
fēi yín hánɡ jīn rónɡ jī ɡòu
  • Non bank financial institutions;nonbanking financial institution
  1. 创建非银行金融机构债务的最后担保,类似于通过联邦存款保险公司(FederalDePositInsuranceCorporation)为银行提供的担保。

    Create a backstop for non-bank financial firm debt that mimics the guarantee provided via the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for banks .

  2. 香港本土最大的非银行金融机构&新鸿基金融(SunHungKaiFinancial)执行董事唐登(JosephTong)表示:新协议只带来了竞争,而没有业务。

    It is bringing only competition and not business , says Joseph Tong , executive director at Sun Hung Kai Financial Group , Hong Kong 's largest local non-bank financial institution .

  3. 美国政府高层官员正积极研究一些选择,利用7000亿美元纾困法案所赋予的权力,帮助这些非银行金融机构&其范围从小型消费者和企业金融业务到GECapital等大型金融公司。

    Senior officials are actively reviewing options to use authorities conferred by the $ 700bn rescue legislation to help these firms , which range from small consumer and business finance operations to large financial firms , such as GE Capital .

  4. 但是,印度很注意合理运用WTO的有关规则来维护自己的利益,开放承诺同银行、非银行金融机构、证券、保险业等的现状有很大的差距。

    In fact , there will be a long way to go from the present condition of the banks , securities companies , insurance companies and other financial institutions of India to fulfillment of the promise to open up India 's financial sector .

  5. 加入WTO后,我国将在3年内向外资企业开放汽车外贸权和分销权,将允许外资非银行金融机构提供汽车金融服务,同时,其他汽车服务业也将相应开放。

    After entering into WTO China will open vehicle foreign trade right and sales distribution right to the foreign capital enterprises within 3 years , and permit foreign capital non-banking financial departments providing vehicle financial service . Meanwhile the other vehicle service items will open respectively .

  6. 所谓认可本地机构投资者机制(QualifiedDomesticInstitutionalInvestor简称QDII),就是在资本市场尚未完全开放的国家,容许本国居民和企业通过认可的本地非银行金融机构投资境外资本市场。

    What is called qualified domestic institutional investor mechanism ? It is a mechanism in the country whose capital market is not completely open which permits the national residents and enterprises invest in the foreign capital market through its approved financial institutions that is not a bank .

  7. 银行与非银行金融机构的合作研究

    A Research of the Cooperation Between Bank and Non-bank Financial Institutions

  8. 我国非银行金融机构重整制度研究

    A Study on Non-bank Financial Institutions ' Reorganization System in China

  9. 向境内非银行金融机构和企业投资的;

    The bank makes investment in non-banking financial institutions and enterprises ;

  10. 整顿和规范非银行金融机构取得重要进展。

    Significant progress was made in rectifying and standardizing nonbank financial institutions .

  11. 如今,华融已经改头换面,成为一家非银行金融机构。

    Today , Huarong has reinvented itself as a non-bank financial institution .

  12. 笔者认为,小额贷款公司是经营贷款业务的非银行金融机构。

    I believe that the micro-credit company belongs to non-bank financial institutions .

  13. 加快发展中小非银行金融机构;

    Speeding up the development of the small non - bank associations ;

  14. 在准入后,非银行金融机构,如财务公司可提供汽车融资。

    For example non-bank finance institution , financial corporation may provide auto financing .

  15. 网上非银行金融机构行为研究

    Research on behaviors of on-line non-bank financial institutions

  16. 通过银行或非银行金融机构向关联方提供委托贷款;

    Providing an associated party with entrustment loans through bank or non-bank financial institution ;

  17. 作为非银行金融机构的典当业,在社会经济发展中起到了拾遗补缺的作用。

    As a non banking financial institution , pawn broking plays a supplementary role in social economic development .

  18. “开户金融机构”是指经批准经营外汇业务的银行和非银行金融机构。

    Financial institutions of deposit refers to banks and non-bank financial institutions having a foreign exchange business license .

  19. 非银行金融机构的竞争始于银行业工具创新的驱动。

    The competition of non-banking financial institutions started a drive toward innovation of the tools of the banking industry .

  20. 我国现有的非银行金融机构,不具备专业办理汽车消费信贷的要求。

    The existing non-bank financial agencies in China have no right to deal with the auto consumer credit professionally .

  21. 另一方面,外资银行和非银行金融机构将不断涌入。

    On the other hand , foreign banks and non-bank financial intermediaries will pour in the Chinese money market .

  22. 主要出资人须为汽车企业、非银行金融机构。

    In case of the largest investor , it shall be an auto enterprise or a non-bank financial institution .

  23. 商业银行和非银行金融机构,主要通过市场融通资金,改善资产负债结构。

    Commercial banks and non-bank commercial institutions finance the funds and improve the structure of assets and liabilities through markets .

  24. 国有商业银行、农村信用社、保险公司和非银行金融机构的各项改革深入进行。

    Such reformations have been deepened in state-owned commercial bank , rural credit cooperative , insurance company and non-banking financial institutions .

  25. 企业集团财务公司是由集团各企事业单位出资组建,并由集团公司控股,以加强企业集团资金集中管理和提高企业集团资金使用效率为目的,为企业集团成员单位提供财务管理服务的非银行金融机构。

    Enterprise group finance company is a kind of non-bank financial institution , which is founded and controlled by enterprise group .

  26. 清理、整顿非银行金融机构和地方性金融机构,化解金融机构的风险。

    We should inspect and rectify non-bank and local financial institutions , reduce the risks of financial institutions and maintain financial stability .

  27. 研究将非银行金融机构纳入大额和可疑外汇资金交易报告体系。

    Is it include non-banking financial institution in big volume and suspicious foreign exchange funds trade report the system to to study .

  28. 不仅银行业内部竞争激烈,而且面临非银行金融机构的竞争。

    Not only the inside competition of the banking is fierce , but also face the competition that come from no-financial institution .

  29. 财务公司是为加强企业集团资金集中管理和提高企业集团资金使用效率成立的,是为企业集团成员单位提供财务管理服务的非银行金融机构。

    Financial Companies are established for the purpose of reinforcing centralized capital controlling and improving efficiency of the usage of enterprise capital .

  30. 这一神话鼓励了银行和未接受监管的非银行金融机构(即银子银行)的过度放贷。

    That myth has helped encourage excessive lending , both by banks and the unregulated non-bank financial sector & so-called shadow banks .