
  1. 非法获取公民个人信息罪的设立为个人信息的保护提供了刑法保障,但是对该罪的理解直接影响着本罪的适用。

    The crime of illegal procuring citizens ' personal information is providing the criminal protection for personal information , but understanding of the crime is directly affecting the application .

  2. 《刑法修正案(七)》新增的非法获取公民个人信息罪,为保障公民个人信息安全提供了法律依据,是我国立法的重大突破。

    The new crime of illegally obtaining personal information of citizens in " Criminal Law Amendment ( 7 )", provide a legal basis for the protection of security of personal information , it is a crucial breakthrough in our legislation .

  3. 韩飞龙(PeterHumphrey)上周被判犯有非法获取中国公民个人信息罪,这起案件受到银行、对冲基金和私募股权公司的密切关注,目的是寻找在中国开展尽职调查的线索。

    When Peter Humphrey was convicted last week of illegally obtaining the personal information of Chinese citizens , it ended a case that had been closely watched by banks , hedge funds and private equity firms for clues about doing due diligence in China .

  4. 一是出售、非法提供公民个人信息罪;二是窃取、非法获取公民个人信息罪。

    One is " sell , illegally providing personal information crime "; the other is " stealing , illegal access to personal information " .