
fēi lǐ xìng zhǔ yì
  • irrationalism
非理性主义[fēi lǐ xìng zhǔ yì]
  1. 在表现方法上,后现代主义设计呈现出非理性主义特征。

    In terms of expression method , post-modernistic design rejects irrationalism .

  2. 《童心说》的义理结构与中国非理性主义文学思想之发轫

    On Childishness and the Birth of Literary Thought of Irrationalism

  3. 理性主义与非理性主义是西方哲学史上的两大对立思潮。

    Rationalism and non rationalism are two opposite tides in western philosophy .

  4. 社会转型期非理性主义思潮评析

    Irrationalism Ideological Trend Analysis in Transformation Period of the Society

  5. 理性主义发展观与非理性主义发展观探索精神分析理论的非理性主义

    Analysis on rationalism development and non-rationalism development viewpoints Non-rationalism in Psychoanalysis Theory

  6. 非理性主义倾向是现代人本主义伦理学的一个较为普遍的特征。

    The irrational orientation is a general feature of modern humanistic ethics .

  7. 理性主义与非理性主义的尖锐对立。

    The spiritual conflict between the rationalism and the non-rationalism .

  8. 现代非理性主义的本质及其主要形态

    The Essence of Contemporary Irrationalism and Its Main Forms

  9. 尼采、瓦格纳与纳粹文化的非理性主义

    The Irrationalism of Nietzsche 、 Wagner and Nazi Culture

  10. 叔本华的非理性主义哲学和美学思想对后世影响很大。

    Schopenhauer 's irrationalistic philosophy and aesthetic thinking have great influence on later generations .

  11. 非理性主义思潮与现代派文学

    The Trends of Irrationalism and Literature of Modernism

  12. 非理性主义与基督教哲学中上帝的消解

    Irrationalism and Disintegration of God in Christian philosophy

  13. 批判非理性主义的目的在于重构人类精神图景。

    Irrationalism criticism aims to reconstruct human spirit .

  14. 生存矛盾与非理性主义转向

    Survival Contradiction and Non - rationalism Turn

  15. 精神分析理论的非理性主义

    Non - rationalism in Psycho analysis Theory

  16. 非理性主义突出本我,容易造成享乐主义文化的出现。

    Non-rationalism highlights id , which easily leads to the emergence of the hedonist culture .

  17. 非理性主义的延伸&后现代主义

    Post-modernism & the Extension of Irrationalism

  18. 黑尔反对现代元伦理学中的非理性主义,特别是斯蒂文森的极端情感主义。

    Hare objects the modern irrationalism of meta-ethics , particularly on the extreme emotionalism of Stevenson .

  19. 非理性主义使流行音乐(尤其是摇滚)表现出反理性、反传统的维度。

    Irrationalism shows the anti-rationalism and anti-tradition dimensions of popular music ( especially rock & roll ) .

  20. 现代人本主义则在理性主义和非理性主义的交战中,进行着对人的追问。

    The Modern Humanism finished the question of human by the minitance between rationalism and non - rationalism .

  21. 费伊阿本德从其相对主义与非理性主义的立场,提出消解划界标准;

    From his point of view of relativism and irrationalism , Feyerabend tries to dissolve the demarcation problem .

  22. 现代西方人本主义的非理性主义的转向是对绝对理性的反叛。

    The contemporary change of human-basis doctrine into non-rationalism in western countries is a rebel of absolute rationalism .

  23. 西方非理性主义发展的内在逻辑初探思维过程的内在区别与统一&对思维现代性的现实分析与探讨

    Discussion on the inherent logic of the western irrationalism development Inner difference and unity of the human thinking activity

  24. 首先,通过对克尔凯郭尔的思想背景的探源,揭示其非理性主义倾向和反抗思辨哲学(黑格尔)的基本思想特征。

    The first to show the essential characteristic of Kierkegaard 's thought - irrationalism that is oppose to speculative philosophy .

  25. 他不赞同直觉主义的非理性主义倾向,认为伦理学应当是理性主义的学说。

    He is opposed to the irrational inclination of intuitionism ; instead , he believes that ethics should be rational .

  26. 只有把理性主义发展观和非理性主义发展观整合才能建构出我们时代新的发展观。

    Only cooperation of rationalism development viewpoints and non rationalism development viewpoints can construct our times ' and new development viewpoints .

  27. 始自叔本华、尼采的非理性主义思潮在这一时期已经发展成为萨特等提出存在主义哲学,它不可阻挡之势席卷了整个欧美知识界。

    The irrationalism starting from Schopenhauer and Nietzsche found its descendent & Sartre and his existentialism which swept the western intelligentsia .

  28. 黑格尔之后的非理性主义对自我的理解超越了近代认识论的视野,但仍有传统形而上学的残余。

    After Hegel , the Self comprehended in non-rationalism has transcended the view of epistemology , but it still exists in metaphysics .

  29. 人类正在面临的知识转型的实质是东西方文化的整合,是理性主义与非理性主义的整合,是唯物主义与唯心主义的整合。

    The essence of knowledge transformation is integration of the oriental with occidental culture , rationalism with irrationalism , materialism with mentalism .

  30. 源于西方的非理性主义思潮,对处于社会转型期的中国发生着双重影响。

    The irrationalism ideology trend originated from western country has a dual influence on China being in transformation period of the society .