基础的探寻,揭示了传统哲学的生命哲学品格;

    In search for the underlying culture philosophy of Chinese artistic conception .

  13. 生命哲学视野下的教育反思

    Reflection on Education : A Perspective from Life Philosophy

  14. 这个课程,是一个探讨佛法当中的生命哲学思想的课程。

    This course is a instruction of life philosophical thinkings upon Buddha dharma .

  15. 中西生命哲学理论的历史演进及展望

    Historical Evolutions and Expectations on The Theory of Chinese and Western Life Philosophy

  16. 他的学术方法是援生命哲学入儒。

    His academic means is expounding the Confucius ' thoughts with life philosophy .

  17. 浅析陶渊明生命哲学的两个层次

    The Two Aspects of Tao Yuan-ming 's Life Philosophy

  18. 试论劳伦斯小说对生命哲学的探索

    On the Life Philosophical Exploration of Lawrence 's Novels

  19. 生命哲学视域中的教师文化

    The Teacher Culture in the Horizon of Life Philosophy

  20. 面向克隆技术的生命哲学构想

    Conceiving Philosophy of Life in Face of Cloning Technique

  21. 图腾美学与生命哲学的诗化实践

    Totem Aesthetics and Poetic Practice of Life Philosophy

  22. 梁漱溟与柏格森的生命哲学

    Liang Shuming and Bergson 's Philosophy of Life

  23. 绵延是柏格森生命哲学的核心概念。

    Duration is the central conception in Bergsonism .

  24. 无名氏小说的生命哲学轨迹

    Life Philosophical Orbit of Wu Mingshi 's Novel

  25. 论中国古代生殖文化与传统生命哲学

    On ancient Chinese reproduction culture and traditional Life-philosophy

  26. 罗光生命哲学视野中的动态生命观

    " The Dynamic View on Life " in Luo Guang 's Philosophy on Life

  27. 生命哲学视角下的高校思想政治教育策略思考

    The Strategies of University Ideological and Political Education under the Perspective of Life Philosophy

  28. 向死而生&论鲁迅的生命哲学

    " Being " towards " Death " & On LuXun 's Philosophy of Life

  29. 生命哲学中的教学理念蕴涵

    The view of teaching in life philosophy

  30. 劳伦斯的生命哲学与文艺观

    Lawrence 's Life Philosophy and Literary Conception