
  1. 采用对比分析法,主要论述受贿罪与非国家工作人员受贿罪的区别。

    Using comparative analysis , discusses the bribery crime and bribery difference .

  2. 非国家工作人员受贿罪为公司、企业人员受贿罪修改而来。

    Non-national personnel for taking bribes , bribery crime modification .

  3. 分析与评价:非国家工作人员受贿罪

    Analysis and Evaluation of the Bribery Crime of Non-official Servant

  4. 非国家工作人员受贿罪若干问题研究

    A Number of Exploration of the Non-governmental Staff Bribery Crime

  5. 近期在社会上引起很大反响的中国足球裁判贿赂案件即属于非国家工作人员受贿罪的范畴。

    The football referee bribery cases recently aroused great repercussion in the community that belongs to the category of non-national staff taking bribes .

  6. 在《刑法修正案(六)》通过后,非国家工作人员受贿罪在打击商业贿赂中发挥了重要作用。

    In " Criminal Law Amendment ( 6 )" after the passage of non-national staff in the fight against commercial bribery , bribery played a major role .

  7. 非国家工作人员受贿罪属于妨害对公司、企业的管理秩序罪中的一个罪,同时也属于贿赂犯罪的表现形式之一。

    Non-Governmental Staff Bribery Crime is one specific kind of the crimes that encumber the managerial order of companies and corporations , and one manifestation of bribery crime .

  8. 非国家工作人员受贿罪是在1997年《刑法》第163条公司、企业人员受贿罪的基础之上,经过《刑法修正案(六)》的修改而来。

    Non-national staff of taking bribes in 1997 , " Penal Code " Article 163 companies , is on the basis of the crime of accepting bribes committed by an employee of a company or enterprise , after the changes of " Criminal Law Amendment ( 6 )" to come .

  9. 针对争议较大的非国家工作人员在受贿罪共同犯罪中的法律地位的中外五种刑法理论进行详尽的论证,得出非国家工作人员可以构成共同犯罪的实行犯,帮助犯和教唆犯的结论。

    In view of the controversy of what legal position that the non-country personnel staff to be , demonstrate exhaustively the Sino-foreign five kind criminal law theory , yield the conclusion that the non-country personnel staff also can constitute the abettor and the instigator of the co-commit .

  10. 从受贿罪共同犯罪的基本构成上,论述了在受贿罪共同犯罪中非国家工作人员可以构成受贿罪的共犯;

    From the basic constitution of joint bribery crime , it discussed that non-statpersonnel can constitute the accomplice of bribery crime ;

  11. 文章正文约2万字,共分为五个部分。第一部分:非国家工作人员可以构成受贿罪共犯。

    The full text of about 22,000 words , is divided into five parts . Part ⅰ: Whether do the non-country staff constitute the bribery crime accomplice .

  12. 本文对非国家工作人员不能构成受贿罪共犯的观点的三点理由及其理论基础进行了批驳,明确肯定非国家工作人员可以构成受贿罪共犯。

    In this paper , the author , after putting forward three reason that non-state staff could not be an accomplice in the crime of taking bribe and repudiating its theoretical basis , affirms definitely that non-state worker can be an accomplice of this crime .

  13. 非国家工作人员可以构成共同受贿罪的共犯。2、国家工作人员能否构成的共同受贿罪共同实行犯的问题在刑法理论上存在肯定说、否定说和折衷说的观点。

    2 , nonstate functionaries can be joint practicer of joint acceptance of bribes .

  14. 受贿罪是身份犯,非国家工作人员不能单独构成受贿罪,但可以构成受贿罪的共犯。

    Non-state functionary can 't be the subject of Crime of accepting bribes alone , but can be the accomplice .

  15. 最后综合以上的研究,提出应将非物质性利益纳入本罪的贿赂范围、将非国家工作人员间接受贿罪纳入本罪调整范围以及完善本罪的刑罚设置等完善相关立法的建议。

    At the end of the study , puts forward the above should be intangible interests into the bribery crime and non-national staff indirect bribery crime , adjusting range and perfect into the punishment of crime , setting of the relevant legislation perfect suggestion .