
ɡōnɡ shānɡ xínɡ zhènɡ ɡuǎn lǐ jī ɡuān
  • Administration for Industry and Commerce;governmental body of industry and commerce administration
  1. 工商行政管理机关是公司登记机关。

    The Administration for Industry and commerce is the company registration authority .

  2. 工商行政管理机关负责对中介活动的市场管理。

    The administrative organs of industry and commerce shall be responsible for the market administration of intermediary activities .

  3. 这种由工商行政管理机关对企业的法人资格和经营资格进行一体登记认定的制度,作者将其称为企业法人登记的一体制。

    These two qualifications are registered by the administrative departments for industry and commerce in a single procedure .

  4. 工商行政管理机关和其他有关行政执法机关应当销毁非法使用的人民币图样。

    Industrial and commercial administrations and other concerned administrative authorities concerned shall destroy images of RMB illegally used .

  5. 工商行政管理机关对外资企业的投资情况进行检查和监督。

    The industry and commerce administration authorities shall inspect and supervise the investment situation of an enterprise with foreign capital .

  6. 情节严重的,责令停业整顿,或者由工商行政管理机关吊销营业执照。

    For serious cases , they shall be ordered to stop operation for correction or have their business licenses revoked .

  7. 对违反规定的企业,由工商行政管理机关查处。

    Enterprises that commit violations of the provisions shall be investigated and dealt with by organs of industry and commerce administration .

  8. 商标代理组织应当接受工商行政管理机关的业务指导和行政监督。

    The trademark agency organizationsies are shall be subject to business instructions and administrative surveillance from administrations for Industry and commerce .

  9. 情节严重的,由工商行政管理机关处以罚款或者没收。

    Should the case be serious the State Administration for Industry and Commerce may impose a fine or confiscate the gold and silver .

  10. 传统的分级管理体系体例,限制和影响了工商行政管理机关职能作用的充足施铺。

    Tradition classification administration system , sufficiency having restricted and affecting the industrial and commercial administration organ function effect 's brings into play .

  11. 但中国工商行政管理机关出具的营业执照(副本)除外。

    But the business license ( copy ) issued by the department of industry and commerce administration of China shall be the exception .

  12. 市、县工商行政管理机关负责本辖区内的合伙企业登记。

    Municipal and county organs of industry and commerce administration shall be responsible for the partnership enterprise registration in areas under their respective jurisdiction .

  13. 损害赔偿,受害人可以请求县以上工商行政管理机关处理。

    With respect to claims for damages , the claimant may request the administrative departments for industry and commerce above the county level for handling .

  14. 工商行政管理机关在监督检查商业贿赂行为时,可以对行贿行为和受贿行为一并予以调查处理。

    The administrative departments for Industry and Commerce may , when supervising and inspecting commercial bribery , investigate and handle briberies and corruptions as a whole .

  15. 出资证明书应当抄送审查批准机关及工商行政管理机关。

    Copies of the investment certificates shall be put on the record of the examination and approval authorities , and administrative authorities for industry and commerce .

  16. 在我国,对企业登记审查的机关是工商行政管理机关,工商行政管理机关对企业登记申请进行的行为属于行政行为。

    In our country , the administrative bureau for industry and commerce is in charge of enterprise registration examination , which is held as administrative act .

  17. 工商行政管理机关是代表国家行使行政权力并运用行政权力,对商品生产者和经营者及其市场运行秩序进行管理和监督。

    The commercial administrative organ represents the nation to exercise the administrative power and operate it to monitor the marketing management of the producers and dealers .

  18. 对拒不接受审查的企业,由当地工商行政管理机关吊销营业执照。

    Those enterprises which do not pass evaluation shall have their retail business licenses revoked by the office of industrial and commercial administration in that locality .

  19. 工商行政管理机关是我国十分重要的行政执法机关,负责对市场的全面监管和行政执法。

    The industrial and commercial of the administrative body are the important administrative body in China . They were responsible for supervise the market and enforce law .

  20. 第五条广告的管理机关是国家工商行政管理机关和地方各级工商行政管理机关。

    Article 5 . The administrative organs controlling advertisements shall be the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and local administrative departments for industry and commerce at various levels .

  21. 工商行政管理机关在维护社会主义市场经济秩序的过程中,对违法经营的行为要依法予以取缔和处罚。

    Industrial and commercial administrative authorities in the maintenance of the socialist market economic order process , the illegal business behavior should be banned and punished according to law .

  22. 生产单位、储存单位、使用单位是指在工商行政管理机关进行了登记的法人或非法人单位。

    The production entities , storage entities and use entities shall refer to the legal persons or non-legal persons that have made registration with the industry and commerce authorities .

  23. 各地工商行政管理机关要严格区分两种不同类型的公告,不得擅自扩大法定公告范围。

    Administrative authorities for Industry and Commerce of all regions shall set strict lines between these two types of announcement and shall not enlarge the announcement scope without approval .

  24. 各地特别是沿海地区的工商行政管理机关,要对本地区从事非法境外期货交易活动的情况进行一次专项检查。

    The Aadministrative authorities for Iindustry and Ccommerce in all places , especially in coastal areas , should shall make a special inspection of the illegal overseaoverseas futures exchange activities .

  25. 该子系统包括简易/当场处罚程序模块、一般程序案件模块、流程回退功能模块,用来处理工商行政管理机关行政执法案件。

    This system is called the subsystem of the administrative law enforcement that includes the punishment on the spot modules , the ordinary cases modules , the reversible process modules .

  26. 经工商行政管理机关注销登记后,投资者所有的资产可以转让,外商的资金可以按有关规定汇出中国境外。

    After the cancellation of the business license , the investors'asserts can be transferred , and the capital of foreign investors can be remitted abroad in accordance with relevant rules .

  27. 更不得仅将统一代理发布权指定工商行政管理机关的报刊,排斥其他媒体刊登企业登记公告。

    They shall not grant the uniform agency right of issue to their affiliated newspapers or periodicals , and shall not deprive other media of the right to publicize registration announcements .

  28. 工商行政管理机关在行使前款所列职权时,有关当事人应当予以协助,不得拒绝。

    When the administrative department for Industry and Commerce exercises the functions and powers specified in the foregoing paragraphs , the parties concerned shall assist it and not refuse to comply .

  29. 对于向私营企业的摊派,私营企业有权拒绝提供,工商行政管理机关有权予以制止。

    The private enterprise has the right to refuse the apportion allotted to it , and the departments in charge of administration of industry and commerce are authorised to stop the apportion .

  30. 因有特殊原因,经工商行政管理机关核准使用两个名称的,其资金不得重复登记。

    Should there be special reasons , the enterprise may use two names after examination and approval by the Administration for Industry and Commerce , but its capital shall not be registered twice .