
  • 网络Workplace Deviance;Workplace Deviant Behavior
  1. 应当建立和完善符合中国国情的工作场所越轨行为分类体系。

    A typology of workplace deviance with Chinese characteristics should be established and developed .

  2. 最近二十年人力资源和组织行为领域越来越多地关注组织行为阴暗面,其中有关工作场所越轨行为的研究颇具代表性。

    Researchers of human resources and organizational behavior have paid much more attention to " the dark side of organizational behavior " in recent two decades , in which workplace deviance behavior is of representative .

  3. 工作场所中越轨行为的定义、特性与分类体系解析

    Parsing the Definition , Peculiarities and Typology of Workplace Deviance