
  • 网络unbalanced development theory
  1. 增长极理论是非均衡发展理论的重要内容。

    Growth pole theory is the important content of unbalanced development theory .

  2. 是我国经济与国际经济非均衡发展理论与实践经验的总结和概括。

    It summarized and generalized the thoery and practice of uneven development of national and international economy .

  3. 区域要素流动是区域经济这个中观经济问题的一个微观基础,它涉及微观经济中的要素流动与分配理论和区域经济学中的非均衡发展理论。

    The regional transfer of production elements is the foundation of regional economy , which is connected with non-balance-development theory .

  4. 第二章主要介绍了区域发展的相关理论,包括区域均衡发展理论和区域非均衡发展理论。

    The second chapter mainly introduces the regional development theories , including the regional balanced development theory and regional non-balanced development theory .

  5. 民族区域经济协调发展是由中国经济不平衡发展所决定的,是根据非均衡发展理论,结合民族区域经济不平衡发展的特点而提出的一项经济战略。

    The smooth economic development of the ethnic regions is a strategy based on the fact that the economic development in China is unbalanced .

  6. 首先,本文对区域非均衡发展理论、经济增长收敛理论进行了分析、归纳和总结,对测算区域经济差异的各种指标和测算方法进行了分析和比较。

    Firstly , the thesis reviewed the non-balanced theory and the convergence theory , analyzed and compared the index and methods of measuring disparities of regional economy .

  7. 笔者从财政分权理论、扁平化组织结构理论、区域非均衡发展理论、委托代理理论四个理论视角论述了改革的必要性。

    This paper quotes fiscal decentralization theory , flattening organizational structure theory , regional imbalance development theory and the principal-agent theory to prove the feasibility of the reform .

  8. 本篇论文按照区域经济非均衡发展理论,对高碑店市区域经济发展不平衡进行研究分析,并进行综合评价,以科学的发展观为指导,提出高碑店市区域经济发展战略。

    This thesis analyzes the unbalanced regional economic development of the town of Gaobeidian , based on the theory of unbalanced development regional economy , and makes comprehensive evaluations , and then puts forward the regional economic development strategies from the viewpoint of scientific development .

  9. 地域分工理论、区域发展阶段理论和非均衡协调发展理论是区域经济政策三大理论基础。

    The regional economic policies are based on regional labour division theory , regional developing stage theory and nonbalance coordinative development theory .

  10. 其次,对增长极理论、区域经济发展累积循环理论、区域经济发展梯度推移理论、规模经济与集聚经济理论、经济地域运动理论等有关区域经济非均衡发展的理论进行评析;

    Secondly , this part makes an analysis and evaluation on theory of growth pole , accumulation and circulation theory of regional economy development , gradient spreading theory of regional economy development , theory of scale economy and congregation economy , motion theory of economic regions etc.