
  1. 非理性主义倾向是现代人本主义伦理学的一个较为普遍的特征。

    The irrational orientation is a general feature of modern humanistic ethics .

  2. 首先,通过对克尔凯郭尔的思想背景的探源,揭示其非理性主义倾向和反抗思辨哲学(黑格尔)的基本思想特征。

    The first to show the essential characteristic of Kierkegaard 's thought - irrationalism that is oppose to speculative philosophy .

  3. 他不赞同直觉主义的非理性主义倾向,认为伦理学应当是理性主义的学说。

    He is opposed to the irrational inclination of intuitionism ; instead , he believes that ethics should be rational .