
  • 网络Non-standard Employment Relationship
  1. 对非标准劳动关系的调整重点应当放在宏观层次上,即以劳动基准法调整全部劳动关系,规定最低限度的标准,以保护弱势劳动者的社会利益。

    The adjustment of non-standard employment relationship should focus on the macro level , that is to use the labor standards law to adjust the minimum standards to protect the interests of vulnerable workers in society .

  2. 非标准劳动关系是近年来在我国出现和发展的新型劳动关系,由于其与传统劳动关系的不同,现行劳动法律制度对其调整较少,造成法律缺位。

    Non-standard Employment Relationship is a new employment relationship in China which comes to being and develops in recent years . Due to the differences with the traditional employment relationship , the existing legal system about legal relationship adjusts it less , resulting in lack of law .

  3. 笔者认为,劳动关系包括非标准劳动关系等事实劳动关系的成立,应该具备三个条件。

    Conditions for the establishment of labor relations should have three elements .

  4. 因此,同标准劳动关系一样,非标准劳动关系应当得到同等程度的法律保护。

    As with formal employment , informal employment should receive the same level of legal protection .

  5. 劳务派遣是一种有别于标准劳动关系的非标准劳动关系,是一种复合架构。

    Labor dispatching is a kind of non-standard employment relationship , which has a more complex frame .

  6. 非标准劳动关系的劳动基准主要包括工作时间和休息休假、工资以及劳动保护三个方面,本文分别对之提出了建议。

    The employment standards of the non-standard employment relation include working hours , rest and vacation , wages and labor protection .

  7. 然而我国劳动领域的一个重大的发展趋势就是非标准劳动关系的兴起。

    However , it is an important trend in relation to labor relations that the non-standard labor relations is increasing rapidly .

  8. 既然非标准劳动关系产生在新时代的背景下,必然会对标准劳动关系法律调整进行挑战。

    Since the non - standard labour relation appear in new times background , it will challenge the legal regulation of standard labour relation .

  9. 最后对非标准劳动关系的产生及其挑战进行了阐释。

    At the end of this chapter , the paper explains the reason of the appearance of this non-standard labour relation , its development and the challenge .

  10. 但是非标准劳动关系的从属性下降,使劳动关系的认定标准更加模糊,结果导致大量非标准劳动者被拒之于劳动法保护大门之外。

    It is more difficult to identify labor relations for subordinate character of non-standard labor relations decreases , and many non-standard workers can get protection by labor law .

  11. 法律调整的滞后甚至缺失,阻碍了非标准劳动关系的发展,也导致了实践中大量劳动者的权益不能得到充分保护的现象。

    The lack or even absence of legal regulation , which blocks the development of non-standard labour relation , cause that many labourers ' rights and interests cannot be protected by law .

  12. 所以我们必须完善现有法律调整,同时还要探索更适合非标准劳动关系的法律调整方法。

    So we have to improve the legal regulation , at the same time we also have to do research on the new legal regulation which is suitable for non-standard labour relation .

  13. 劳动力派遣,作为一种非标准劳动关系的新型劳动模式,自其产生以来因在各国都具有广泛的适用性而获得了长足的发展。

    As a new labor pattern of a kind of non-standard labor relationship , Labor Dispatch has been developed considerably because of its widespread applicability in various Countries since it came into being .

  14. 首先列举了11种非标准劳动关系,并基于劳动标准、用人单位组织管理和经营方式和是否独立于用人单位就业,把它们分成了三大类。

    The paper first enumerate eleven kinds of non - standard labour relation and put them into three categories by the standard of labour , the organization and management of employers and the independence of labourers .

  15. 通过标准劳动关系与非标准劳动关系的比较,找出了标准劳动关系与非标准劳动关系在劳动工时、劳动地点、劳动报酬、劳动规则、劳动关系和社会保障等方面存在着区别。

    By comparing the standard labour relation and non - standard labour relation , the paper finds out the differences exist in working-hour , working-place , the pay from work , the regulation of work and social security .

  16. 最后在上述理念的指导下,并根据第一、二部分中分析的问题和总结的特征,在立法基本内容、劳动工时和社会保障等方面,提出了我国非标准劳动关系法律调整的建议。

    According to the the concept above , the problems of legal regulation in the second chapter and the difference the in the first chapter , the paper gives suggestions on the legal regulation of non-standard labour relation at the end .

  17. 在二元劳动力市场理论下,家政服务业作为非正规就业,应纳入劳动法适用非标准劳动关系调整,调整方式相对于标准劳动关系更具灵活性。

    Under the theory of dual labor markets , as a kind of non-regular employment , household service relationship should apply the regulation of non-standard labor relationship .

  18. 最后本文对劳务派遣、家政服务、非全日制用工、勤工助学、退休返聘等非标准劳动关系中的几个常见类型作了分析并提出建议。

    Finally , this essay analyzes the employment dispatch , domestic service , part-time employment , work-study , Retirement Employment and other non-standard employment relationship and gives some recommendations .